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Volume 3, Issue 13 January 1-15, 2023

For free distribution

एक साल में 72% बढ़ गए डडजजटल नौ महीने से लगातार 1.40 लाख करोड़

जीवन प्रमाणपत्र प्रयोगकताता रुपये से ज्ादा जीएसटी संग्रह

विै श््वविक महामारी के संकट से उभरने के बाद भारतीय अर््थव्यविस्र्ा तेजी से आगे
बढ़ रही है। ब्रिटेन को पीछे छोड़कर ब्वि्ववि की 5विीं सबसे बड़ी अर््थव्यविस्र्ा बने
भारत में सरकार का जीएसटी संग्रह भी ब्नत नए ररकॉर््ड बना रहा है। चालू ब्वित्त
विर््थ में लगातार 9 महीने से जीएसटी का संग्रह 1.40 लाख करोड़ रुपये से ऊपर आ रहा
है। इतना ही नहीं अप्ैल, 2022 से नविंबर, 2022 तक के 8 महीने में ही करीब 12 लाख
करोड़ रुपये का जीएसटी संग्रह हुआ है जो ब्पछले विर््थ इसी अविब्ि के मुकाबले करीब
2.50 लाख करोड़ रुपये अब्िक है।

नौ करी से सेविा ब्नविृब्त के बाद विररष्ठ नागररकों के जीविन के

इस पड़ावि पर पेंशन ही जीविन यापन और आपात श्स्र्ब्त
में सहायता का माध्यम होती है। इस अविस्र्ा में नविंबर
नविंबर, 2022 में 1,45,868 करोड़ रुपये एकत्र ब्कया गया ब्जसमें सीजीएसटी
25,681 करोड़, एसजीएसटी 32,651 करोड़, आईजीएसटी 77,103 करोड़ और
10,433 करोड़ रुपये उपकर शाब्मल है। इसमें माल के आयात पर एकब्त्रत कर भी
महीने में बैंक या पेंशन जारीकता्थ एजेंसी में जाकर जीविन शाब्मल है। नविंबर का राजस्वि ब्पछले साल इसी अविब्ि में जुटाए गए जीएसटी से 11%
प्मािपत्र जमा कराने का झंझट खत्म करके केंद्र सरकार अब्िक है।
ने घर बैठे ब्र्ब्जटल जीविन प्माि की जो शुरुआत की र्ी,
विररष्ठ नागररक उसे तेजी से अपना रहे हैं। ब्पछले एक साल में
ब्र्ब्जटल प्मािपत्र के उपयोकता्थ 72% बढ़ गए हैं। व्ापार सुगमता के ललए
फेस ररकॉब्निशन तकनीक से लैस ब्र्ब्जटल जीविन प्मािपत्र
का शुभारंभ 2014 में ब्कया गया र्ा। अब उमंग एप, स्र्ानीय “वन स्टॉप शटॉप- नेशनल
नागररक सेविा केंद्र ही नहीं बश्ल्क र्ाब्कये और ग्रामीि र्ाक
सेविक के माध्यम से भी यह ब्र्ब्जटल जीविन प्माि पेंशनभोगी
लसंगल ववंडो लसस्म”
जमा करा सकते हैं। योजना की शुरुआत से 6 ब्दसंबर, 2022
तक 6.8 करोड़ से ज्यादा और ब्पछले 60 ब्दन में 5 लाख से
ज्यादा ब्र्ब्जटल जीविन प्मािपत्र पेंशनभोब्गयों की तरफ से
दे श में ब्नविेश के ब्लए सरकार लालफीताशाही की जगह ‘नेशनल ब्सगं ब्विर्ं ो
समृ द्ध हो रही
ब्सस्टम’ के तौर पर रेर् कारपेट ब्बछा रही है। मेक इन इंब्र्या, स्टाट्डअप इंब्र्या
और उत्पादन-संबद्ध प्ोत्साहन योजना (पीएलआई) को मजबूती देने और

सां स््ककृति्क
जमा कराए जा चुके हैं। व्यापार सुगमता के ब्लए शुरु “नेशनल ब्सगं ल ब्विर्ं ो ब्सस्टम” केंद्र वि राज्य सरकार से
जीवन प्रमाण से संबधं ित अधिक जानकारी मंजरू ी ब्दलविाने में ब्नविेशकों के ब्लए “विन स्टॉप शॉप” की भूब्मका ब्नभा रहा है। केंद्रीय

HERITAGE विाब्िज्य एविं उद्ोग मंत्री पीयूर् गोयल ने 5 ब्दसंबर को नई ब्दल्ली में इस प्िाली की

से ली जा सकती है। समीक्ा की है।
उØ मंग एप पर जनरेट कर सकते हैं धिधजटल जीवन एनएसर्ब्ल्यूएस में करीब 76 हजार आविेदन आए र्े ब्जसमें से करीब 48 हजार
प्रमाणपत्र। को मंजरू ी दे दी गई है। अभी तक 27 केंद्रीय ब्विभागों और 19 राज्यों को एनएसर्ब्ल्यूएस
स Ø त््यापन के धलए UIDAI से प्रमाधणत बा्योमेधरिक से New
जोड़ा जा चुIndia का है, बाकी
भागों और राज्यों को with
भी जोड़ा जा newरहा है।ideas:
विाहन स्क्रैब्पगं
अमृ त काल में विकास के साथ विरासत
नीब्त, इर्ेनॉल नीब्त, आभूर्िों की हॉलमाब्कगिं , पेट्ोब्लयम एविं ब्विस्फोटक सुरक्ा
धिवाइज रखेें।
संगठन restoring,
को सशक्त
प्मािन developing
और राष्ट्ीय भूकरते
ब्म बैंक पूहुरए सांसेand
ी तरह conserving
स्शाब्ककृमवलतक स्थलों एके
है। एनएसर्ब्ल्यू स एक
एप िाउनलोि करने के धलए 9718397183 नंबर
पर धमस्ि कॉल देें।
महत्विाकां sites
क्ी पहल है जोकने while empowering
देश मेंक्क्टिविटिी औरअनुसं
ब्नविेश बढ़ाने और पालन heritage
बोझ मेंकी
कमी नईलाने के
ब्लए शुरूसोच ब्कयाthrough
गयाकेहै।साथprogress हो रहा नए in भारत Amrit Kaal...
का उदय...
न््ययू इंडि्या समाचार 1-15 जनवरी 2023 5
Army Day: 15 January

The Indian Army is a symbol of indomitable courage, valour, and sacrifice; it is Mother
India's pride and glory. Every Indian is proud of the selfless service and dedication of
the armed forces. Our army is well-known for its bravery and efficiency. Every citizen
has resolute faith and pride in the army, which protects the country and continues
humanitarian efforts in times of disasters and other accidents.

