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ALINTANA EDUC 201 1:00-4:00

Education after the end of the world. How can education be viewed as a
hyper object?

Part 1. Summary

This article considers a series of ideas disturbing the conventional wisdom

that decrees education an essential force in saving the world. Taking Morton's
descriptions of hyper objects seriously, we consider his radical idea that the
world has ended amidst the eco-political depredations of the Anthropocene.
Accordingly, we claim that education in modernity most properly belongs -
materially and ideologically - with technological enframing and the rise of
biopower. In other words, what is taken almost universally as the sacred realm
of education is, in fact, a contributory factor in the global eco-ontological crisis.
Morton describes global warming, plastics and nuclear arsenals as hyper
objects: viscous, nonlocal entities that exist in temporal and spatial planes
vastly different from our own immediate worlds. They are the threatening,
difficult to access entities that express the Anthropocene. While most will
propose that education will be vital in combating looming ecological
apocalypse, we consider that education is a hyper object itself. Education, we
opine, is aligned with the forces and conditions that have generated the present
crisis. This is because education embodies the same qualities as the hyper
objects of modernity; according to any rigorous historical ontology, education
as we know it must be seen as the most extensive expression of a dangerous
biopower that is beyond control. If this position is to be taken seriously,
education is not merely impotent in combatting ecological catastrophe, but is a
key apparatus supporting the Anthropocene. Education is thus another
element of the end of the world.

Part 2. Reflection
We need to be educated especially the young ones and the next
generation. Its already given, we have environmental problems. We
experiencing something we cannot immediately explain like global warming
including our present situation like this pandemic. We are responsible for what
is happening, but still we need education to be able to cope up. We need
awareness, we need information and we need action, reaction and again action.
Yes, education may be useless at the end of the world but using what we have
learned praying to yield a better result is much better with purpose and worth
than doing nothing at all.
Part 3. Application of Topic to your profession (Teacher)

Human being are now going through this upgrade. The upgrade is called
ecological awareness. - Timothy Morton
As a Teacher, we have to be vigilant as ever. We have to be careful in
what we sharing, discussing or teaching as a whole. We are aware that we can
make and unmake learners. Awareness must be waving flag for everyone in the
field of education. We have to make it to the point that we are ready and sure
about the topic. We must include always in the part of our lesson Plans the
connection of out topic in different subjects including environmental concerns.
We need to adapt to accept challenges at present to be able to address the
needs of the learners and the world as a whole.

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