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Three-position control


1. State-space models (discussed during classes)

2. Phase trajectory
It is a chart in which one can observe the dependence between a variable and its derivative
(or other function of the variable in which the derivative is included). It is often used when
state-space systems are analysed (often the state variables are connected with each other by
derivative). Phase trajectories are used for analysing stability and the system behaviour. By
plotting many phase trajectories on one chart, one obtains phase portrait of the system.
In this task we consider two types of trajectories:
- The output with its derivative
- The error with its derivative
3. Three-position control
In the three-position control, the controller (three-position relay) is composed with two
hysteresis loops as in the following figure:

where H is the width of hysteresis (we assume the same for both loops) , and B is known as dead
zone. For the standard three-position control, B>2H should hold.

4. Systems used in the first part of the task for three-position control (they are available in
The following systems are made (where the conrtrol object/plant is as given in lab. book, but
here we have it in a state-space version). We consider three-position control without
and with correction:

5. Relay servo drive

For this task, a servo drive relying on three position controller has to be built. We will
consider a basic scheme:
and a scheme with a velocity feedback:

Exercise and the report

1. Three-position control – simulations using Simulink/Xcos. The systems are made with the
plant defined in laboratory book (as shown before), (ThreePoz_model.slx (Simulink,
Matlab ver. R2015a), ThreePoz.zcos and ThreePozCorr.zcos (Xcos)). Before simulation
one needs to declare variables and after it – prepare charts (ThreePositionControl.m
(Matlab), dataThree.txt – data in a text file for Scilab). In the system we control a
temperature. We consider two types of three-position control:
a) without correction – please check the influence of H, B and Tref (reference
temperature). Check how values H, B, T0 can be read out from the sets of charts: y(t)
(or e(t)) with u(t) (assuming that we know Tref). Mark the values on a chosen set of
charts. (The way how those values can be read out should be known, it will also be
the topic of test 2.) Observe phase trajectories (for error e will be enough) and
shortly comment.
b) with correction – for chosen variables in the previous section, check the influence of
the correction, i.e., k1 and T1, on the behaviour and control quality (showing and
commenting the results). Then choose the best K1 and T1, show the obtained plots
and explain how the correction improved quality. Observe phase trajectories (for
error e will be enough) and shortly comment.
2. Relay servo drive
a) At the beginning, transfer function has to be transformed to a state-space
( )
representation (the basic method, for x1=y, x2=y’). Parameters kv and T have to be
chosen, for example: kv=5, T=6. Then the two schemes should be designed in
Simulink/Xcos using state-space model instead of transfer function (similarly as in the
first task). In the first approach of simulations, B=2 and H=0.5 can be used. The
reference signal is a unit step (one rotation of the servo). We will need phase
trajectories, hence the error and the derivative of the error (as in the previous task)
should be saved (‘to workspace’).
b) For the first system (without velocity feedback), check the influence of H and B on
the output/error and on the phase trajectory. Check how the switching lines can be
sketched on the trajectories (it is explained in the laboratory book) and how to read
out B and H from a given phase trajectory.
c) For the system with velocity feedback, check the influence of H, B and kt on the
output/error and on the phase trajectory. Check how the switching lines can be
sketched on the trajectories and how kt influences them (it is explained in the
laboratory book). Moreover, check how to read out B and H from a given phase

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