My best wishes on the occasion of Army Day, especially to our brave

soldiers, respected ex-servicemen, and their families. The Indian Army
is known for its valour and devotion to duty. The invaluable contribution
made by the Indian Army to the security of the nation cannot be described
in words. Indian military personnel serve in difficult terrain and are always
at the forefront of helping their countrymen in times of all humanitarian
crises, including natural calamities. India is proud of its army for making
significant contributions to peacekeeping missions around the world.''
-Narendra Modi, Prime Minister


Volume 3, Issue 13 January 1-15, 2023 DEVELOPMENT AND LEGACY
Principal Director General,
Press Information Bureau,
New Delhi



SUMIT KUMAR (English),


ABHAY GUPTA In this first issue of New Year, read how the nation is moving towards becoming a developed
India by giving new grandeur to its cultural heritage and pride... Page- 6-25


2 Volume
202 3, Issu
16-30, n e 11
ber utio Volume
Sep distrib Issue 3
free 8

In the midst of global challenges, Colours of Indian

For free 1-15,
Octo 2022
ber 16-31 distributi
For free , 2022 on
6 distributi
Issue on
e 3,


culture impress the world 26-28

NATION Read about PM Fasal Bima Yojana in the flagship
NMENT- scheme 29






10 0

Eight years of success of PM Ujala 30-31



AVAILABLE IN 13 LANGUAGES Development of the states for the overall development of
https://newindiasamachar. the nation. 32-33 AYURVEDA TEACHES THE WAY TO LIVE LIFE

PM's address at the 9th World Ayurveda Congress 34-35
EDITIONS CLICK: Historic decisions of the central government in the interest
https://newindiasamachar. of soldiers and farmers 40 WINTER SESSION OF PARLIAMENT
In the Azadi Ka Amrit 97% work productivity in Lok Sabha and 102% in Rajya
Mahotsav series, read Sabha 41
Follow @NISPIBIndia the story of those heroes
on Twitter for regular who taught us that victory Now youths are also becoming participants in paying
updates on comes only through homage to national leaders in the Parliament House. 42-43
'New India Samachar' collective action.
| 36-39
This time read the story of Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhagwan
Das in personality section 44

Published & Printed by Manish Desai, Director General, on behalf of Central Bureau Of Communication Printed at Infinity
Advertising services Pvt.Ltd. FBD-One Corporate Park, 10th floor, New Delhi-Faridabad border, NH-1, Faridabad-121003,
Communication Address : Room No–278, Central Bureau Of Communication,
NewIndia 2nd Floor,
Samachar Soochna
November Bhawan,
1-15, 2022 1
New Delhi -110003. e-Mail:, RNI No. : DELENG/2020/78811
Best wishes for the New Year to all! on the various efforts made to conserve
our cultural heritage, making people proud
The year 2023 is more than just a of their heritage by erasing the imprint of
date on the calendar. This is a critical slavery. At the same time, the new India is
juncture in the nation's life journey. As now ready to greet the future with pride.
it moves forward in the journey from \In this issue, we pay tribute to Bhagwan
Amrit Mahotsav to Amrit Kaal, India is Das, the country's first Bharat Ratna, who
prepared to pen a new saga of glory. As was born in Kashi on January 12. The
india enters the year of Sankalp Shakti G-20 chairmanship, which has become a
it is infused with new energy. Prime distinguishing feature of India's transition
Minister Narendra Modi's resolve from to self-sufficiency, and the various events
the remparts of the Red Fort to take commemorating it are also included in this
pride in one's heritage is coming true. In edition. This edition also includes Prime
India, new ideas are emerging. Cultural Minister Narendra Modi's development
heritage is an important component in gifts from his visits to Maharashtra and
India's efforts to become a developed Goa. This edition also includes the country
nation, a journey that has begun being illuminated through the UJALA
spectacularly. The richness of cultural scheme and the achievements of the
heritage has become the nation's Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana.
lifeline because cultural splendour is an This issue also includes the heroic
indicator of any nation's success. saga of the great heroes in the Amrit
The year 2023 begins with New India's Mahotsav series, Swami Vivekananda's
prosperity. India is currently writing a saga birth anniversary celebrated as National
of a prosperous future, proud of its cultural Youth Day, and Army Day.
heritage and adding new dimensions to its Keep sending your suggestions to us.
golden history.
Actually progress and cultural heritage
preservation are inextricably linked, and
as a result, Amrit Kaal is giving way to
Aastha Kaal. This is the cover story of the
New Year's special issue, which reflects (Satyendra Prakash)

Read/Download the magazine available in Hindi, English and 11 other languages.

2 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Volume 3, Issue 10
November 16-30, 2022
For free distribution

Delighted to learn about the Self-Help Group
The article about Self-Help Groups in the November 16-30 issue
of New India Samachar magazine was very interesting. This
programme will be beneficial to women's economic advancement.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken this significant step with
far-reaching impct. So far, 8.62 crore families have joined self-
help organisations. However, many families have been unable
SELF-HELP GROUPS BECO to connect with it because adequate information is not reaching
them. In such a scenario, I believe that this magazine should be
distributed to every family in rural areas so that people are aware

of such information.
Asaram, Nandkumar Udhan

Get help with competitive exams I read New India Samachar on a regular basis
Got the new issue of the magazine I am a farmer. I read the New India Samachar on a
New India Samachar. Information regular basis. The central government's initiative,
on current activities and events is "One Nation, One Fertilizer Brand India," was
available in this magazine. I loved excellent. It was a pleasure to read the cover story
the cover story in this issue as about India's increasing connectivity in water, land,
well as the stories of the heroes and sky. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision
published in the Amrit Mahotsav of a new India is now becoming a reality. In such
series. In addition, other articles in circumstances, it is a humble request to all Indians
the magazine were readable. This that, everyone should continue to support their
magazine is extremely beneficial country on the road to development as expressed
for competitive exams. in 'Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas'

A fascinating publication
Reading the New India Samachar brings me great joy. The publication of news and the
compilation of development plans by the government of India are particularly interesting in
this regard. The Amrit Mahotsav of Independence adds to the charm. Knowing the true story
of the heroes of the country, we feel sad as to what contribution we are making to the country
in comparison to those heroes. After reading New India Samachar magazine for the first time,
I became obsessed with it. If possible, compile the heroic stories of all the Amrit Mahotsav of
Independence heroes into a book so that everyone can learn about their immortal stories.

My mother also reads the New India Samachar magazine.

