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First few paragraphs: Them being nice to one another.

Macbeth knows that Banquo is a but suspicious

about how the king is killed and they’re both aware that the other knows, there’s tension in the scene.
Especially since the audience knows that it was Macbeth that killed the king, this is the time that they
would feel the tension between Banquo and Macbeth. He even makes a show of having Banquo as and
honored guest, him having to be there.

Macbeth then gives off the spiel about how the princes fled to England and Ireland and accuses them of
murdering their own father. This is dramatic irony as again we know that Banquo is beginning to get
suspicious of Macbeth, and each of them have a slight understanding of how the other side is coping.
Macbeth seems to mirror his wife, Lady Macbeth’s, sly behavior with the language he uses. “I wish your
horses are swift and sure of foot, and so I do commend you to their backs. Farewell.” Wishing him safety
in his journey, and Banquo is really respecting Macbeth with “Ay my good lord,” and “My lord, I will not,”
he's speaking to Macbeth in a prestigious manner.

So, a rundown of the interaction between Banquo and Macbeth is Banquo is going for a ride,
and Macbeth is questioning where he’s going and urging him to not miss their feast as he’s one of the
esteemed guests. He then goes on to blame the princes, the sons of king Duncan, for killing their father.
Saying how they have fled to England and Scotland and haven’t confessed yet. He also wishes Banquo
luck on his journey. From this scene, we can see that Macbeth is mimicking his wife’s behavior,
remembering what she said “Your hand, your tongue. Look like the innocent flower. But be the serpent
under.” He’s being extremely kind to Banquo, or so he seems to be. There’s dramatic irony in Macbeth’s
spiel about blaming the princes for the king’s murder even though he himself killed the king, and we also
know that Banquo is beginning to get suspicious on how Macbeth became king. There’s also tension with
the interaction between the two characters, because again, Macbeth has an inkling that Banquo knows
he murdered the king, Banquo knows that Macbeth may hurt him or his son in order to to keep the
throne as he knows the prophesy proclaimed that his sons will be kings. When asked if Banquo’s son,
Fleance, is coming with him and Banquo says yes, that’s another point that may raise Banquo’s suspicion
even higher. Macbeth wants to keep on eye on both of them to make sure they don’t escape, as seen
from him constantly telling him to come back, “Fail not our feast” and “Hie to your horse, adieu. Till your
return at night.” Banquo has been quiet about his suspicions as he’s a father, if he were to voice that
Macbeth killed King Duncan, there’s no doubt that Macbeth would go after Fleance in revenge. Then, we
see that Banquo’s suspicion speaks true when he calls a servant over and begins to plot Banquo’s

Gender roles (Elizabethan), investigate the role of Banquo as a father, how babies are used?

- Symbolism of blood
- Relationship between Banquo, he knows, he doesn’t do anything though, why??
- Metaphors, irony,

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