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Option A Reflection Form

Francis Towers Francisco is always seen in a good mood, he rarely shows tiredness and
usually it is at the beginning of the week. He has autonomy to choose games and to
make purchases at the school kiosk. He usually spends time at recess with his peers
and with older children, his favorite game is balls, he recognizes and accepts the rules
of the game. His behavior is appropriate for his age, he does not participate in fights or
discussions between students, if this happens immediately he resorts to the EA of him
away from the conflict or sometimes he goes to the teacher to report it. affective and
behavioral area His social skills were improving over the months, at first he used to go
out to recess and stay with his companion, he was not used to being very affectionate.
Implemented strategies: Autonomy was prioritized, inviting them to share the game
with their peers at recess, establishing a fluid and warm communication, generating a
climate of trust where the accompanied could express their needs and ask for help if
they needed it, without the need to stay together. to her teacher. cognitive area
Francisco usually has short periods of absences where he must be summoned
repeatedly to continue with the activity, his attention spans are very short, this causes
him to lose his work rhythm. He needs the explanation to be individualized so that he
can develop the slogan. He does not achieve work autonomy. It is observed that his
learning is slower in relation to the rhythm of the group in general. He writes slowly and
with difficulty although he recognizes all the letters of the alphabet, he is unable to
write spontaneously, he is overwhelmed by written tasks and generally refuses to write
or perform tasks that require writing. It is observed that when writing Francisco presses
the pencil very hard and this means that for each word he writes he has to rest,
because he shows pain, he waves his hand as if to relax to continue writing, such is the
pressure that he exerts that behind the page you can see a pronounced relief. He can
perform correlative number recitation up to 50. He does not retain formulas to develop
equations without difficulty, he solves by repetition once the mechanism is shown to
him, but he does not appropriate the knowledge. His language and communicative
intention are clear and expected for his age. He is usually inhibited before his peers and
teacher. Implemented strategies: Sustaining his attention is constantly supervised,
since carrying out an activity on time is used as a strategy to disinhibit him before his
peers and teacher, being able to actively participate in classes. The message is
repeated or reformulated when he fails to understand it, confirming that he
understands the instruction before starting a particular task.
Joint work with teachers

It is important to establish a network with the teachers to be able to cover the

children's learning process more widely. The teacher will be in charge of letting the
representative of the appropriate child know exactly what difficulties she presents, and
parents or caregivers must provide the necessary care at home, following the advice of

Focus on strengths The most advisable thing in any case of learning problems is to
focus on the child's strengths and make them notice, so that he does not feel minimized
by her difficulties. The idea is that the young person manages to identify his strong
points and be able to promote them and feel proud of them.

Be patient with the child Learning limitations can be managed so that their symptoms
do not impede the learning progress of the little ones, and children are able to succeed
academically, as long as these difficulties are well channelled. But it is important to
remember that the process takes time, and we must be patient with children, do not
expect quick or miraculous results.
Follow-up Activity

Participant Information

Name: Jhelani Acosta Graffe Date: 5/11/2022

Work Location (school/district or other organization): Little Jan Learn and play.

Email Address: 1189 Orange Blossom Trl

I confirm that I have completed the following follow-up option: Jhelani Acosta
Signature: JAG

Principal or Supervisor Verification of Completion

Name: Jenniffer Rivera Date: 5/11/2022

Work Location (school/district or other organization): Little Jan Learn and play.

Position: Headmistress

I have reviewed the above named participant's Follow-up Activity and any associated
documents described in the Follow-up Activity instructions. I used the accompanying rubric to
review the activity (if applicable). I confirm that the participant successfully completed the
Follow-up Activity and any associated documents.
Signature: Jennifer Rivera

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