My name is M. Satish Arvind, and I am from Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. I am very happy to read
New India Samachar magazine. There is a lot of information about the government of India's
initiatives in this. My mother also reads this magazine.
Mr. Satish Arvind,


Communication Address : Room No–278, Central Bureau Of

Communication, 2nd Floor, Soochna Bhawan, New Delhi -110003.
New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 3
News Briefs


F or ease in life, it is necessary that whatever
service we take it should also be seamless.
Keeping the same in mind, the DIGI Yatra for easy
air travel was launched by Union Civil Aviation
Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on December
1. Now you don't have to wait long and do the
paperwork to get your boarding pass. The DIGI
Yatra-Facial Recognition System (FRT) currently
launched for New Delhi, Varanasi, and Bengaluru
airports will also be rolled out at Hyderabad, HIGHLIGHTS OF DIGI YATRA
Kolkata, Pune, and Vijayawada airports by March DIGI Yatra App is available on iOS and Android
2023. Then gradually it will be implemented in platforms.
the entire country. DIGI Yatra is a decentralized This voluntary facility requires one-time
mobile wallet-based identity management registration on the DIGI Yatra app with
platform. Your face will be your boarding pass in verification through an Aadhaar card and
this paperless and contactless system. Only the your photograph.
face has to be shown at the time of entry and There is no central storage of Personal
security check. At present, it has been started Identifiable Information (PII) for privacy.
only for passengers on domestic flights. With the The data will be deleted from the server in 24
launch of DIGI Yatra, India has joined the ranks of hours, and ID and travel details are stored in
world-class airports such as Heathrow in London the secure wallet of the passenger.
and Atlanta in the United States.

Guinness Book of World Records

Metro rail and highway flyover on a single column
M oving towards achieving
the resolve to develop
world-class infrastructure in
of Metrorail and highway flyover on a
single column. Union Road Transport
and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari
the country, new infrastructure has congratulated the team of the
records are being created in National Highways Authority of India
India. The country is setting new and Maharashtra Metro for achieving
records- the world's highest rail the record of getting registered its
bridge was built on the Chenab name in the Guinness Book of World
river, which is 259 meters high Records by constructing the longest
from the river bed, construction of 37 kilometers of double-decker bridge (3.14 km). The project
highways every day in addition to the construction has already been featured in the Asia Book and
of more than 25 kilometers of single-lane roads in India Book of Records. He has said that such
18 hours which has been registered in the Guinness development works are fulfilling the promise of
Book of World Records. And now the country has set world-class infrastructure projects made by Prime
a new record for the longest double-decker bridge Minister Narendra Modi.

4 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

News Briefs


T he Indian economy is growing rapidly after the global

Covid pandemic. India which emerged as the 5th largest
economy in the world, leaving Britain behind is also making
new records every day. India created a record in the GST
collection. In the current financial year, the collection of GST
has been steadily above Rs 1.40 lakh crore for 9 consecutive
months. Not only this, in the 8 months from April 2022

F or senior citizens after retirement from

service, Pension is the only means of
survival and help in case of emergency.
to November 2022, about Rs 12 lakh crore GST has been
collected, which is about Rs 2.50 lakh crore more than the
same period last year. Rs 1,45,868 crore has been collected
The government's initiative to eliminate in November 2022 which includes CGST Rs 25,681 crore,
the hassle of submitting a life certificate by SGST Rs 32,651 crore, IGST Rs 77,103 crore, and Cess Rs
going to the bank or pension-issuing agency 10,433 crore. It also includes taxes collected on the import
in the month of November is becoming of goods. November's revenue is 11% more than what GST
very successful as more and more elderly
collected in the same period last year.
persons are adopting digital life certificates
started by the central government. Users
of digital certificates have increased by
72% in one year. Digital Life Certificate “ONE STOP SHOP –
equipped with face recognition technology
was launched in 2014. Now pensioners
and senior citizens can submit this digital FOR EASE OF DOING BUSINESS
Jeevan Pramaan not only through the
Umang app, and local citizen service centers
but also through postman and Gramin Dak
Sevaks. Since the inception of the scheme,
F or boosting investment in the country, the government is
transforming red tape into red carpet in the form of 'National
Single Window System'. To give a fillip to various initiatives
till December 6, 2022, more than 6.8 crores such as Make in India, Startup India, and Production-Linked
and in the last 60 days, more than 5 lakh Incentive Scheme (PLI) and for ease of doing business, the
digital life certificates have been submitted “National Single Window System” will play the role of a “one-
by pensioners. stop shop” for investors to get approval from the Central and
State Governments. Union Commerce and Industry Minister
More information related to Jeevan Piyush Goyal reviewed this system on 5 December in New
Pramaan can be obtained from
Delhi. About 76 thousand applications were received in NSWS
out of which about 48 thousand have been approved. So far 27
Digital life certificate can be generated Central Departments and 19 States have been linked to NSWS,
on the Umang app. remaining departments of states are also being linked. Vehicle
Carry biometric devices certified by Scrapping Policy, Ethanol Policy, Hallmarking of Jewellery,
UIDAI for verification. Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization Certification,
Give a missed call on 9718397183 to and National Land Bank are fully covered under it. NSWS is
download the app. an ambitious initiative launched to increase investment in the
country and reduce the compliance burden.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 5

Cover Story Development and Legacy



6 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Development and Legacy Cover Story

The year 2023 commences with the advent of a prosperous New India. A new
India, proud of its cultural heritage, is assimilating its glorious history to serve
as a catalyst for the present, on which the prosperous journey for the future is
being written. The Prime Minister's pledge to take pride in India's heritage from
the ramparts of the Red Fort is being fulfilled, and new thinking is emerging in the
new India. Cultural heritage is an important component of India's determination
to become a developed nation. India is looking forward to the future with pride
in its glorious past. Because the success of any nation is reflected in its cultural
heritage, the richness of our cultural heritage has become the nation's lifeline.
In the first issue of the new year, let us know how India is bringing grandeur to its
cultural heritage and pride to realise the dream of a developed India in
the Amrit Kaal.

ndia is striving to get back its lost
respect. Cultural heritage is promoting
not only cohesiveness but also
encourages national unity or a sense
of civic duty. This is the strong link that
binds not only the nation but connects
the world with India. Conserving cultural
heritage, and giving global recognition
to our heritage and artifacts have gained
momentum under the leadership of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi.
Construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya,
Baba Vishwanath Corridor in Kashi, Mahakal
Lok Corridor in Ujjain, Redevelopment of
Kedarnath Dham on the Himalayas, World
class roads to Char Dham, Sikh holy site
Dera Baba Nanak-Kartarpur Sahib Corridor.
Countless such initiatives are giving
impetus to the government's drive for the
restoring cultural pride of the country.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 7

Cover Story Development and Legacy

India is also bringing back its cultural heritage

from abroad. Today India is also making 15 tourist
circuits for Swadesh Darshan. Be it the Ramayana
circuit, Buddhist circuit, Sufi circuit, or Tirthankar
circuit, the main aim is to make culture an important
link in the initiative started to realize the vision of a
developed India. The cultural places of the country
are becoming attractive destinations for foreign
tourists. Today Indian sites are finding a place in
the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. India is making a
tryst with its glorious history by building museums.
India is taking efforts to bring the stories of freedom
fighters to the fore to make people aware of their
sacrifices. Be it the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya
or the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Museum,
the Statue of Unity, or the reconstruction of the
Jallianwala Bagh Memorial Museum a new India is
being built in which new thinking and age-old culture
go hand in hand.


