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Damon and Pythias

Narrator 1 (Shubh Gupta)- Damon and Pythias, two good friends, were
travelling to Syracuse. After a long and tiring journey, they stopped at an
inn on the outskirts of the city.

Damon (Simar Adlakha)- ‘Let’s spend the night here. We are both hungry
and tired, and we have a long trek ahead of us tomorrow.’

Narrator 1 ( Shubh Gupta)- Pythias agreed, and after bathing and

changing into fresh clothes, they sat down to a hot meal. They were
joined by other travelers, and soon the talk turned to hardships they
faced under the tyrannical King Dionysius. Many of the men spoke in
hushed whispers about his cruelty.

Pythias (Tanishka Mukhija)- ‘Why don’t you do something about it? You
could go and meet him and tell him how unhappy the citizens are. After
all a king is like a father, stern yet loving.

Old man (Shivam Sundar)- Hush! Hush!

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi)- Said an old man

Old man (Shivam Sundar)- ‘ Walls have ears’

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi)- Then lowering his voice even further, he


Old man (Shivam Sundar)- We can’t complain about the king. His spies
are everywhere. If he gets to know that you complain of his rule, you
won’t stay alive for very long.

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi)- Damon, knowing how headstrong his friend was,

tried to restrain him.
Damon ( Simar Adlakha)- He is right, Pythias. Calm down. We are not the
citizens of Syracuse. It is none of our concern.

Pythias (Tanishka Mukhija)- Nonsense! We greeks have always spoken

freely, especially against injustice! And If I have to die for speaking the
truth, die I will, gladly.

Narrator 1 (Shubh Gupta)- The next morning, the two friends set off for
the capital, unaware that word had already reached Dionysius that a
young traveler had tried to incite people to revolt against him.

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi)- As they reached the gates of the city, they were
surrounded by soldiers who put them in chains and dragged them
before Dionysius.

King (Tashi Batra)- Which of you is Pythias?

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi)- Pythias stepped forward.

King (Tashi Batra)- So you want to teach me how to rule, do you? No one
dares to criticize me! You shall pay for your folly. Throw him into the

Pythias ( Tanishka Mukhija)- The people were right! You are a tyrant!
You are so afraid of free speech that you imprison anyone who even
utters a word against you!

Narrator 1 ( Shubh Gupta) King Dionysius was livid.

King ( Tashi Batra)- Not imprisonment but death! Pythias, for your
insolence, you shall die!

Pythias- It’s a small price to pay for telling the truth. Do with me what
you will.
Narrator 1 (Shubh Gupta) – When Damon tried to intercede on behalf of
his friend, he was rudely silenced.

Dionysius (Tashi batra)- Enough! Enough! Pythias will die. But I am not
the monster you think I am. Before you die, I grant you one last wish.

Pythias (tanishka Mukhija)- Let me go home and put my affairs in

orderand bid my family farewell. I promise I will return and you can
execute me.

Narrtor 2 (Sonakshi)- Dionysius roared with laghter when he heard this.

Dionysius (Tashi Batra)- So in your eyes, I am not only a tyrant but also a
fool. If I ket you go, You will never come back.

Damon (Simar)- Your majesty, please let him go. If he doesn’t return on
the appointed day, you can execute me.

King (Tashi)- This is fine entertainment. But, be sure that if your friend
doesn’t come back, nothing can save you from dying in his place.

Damon (Simar)- When Pythias gives his word, he keeps it.

King (Tashi)- Well, well, a fool and his life are soon parted.

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi)- And so, Damon was imprisoned and Pythias left
for his home.

Narrator 2 Sonakshi- In the days followed, Pythias travelled on land and

sea till he reached home. He settled his affairs and bade his family
farewell. Then, he started The long journey towards Syracuse. He knew
that Damon Would die if he were delayed.
But alas for poor Pythias! He was faced with misfortune at every step.
First the ship he boarded was attacked by pirates who robbed the
passengers and threw them overboard. Using all his strength Pythias
swam to the shore.

Narrator 1 (Shubh)- But his troubles had not ended. Syracuse was
hundreds of miles away and time was running out. If only he had a
horse! But who would give a horse to a penniless man? No one!
Undeterred he decided to walk. If he kept a fast pace and rested when it
is absolutely necessary, he might just make it before the month was
over. Meanwhile, at Syracuse, Dionysius’s spies reported to him daily
on the health of the prisoner.

King (Tashi)- Is he worried? Does he ask for news about his friend?

Dionysius’s spy ( Shivam Sundar)- No, your majesty. He leads a normal

life. He reads, exercises and plays the flute. At night, he sleeps well.

King ( Tashi)- Ah!! Its time I spoke to him. Bring him here.

Narrator-1 (Shubh)- Damon was brought to the court. Dionysius looked

at him carefully. He look in the least worried.

King (Tashi)- Damon, It is three weeks since your beloved friend left and
there is not a sign or sound of him! Perhaps he couldn’t tear himself
away from his loved ones. And why should he, when he know that there
is a fool here ready to die for him.

Damon (Simar)- No, your Majesty, you are mistaken. Pythias will come.
If he is delayed it’s because he has met with some terrible misfortune. I
am sure of it as I am sure that day follows night.
King (Tashi)-Hmm, that’s a pretty speech. But you can’t buy your
freedom with poetry! If he doesn’t arrive by the evening of the thirtieth
day, you die.

Damon (Simar)- I know that. But mark my words. I also know that
Pythias will be here .

King Tashi- Take that fool away!

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi)- But Damon was confident that his friend would
return, even as the last day given to Pythias was dawned. There was no
change in his behavior and his guards grudgingly admired him for it.
Never had They seen such trust! As the day progressed, large crowds
thronged the public square, awaiting a miracle that would save an
innocent man from certain death.

Narrtor 1- (Shubh) A hush fell apon the noisy crowds as with a fanfare of
trumpets, Dionysius arrived to take his seat in a grand tent from where
he could view the proceedings in royal comfort. As the sun began its
slow descent, Damon was brought out and led before the king.

King (Tashi) – Your fine friend has let you down.

Damon (Simar) - No, the sun is yet to set.

King (Tashi) - Take him to the centre of the square. Behead him as soon
as the sun sets.

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi )- Damon walked straight and sure behind the

soldiers. The sky was filled with a rosy glow as the moment of sunset
approached. The executioner raised his sword and was about to bring it
down in one sure swoop, when a cry rang out.

Pythias (Tanishka)- Stop! For god’s sake, stop! I am here!

Narrator 1 (Shubh)- Pythias had arrived! His clothes were in tatters and
his feet were bleeding with walking miles without shoes. Hunger and
exhaustion had made him shadow of himself.

Narrator 2 (Sonakshi)- The crowd cheered as the two friends embraced.

Dionysius was amazed. Swept by emotion, he approached the two

King (Tashi)- You shall not die! I would give my kingdom for a friend like
either of you! Damon, you were ready to lay down your life for Pythias
and he suffered greatly to prevent your death. Go home in peace! Years
from now, people will remember you both as true friends.

Narrator 1 (Shubh)- And to this day, people remember their true



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