Dharma for India means our collective commitment
to our duties! The aim of our resolutions is the
welfare of the world and the service of mankind.
The cultural glory of a nation is colossal only when
it is successful on the global stage. To reach the
pinnacle of success, it is also necessary that the
nation touches its cultural zenith, and stands tall
with pride in its identity. In this Azadi Ka Amrit Today once again, in this
Kaal India called for the Panch Pran which includes
'freedom from the mentality of slavery' and 'pride Amrit Kaal of Azadi, 'Amar
in its heritage'. Today the construction of the grand Avantika' is proclaiming
Ram temple in Ayodhya is being undertaken at full
pace. Vishwanath Dham in Kashi is swelling the pride the cultural immortality
of the cultural capital of India. Development works of India. Ujjain, which
in Somnath are setting new records. New chapters
of development are being written in the Kedarnath-
has been the focal point
Badrinath pilgrimage region in Uttarakhand. of Indian culture for
For the first time after independence, the Char thousands of years, is
Dham is going to be connected by all-weather roads
through the Char Dham Project. Not only this but once again heralding a new
the Kartarpur Sahib Corridor came to fruition and era of India's grandeur.
Hemkund Sahib will be connected by ropeway.
Similarly, Swadesh Darshan and PRASHAD Yojana - Narendra Modi,
are restoring the glory of many centres of spiritual Prime Minister
consciousness of the nation across the country.
Recently the grand 'Mahakal Lok' was inaugurated

8 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

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to welcome the future with the glory of the

past. If we look at our ancient temples from Dharma for India means our
north to south, from east to west, then their
vastness, their architecture fills everyone
collective commitment to
with awe. Be it the Sun Temple at Konark or our duties! The aim of our
the Kailash Temple at Ellora in Maharashtra, it resolutions is the welfare of
amazes everyone in the world. Like the Konark
Sun Temple, there is also the Modhera Sun the world and the service of
Temple in Gujarat, where the first rays of the mankind.
Sun enter directly into the sanctum sanctorum.
Similarly, there is the Brihadeeswarar temple - Narendra Modi, Prime Minister
built by Rajaraja Chola at Tanjore in Tamil
Nadu. Kanchipuram has Varadaraja Perumal
Temple, Rameswaram has Ramanatha Swamy
Temple. Belur has Channakeshava temple,
Madurai has Meenakshi temple, Telangana has
Ramappa temple, Srinagar has Shankaracharya
temple. There are many such temples, which
are unmatched, unimaginable, and are living
examples of 'Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyati'
(neither the past nor the future). The spiritual
and cultural messages of these temples can
be heard with equal clarity even today. When
generations see this heritage and listen to
its messages, it becomes the vehicle of our
continuity and immortality as a civilization. It
shows that India is not only a nation but also a
culture and an idea.


India witnessed many adverse situations,
circumstances changed, governments
changed, India was exploited and freedom
splendor and the pace of development in a
was also lost. Invaders like Iltutmish tried to
time-bound manner has facilitated easy travel
destroy the spirit of Ujjain as well. But India
to these places. On completion of 75 years of
has been revived again and again by the energy
independence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi
of these centres of her faith. Today once again,
invoked 'Panch Pran' from the ramparts of the
in this Amrit Kaal of Azadi, 'Amar Avantika' is
Red Fort, which envisages complete freedom
proclaiming the cultural immortality of India.
from the mentality of slavery.
Ujjain, which has been the focal point of Indian
But the question is natural after so many
culture for thousands of years, is once again
years of independence, why did a Prime Minister
heralding the new era of India's grandeur.
have to say this? Prime Minister Narendra Modi
There are two main pillars of building a
says, “After so many years of independence,
developed India in the 21st century. First, pride
why did I finally have to say this? What was the
in our heritage, and second, every possible
need to say this? This is because the mentality
effort for development. The continuous
of slavery has gripped our country in such a
review of the places associated with cultural

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 9

Cover Story Development and Legacy

way that every work of progress seems like

a crime to some people. Here the work of
progress is weighed with the scales of slavery.
That's why for a long time we had a feeling
of hatred toward the development of our
places of faith. These people do not get tired
of praising the places related to the culture
of foreign countries. But in India, this type
of work was looked down upon. The reason
for this was only one - inferiority complex
about our culture, distrust of our places of

Apart from being a nation,

India is also a great tradition,
an ideological establishment,
and a stream of culture. India
is a thought - which talks about
'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'. India
does not dream of its rise at the
cost of the loss of others. India
along with itself wishes for the
welfare of the entire humanity
and the whole world. That's why,
when a Sanatan temple dedicated
to Indian culture comes up in
Canada or any other country, it
also enriches the values of
that country.''
– Narendra Modi, Prime Minister

faith, and enmity with our heritage. We all that a visit to these places used to become the
know what happened during the construction most difficult journey of life.
of the Somnath temple after independence.
After this, we are also well aware of the NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT,
history at the time of the construction of NEW IDENTITY
the Ram temple." Actually, the mentality of These centres of faith are not just a structure
slavery had brought our sacred places of but are a lifeline for India, they are like 'Pranavayu'.
worship into a dilapidated condition. Our They are a powerhouse for us which keeps us
temples faced adverse climatic conditions alive even in the most difficult of circumstances.
for hundreds of years. The condition of the With this thinking in the last few years, there have
spiritual centres for decades remained such been initiatives of revitalization with a long-term

10 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

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approach. As a result, Kashi, Ujjain, Ayodhya,

and countless such centres of reverence are Whether it is national integration or
regaining their glory. Kedarnath, Badrinath, and
Hemkund Saheb have been modernized while
a sense of civic duty, this cultural
maintaining reverence. A grand Ram temple is heritage of ours also acts as a
being built in Ayodhya. From the temple of Maa link. This is the strong link that
Kalika in Gujarat's Pavagadh to the corridor of
Devi Vindhyachal, India is invoking its cultural connects not only the country but
regeneration. It is now becoming easier for also the whole world with India.
every devotee to reach these centres of faith
and the amenities that are being developed – Narendra Modi, Prime Minister
are convenient for elderly pilgrims. They
are also becoming centres of reverence and
attraction for the new generation. Today the
whole country is filled with a sense of pride
for its spiritual centres. If we take the example
of Kedarnath Dham, where a maximum of 5
lakh devotees used to come in a season, this
number crossed 50 lakh in the last year. One
aspect of the development and reconstruction
of places related to spirituality is that the local
people get employment-business opportunities
and ease of living. When rail, road, and
ropeway reach the mountain, it makes life on
the mountain comfortable, easy, and splendid.
These amenities facilitate tourism as well as
transportation on the mountains.
Certainly, India is ready to welcome the
future with the pride of the past, because when
there is a determination for nation-building
and service to the country among the citizens,
then only the nation touches the true potential
of development. There was a time when
even talking about culture and civilization
was avoided. In this country, questions were
raised on the existence of Ram. What was
the result of that? Religious and cultural
places and cities lagged behind. The places
which we used to consider as symbols of our
identity, our existence when they were in bad
condition, then the morale to uplift the country
also used to break down. But in the last eight revived the glory of places of faith that were
years, the country has broken these shackles victims of blatant neglect. Today the country
of the inferiority complex. The government is a witness to how comprehensive efforts
led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has put become a means of holistic development.
forward a holistic vision for the development Initiatives like Ramayana, Sufi, Tirthankar, and
of pilgrimage centers of all religions in India. Buddhist circuits are glorifying the cultural
From Ram Mandir and Kashi Vishwanath splendor as India's culture and rituals take the
Dham to Kedarnath and Mahakal Lok, has world by storm.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 11

Cover Story Development and Legacy


Reconstruction of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya
Being made as an Indian cultural heritage
The emphasis has been placed on healthy public n The long-awaited demand for the reconstruction
participation in the construction of the Ram of Ram Janmabhoomi Temple has been accepted.
The grand temple is being constructed.
temple and the development plan in Ayodhya, so
that after centuries of waiting, the construction n A time capsule will be kept 2,000 feet
of the temple on Ramjanmabhoomi, which is underground, beneath the temple. Construction of
currently underway in Ayodhya, continues to world-class facilities in Ayodhya.
guide humanity for ages. The message is clear:
after the Ram temple is built, not only the people
of India, but any foreigner who visits India, will
undoubtedly want to visit Ayodhya.

12 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

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Renovation of Shri
Somnath Temple
Shree Somnath Temple, which has
stood witness to humanity's values
for centuries, continues to remind the
world that truth cannot be defeated by
untruth, and faith cannot be crushed
by terror. Despite multiple attempts
to destroy it, the Somnath temple has
become a symbol of the triumph of
faith over destruction. New projects
begun in recent years have increased
the grandeur and divinity of the
Somnath temple, attracting devotees
while also adding new dimensions
to the path of progress in terms of

n The Samudra Darshan Path: It was

built under the Central Government's
"PRASHAD" scheme, keeping the
natural beauty of Somnath in mind.
This 1.5-kilometre-long Samudra
Darshan Path built on the seashore
from Shri Somnath Temple to Triveni
Sangam will stop the surging ocean
waves and allow the waves to
communicate with visitors coming for
darshan of God Shankar.

n Greenfield Township: Greenfield Township will

be built in the coming days, which will include
accommodation facilities for devotees, ashrams,
mathas, hotels, and space for various state buildings.
A tourism information centre and a world-class
museum will also be built.
n Cruise Operations: The development of infrastructure
around the Saryu River and its ghats is receiving
special attention. Cruises on the Saryu River will
become a regular feature.
n Smart City Management: City development will ensure
that adequate space for cyclists and pedestrians is
preserved. Traffic management will also be done
in a modern manner with the help of smart city
n Uttar Pradesh Sunni Central Waqf Board was given 5

acres of land by the government to build a mosque in


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Cover Story Development and Legacy

Redevelopment of Shri Kedarnath Dham

n Shri Kedarnath Dham, Hinduism's holiest
pilgrimage city is situated in the Himalayas
at the confluence of the Mandakini and
Saraswati rivers.
n This pilgrimage was heavily damaged in
2013 as a result of the horrific disaster.
n The temple was hidden somewhere because
unplanned buildings were built there.
n In 2017, the Prime Minister proposed the
Shri Kedarnath Dham Reconstruction Plan to
restore Kedarnath Dham's spiritual glory and
divine form.
n Based on this vision, a master plan for
environmental balance was developed with
the participation of all stakeholders.
n Executing a scheme of this scale in Dham,
which is 16 kilometres by foot from
Gaurikund, was a significant challenge
due to harsh weather and topographical
conditions, as well as building materials. The
first task assigned was to build the approach
road to the temple.
n Flood protection walls have been built on
both rivers to restore the temple complex
as an island by reclaiming flood-washed
land along the banks of the Saraswati and
Mandakini rivers, as well as multi-layered
flood protection measures.
n The fourth task was to rebuild the pilgrimage
priests' houses that had been damaged by
the disaster.

n Several buildings in the temple complex's n The pilgrim priests' residences are being
10-foot-narrow corridor were damaged prior to built in phases in local architectural style
the disaster. 30 thousand tonnes of debris were using local materials.
scattered throughout the area. This waste was n The fifth task was to rebuild Sri Adi Guru
transformed into an 840-foot terraced temple Shankaracharya Samadhi, which had been
corridor. damaged by the disaster. The underground
n It was built by local artisans using 20,000 locally structure to reach the mausoleum, which
available stones. requires pilgrims to walk between the
n This circular arrival plaza with a diameter of 104 monumental walls, provides a one-of-a-kind
metres was built at the confluence of two rivers experience. This journey concludes with the
using 51,000 local stones. darshan of mountains and panoramic views
after walking on the path of contemplation
n The temple plaza is 4,340 square metres in size after seeing the idol.
and was built with 15,200 local stones.

14 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

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n Apart from that, the foundation stone for various

development projects totalling Rs 185 crore n Somnath Exhibition Gallery: This
has been laid. The construction of the massive gallery is themed around temple
Sangam Ghat on the banks of the Mandakini and architecture. The Somnath temple's
Saraswati rivers to facilitate bathing and religious fragmentary remains have been
rituals is prominent among these. preserved here. The temple's
architecture, the significance of
n Yatri Suvidha Kendra, a rain shelter, a refreshment architecture, and other information
house, and other amenities for yatris in the dham have been provided in Hindi, English,
are being built. and Braille script, so that everyone can
n Building a police station as well as a command learn about our rich history.
and control centre for an efficient pilgrimage
management area n The ancient Somnath Temple:
Founded in 1783 by Maratha Queen
n A cutting-edge hospital is being built to provide Mato Shri Ahilyabai Holkar of Indore,
medical services to passengers in the event of it is the next stop in this series.
an untoward incident or adverse geographical During the attacks on Somnath,
conditions. Somnath Mahadev was worshipped
n There will be emergency services facilities, such in this temple. By renovating the
as an operation theatre and an intensive care unit. limited worship complex and the old
temple complex with an inaccessible
n These construction plans are an attempt to entrance, a total area of 1800 square
rekindle the cosmic and inner energy of the metres has been added to the temple
pilgrims in this place, in addition to physical complex. The front entrance was
facilities. created by making the temple's
entrance more comfortable.
n Shri Parvati temple foundation stone:
The Shri Parvati temple foundation
stone was laid in the Somnath temple
complex. Shree Somnath Trust has
resolved to build Parvati temple in
alignment with Somnath Mahadev.

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Cover Story Development and Legacy

Homecoming of Indian artefacts

n More than 228 sculptures have
been brought back to the country
since 2014, compared to only 13
n Following PM Modi's visit to
America in 2021, 157 artefacts
were returned to India.
n Centuries old 20 artefacts were
handed over by Australia in 2022.
n The first museum dedicated to
all former prime ministers is the
Prime Minister's Museum in New
The first museum to honour

tribal freedom fighters is the

Bhagwan Birsa Munda Museum n Renovation of Kedarnath by Kedarnath Dham under the
in Ranchi. Aside from that, tribal the installation of deities PRASHAD scheme
museums are being built in nine n 17 projects of infrastructure n Construction of 889 km road
other locations. worth Rs. 3000 crore under Char Dham project.
n Integrated development of
n Subhash Chandra Bose Museum,
n National Museum of Indian n On November 9, 2019, Prime luxurious passenger terminal
Cinema, Mumbai Minister Narendra Modi building was constructed.
flagged off the first batch of This structure is completely
Rashtrapati Bhavan Museum,
pilgrims from the Kartarpur air-conditioned. There are 50

Phase 2, New Delhi

Corridor checkpoint in Dera immigration counters in this
n Tribute to the great freedom Baba Nanak, Gurdaspur. On building.
fighters of India October 24, 2019, India and n The main building has public
Pakistan signed an agreement amenities such as a prayer
n Statue of Unity, a tribute to Iron
to build the Kartarpur Saheb hall and a refreshment
Man Sardar Patel
Corridor near the international counter.
n A long-standing demand was border near Dera Baba Nanak.
A CCTV surveillance system
crystallised with the unveiling of A four-lane, 4.2-kilometer-long
and a public information
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's highway was built at a cost of
system have been installed
statue on Kartavya Path. Rs 120 crore to connect Dera
for heightened security. A
Baba Nanak with the Amritsar-
n Kranti Mandir is a museum 300-foot-tall national flag
Gurdaspur highway.
dedicated to freedom fighters. has also been hoisted at the
n On 15 acres of land, the
n Renovation of Jallianwala Bagh international border.
n Gandhiji's 150th birth anniversary n 550th Prakash Parv of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
was celebrated. n 350th Parkash Parv of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
n 400th Prakash Parv of Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
n Tribal Pride Day is dedicated to Declaration of Veer Bal Diwas on 26th December to mark the
tribal freedom fighters. sacrifice of Sahibzadas.

16 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

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n Swadesh Darshan is a central scheme that n Kashi Vishwanath Dham's glory is
provides 100% financial assistance. The Ministry being restored.
of Tourism has approved 76 projects totaling
more than Rs 5500 crore under this scheme. More n Reconstruction of the Kashi
than 50 of the 76 projects have been completed. Vishwanath Corridor to facilitate
Tourist attractions are being equipped with pilgrim movement
cutting-edge technology as part of this initiative. n The project's first phase was
Over 500 destinations, 31 states, and 15 themed
developed at a cost of Rs. 339 crores.
circuits are being built.
n During the project's construction,
more than 40 ancient temples were
n Development projects are underway in Anandpur
Sahib, Fatehgarh Sahib, Chamkaur Sahib, Ferozepur,
Amritsar, Khatkarkalan, Kalanaur, and Patiala.
n A circuit connecting all of Rajasthan's forts is being
n A development plan for Qutb Shahi Heritage Park, the
Paigah Tombs, Hayat Bakshi Mosque, and Raymond's
Tomb has been approved in Telangana. This project is
still in progress.


n Buddhist Circuit n Ramayana Circuit

n Coastal Circuit n Rural Circuit

n Desert Circuit n Spiritual Circuit

n Echo Circuit n Sufi Circuit

n Legacy Circuit n Tirthankar Circuit

n Himalayan Circuit n Tribal Circuit

n Krishna Circuit n Wildlife Circuit

n North Eastern Circuit

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 17

Cover Story Development and Legacy


The Indians have unwavering faith in the idol and statues. This is why tall statues of great
men and religious leaders are being erected throughout the country: to introduce the next
generation to culture, religion, and heritage, as well as to instill pride in our heritage.

STATUE OF UNITY was built with stone masonry on 36

STATUE OF The world's tallest statue of Sardar peaks, but it was not being operated
EQUALITY Vallabhbhai Patel, the architect as a temple. It also has an idol of
This 216-foot-high of the unification of Bharat, built Saint Tukaram.
statue in Hyderabad has in Gujarat, is 182 metres high. It
been installed in the was inaugurated by Prime Minister SUHELDEV MEMORIAL
memory of the 11th- Narendra Modi on October 31, 2018. Prime Minister Narendra Modi
century Bhakti Saint Sri laid the foundation stone for the
Ramanujacharya. He had SANT TUKARAM TEMPLE Suheldev Memorial in Bahraich
promoted the idea of Prime Minister Narendra Modi district, Uttar Pradesh, in February
equality in all spheres of inaugurated the temple of Jagatguru 2021. Suheldev's contribution to
life, including religious Sreesant Tukaram Maharaj in Dehu, protecting Indianness was also
allegiance, caste, and Pune. After the death of Sreesanth remembered. A statue will also be
creed. This statue, Tukaram Maharaj, a rock temple installed in this memorial.
made of Panchdhatu,
was unveiled by Prime STATUE OF PROSPERITY:
Minister Modi on A 108-foot-tall bronze statue of Nadaprabhu Kempegowda, the founder
February 5, 2022. of Bengaluru, was unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on
November 11, 2022.

18 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiated the Chardham
road project to ease travel difficulties for devotees visiting
Uttarakhand for the Char Dham Yatra. In Uttarakhand,
53 packages totaling 825 km have been marked for the
Char Dham road project, with 43 packages totaling 683
km approved. 21 packages totaling 291 km have been
completed, with the remainder in various stages.

n Renovation of Kedarnath by the installation of

deities, 17 infrastructure projects worth Rs 3,000
crore. Integrated development of Kedarnath
Dham under the PRASHAD scheme.


n India's ranking in the Travel and Tourism
Competitiveness Index rose from 65th in 2013 to RESTORATION OF THE
34th in 2019.
19 iconic sites have been identified under the Iconic SHRI UJJAIN MAHAKAL

Tourist Sites Development Project.

n E-Visa facilities were given to citizens of 171
countries in 5 sub-categories.
n The Mahakal temple of Ujjain is the only
n Under the PRASHAD scheme, cultural centres are temple in the world where the south-
being developed in 24 states at a cost of Rs 1,210 facing Shivling is enshrined. This is the
crore. reason why "Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga"
holds special importance among the 12
Jyotirlingas of India.
n This great centre of spirituality has
RETURN OF RADIANCE AT RELIGIOUS SITES been given its grandest form through
IN KASHMIR the Mahakal Lok Project, which was
Terrorism declined after Article 370 was revoked in launched by Prime Minister Narendra
Kashmir in August 2019. Meanwhile, work on populating Modi on October 11, 2022. Mahakal's
courtyard is being developed in two
the ruins and abandoned religious sites began. The phases at a cost of Rs 856 crore, upon
300-year-old Raghunath Temple, a church in Dalgate, completion of which the entire area of
and a mosque in Srinagar were among the first to be Mahakal will be 47 hectares.
selected for development under the Smart City project. n Mahakal Lok will be four times bigger
The radiance of Raghunath Temple has returned, and not than Kashi Vishwanath Corridor in
only is a place of worship but an exhibition is also held to Phase-I and nine times bigger on
familiarise the youth with the heritage. The Indian army completion of Phase-II. "Mahakal Lok"
has a grand entrance, and a 384-metre-
held a grand opening ceremony in June 2021 for the first
long mural wall has been built. 25
renovated Shiva temple in Gulmarg. Worship was also stories of Shiva are displayed here. Such
held for a few hours in May 2022 at the Martand Sun an arrangement has been made that
Temple in the Anantnag district. On the day of Vasant 30 thousand people in an hour and, if
Panchami in February 2021, worship was also performed needed, 10 lakh people in a day will be
at the Sheetalnath temple. able to have darshan of Mahakal.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 19

Cover Story Development and Legacy

n Kashi's pink enamel ship
reached Australia.
n Buddha, made of sandalwood
from Jaipur, reached Japan.
n Rogan paintings reached
Denmark from Kutch in
n Copper plates depicting
Jewish history reached Israel.
n PM Modi presented the
Bhagavad Gita in Khadi
hardcover to many world
leaders, including former US
President Barack Obama
and former Japanese Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe.


n The French President enjoyed
the ancient cultural heritage
of Varanasi.
n The American President and
the British Prime Minister felt
the peace of the Sabarmati
n The Australian Prime Minister
visited Akshardham Temple.
n The First Lady of South Korea
reached Ayodhya.


n In India, the number of
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
has grown. The list included
40 locations. Since 2014, ten
new sites have been added. A
total of 49 additional sites are
being considered.

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n When steps are taken to make lives of ordinary n On October 18, Prime Minister Narendra
citizens easier, national wealth is created, and Modi laid the foundation stone of the new
new opportunities for national development ropeway project connecting Govindghat to
emerge. On 12 July 2022, Prime Minister Hemkund Sahib. This ropeway will be about
Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the 12.4 kilometres long and will reduce the travel
foundation stone for development projects time from over a day to just 45 minutes. With
worth more than Rs 16,800 crore in Deoghar. this ropeway, there will be no problem walking
on the difficult paths of Hemkund Sahib. This
n Deoghar Airport was opened to provide direct ropeway will also connect Ghangaria, which is
air access to Baba Baidyanath Dham. the gateway to the Valley of Flowers National
n The projects will help develop infrastructure n It will be an eco-friendly mode of transport that
and increase connectivity, thereby helping the will make commuting safe. Religious tourism
visitors. will get a boost due to this ropeway, which will
speed up economic development in the region.
The projects to be inaugurated include the

construction of two large Tirth Mandali

buildings with a capacity of 2,000 pilgrims n Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the
and the development of the Sivaganga pond. ropeway at Girnar on October 24, 2020. Initially, it
The new facilities will benefit thousands of was fitted with 25–30 cabins with a capacity to
devotees who visit Baba Baidyanath Dham. carry eight people.
n This ropeway has the capacity to cover a distance
n Under the PRASHAD scheme, modern facilities of 2.3 kilometres in just 7.5 minutes. The swift
have been expanded in Baba Baidyanath implementation of the Girnar Ropeway has
Dham. changed the lives of the local people. More than
two lakh people used it in the first month alone.

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n On November 8, 2021, Prime Minister Narendra

Modi dedicated to the nation over 223
kilometres of fully constructed and upgraded
road projects on various national highways with
the goal of improving traffic to Pandharpur.
n These include the Mhaswad-Piliv-Pandharpur
n Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways section of NH 561A, Kurduvadi-Pandharpur
Nitin Gadkari inaugurated the Savner-Dhapewada- section of NH 561A, Pandharpur-Sangola
Gondkheri section of the 28.88 km long National section of NH 561A, and the Pandharpur-
Highway 547-E at Nagpur on July 24, 2022, at a Mangalvedha-Umadi section of NH 561A.
cost of Rs 720 crore. n PM Modi also laid the foundation for the
n The four-laning of this section will improve four-laning of five sections of the Shri Sant
connectivity for pilgrims travelling between the Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi Marg and three
Vitthal-Rukmini temple in Dhapewada and the sections of the Shri Sant Tukaram Maharaj
famous Ganesh temple in Adasa. Palkhi Marg to assist pilgrims in reaching
n The new four-lane bridge over the Chandrabhaga Pandharpur.
river will help ease traffic congestion in n It has been decided to build dedicated
Dhapewada. Agriculture and local products will footpaths for "Palkhis" on both sides of these
have easy access to large markets in the region. national highways, providing devotees with a
hassle-free and safe passage.


n Pavagadh has spirituality, history, n On June 18, 2022, Prime Minister
nature, art, and culture. On one Narendra Modi will inaugurate
side, there is Maa Mahakali's the renovated Shri Kalika Mata
Shaktipeeth, and on the other, temple on Pavagadh hill. It is one
there is the Jain temple's heritage. of the oldest temples in the region
Because of the historical diversity and attracts a large number of
of India, Pavagadh has served visitors. The temple was rebuilt in
as a hub for religious equality. two phases.
Previously, the journey to n The Prime Minister launched it
Pavagadh was so difficult that it in two stages between April and
was said that everyone should see June 2022. This includes the
Mata at least once in their lives. expansion of the temple's base
Today, the expanding facilities as well as facilities such as the
here have made even the most "complex" on three levels, street
difficult jouneys and darshan of lights, and a CCTV system.
God possible.

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n Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the

Kushinagar International Airport on October 20,
2021. Tourist arrivals are expected to increase
by 20% once the airport becomes operational.
This will create more employment opportunities
for the locals.
n Kushinagar is an international Buddhist
pilgrimage centre where Lord Gautam Buddha
attained Mahaparinirvana. It is also the focal
point of the Buddhist circuit, which includes
the pilgrimage centres of Lumbini, Sarnath, and
n The Central Government is developing a
Buddhist Circuit for Buddhist sites associated
with Lord Buddha. The main development works
under the Buddhist Circuit include connectivity,
infrastructure, and logistics; cultural research;
heritage and education; public awareness; and
n Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated communication and outreach.
Heritage Lighting on October 9, 2022, at the Sun
With this airport, more and more followers of
Temple in Modhera, Gujarat. The Sun Temple at

Buddhism from within country and abroad

Modhera is one of the finest examples of temple
will be able to come to Kushinagar. This will
architecture in Gujarat. It was built in the 11th
encourage the development of Buddhist content-
based circuits. The journey of Lumbini, Bodh
n It is now India's first entirely solar-powered Gaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Shravasti, Rajgir,
heritage site. Modhera Sun Temple's 3D projection Sankisa, and Vaishali on the Buddhist Circuit will
mapping was inaugurated. now be completed in less time.
n In May 2020, the Government of India announced n The Ministry of Tourism has featured Buddhist
a plan to completely solarize the historic Konark sites on the Incredible India website and has
Sun Temple and Konark city in Odisha. This also developed a dedicated website, www.
scheme will use solar energy to meet Konark's The objective of this
energy needs. website is to promote the rich Buddhist heritage
n The scheme was launched with the purpose in India.
of furthering the Prime Minister's vision of n Narendra Modi became the first Prime Minister
developing Konark Sun Temple into a "Sun City." to visit Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 23

Cover Story Development and Legacy



Temples are the custodians of our culture and

history. They are centres of knowledge and
promoters of arts and crafts. Global rebalancing is
being experienced in culture as much as in politics
and economics. In fact, a democratic and pluralistic
world order should see the full expression of Indian
heritage abroad as much as at home.
Dr. S. Jaishankar, Union External Affairs Minister

nder the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Indian civilization, our task is not only in India but
Modi, the government is working to get Indian across the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's
faith, culture, and heritage recognised not government has worked towards the restoration of
only in India but also in other countries around Indian temples in Cambodia and other countries.
the world. A large sum was announced in 2019 To deal with the competitive progress of other
for the reconstruction of Lord Krishna Shrinathji beliefs, the External Affairs Minister stated that
in Manama and Abu Dhabi, while Prime Minister India must promote and present its culture and take
Narendra Modi also laid the foundation stone for a it to the rest of the world. Whatever you do at home,
Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi in 2018. we must find a way to spread this message to the
Union External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar rest of the world.
said in a seminar organised on December 11 in
Varanasi on the contribution of temples in building CREATED A SEPARATE DEPARTMENT IN THE
society and nation, "We have to realise today that MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS
the wheel of history is turning." Bharat has risen. Under the Prime Minister Modi-led
There was a time when temples were neglected, government, the Indian Ministry of External
when things were against us; that time has passed. Affairs has created a separate department to
Temples need to be protected globally, and the look after the restoration, renewal, and support
government is determined to strengthen Indian of our cultural heritage. The cultural diplomacy
faith." of the Modi government is focused on building,
Union External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar has recreating, and restoring our rich traditions for
clarified that today, as we rebuild, restore, and revive the benefit of the entire world.

24 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Development and Legacy Cover Story


Lachit Barphukan was a famous general
of the royal army of the Ahom Kingdom of
Assam who successfully contained the ever-
growing ambitions of the Mughals under
Aurangzeb by defeating them. In January
1662, Aurangzeb's Subedar Mir Jumla
invaded the Brahmaputra valley and captured
lower Assam. The ministers of the empire
made a truce at Ghiljhari Ghat but the tyranny
Indian history is full of brave warriors having
of the Mughals continued to increase. Lachit
a history of victory. Indian history is also Barphukan inspired the Assamese troops in
reminiscent of a brave historical saga against the Battle of Saraighat in 1671 and forced
the oppressors. One such great warrior was the Mughals to accept a humiliating defeat.
the Ahom commander Lachit Barphukan who The heroic fight of Lachit Barphukan and his
defeated the huge army of the Mughals on army is one of the most inspiring military
the strength of limited resources, bravery, achievements of resistance in the history of
our country.
patriotism, and fighting skills.

s the nation celebrated the 400th birth heritage leaving behind the mindset of slavery."
anniversary of Lachit Barphukan on 24th Today India is moving forward breaking the
November, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shackles of colonialism and celebrating its
addressed the closing ceremony of the year- heritage and remembering its heroes with pride.
long celebrations to commemorate his birth Prime Minister Modi said, “The life of Veer Lachit
anniversary. Whenever India faced a turbulent or Barphukan inspires us to face the many current
challenging time, a 'Vibhuti' is born to counter it. challenges facing the country. The life of Veer
Whenever heroic stories are remembered in Assam, Lachit inspires us to give top priority to the interest
the battle of Saraighat, whose hero was Lachit of the country and not to personal interests."
Barphukan, is bound to be discussed. Speaking at India has always valued its wealth and cultural
the 400th birth anniversary celebrations of Lachit heritage. We have always protected our spiritual
Barphukan at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi, Prime and cultural principles. This is what makes us an
Minister Narendra Modi said, “We have got the amazing civilization. In order to make the bravery
privilege of celebrating the 400th birth anniversary saga of Lachit Barphukan accessible to more and
of Veer Lachit at a time when the country is more people, the Assam government announced
celebrating the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Today to build a museum dedicated to him a few
the country is filled with a sense of pride in its days back.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 25

G20 under India's Leadership


Hosting the G20, representing 85% of ith India's G20 presidency comprising the
the world's GDP, 75% of trade, and two- ‘Troika’ of developing countries (Indonesia,
India, and Brazil) taking on the mantra of
thirds of the world's population, is going
"India First," India has begun the presentation by
to be a proud moment for every Indian. showcasing its rich local potential, heritage, culture,
India assumed the G20 presidency and diverse parts outside the traditional cities to the
on December 1, 2022, and will hold it entire world.
until November 30, 2023. During this Under India's G20 chairmanship, the Sherpa
Track held its first meeting in Udaipur, the Finance
time, there will be approximately 200
Track held its first meeting in Bengaluru, and the
meetings of 32 different work streams. Development Working Group held its first meeting in
Beginning with the Sherpa Track on Mumbai. At these gatherings where challenges and
December 4-7 in Udaipur and the first India's top concerns were discussed, delegates also
Finance Track meeting on December learned about India's diversity, the potential of local
13-15 in Bengaluru, delegates gathered skills, and the soft power of culture through visits
to places of tourist attractions, heritage sites, and
on a global stage to discuss global
watching local folk dance performances.
challenges were treated to the vibrant Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister,
colours of Indian culture, tradition, P.K. Mishra said at an event "This is also a great
heritage, and hospitality. opportunity for the country to present its traditions

26 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

G20 under India's Leadership

The first meeting of Finance Track in Bengaluru

Finance track results will contribute to

sustainable and inclusive growth
The first meeting of finance and central
bank deputies under the Finance Track took
place in Bengaluru from December 13-15,
during India's G20 presidency. Apart from
discussing the challenges in the finance track
on global economic issues, the delegates
discuss where the money will come from for
what is decided in the Sherpa track.
G20 Presidency is very important to
India which is rapidly moving as the fastest-
growing economy in the world. The meeting
was jointly organized by the Finance
Ministry and the Reserve Bank of India in
Bengaluru, home to the tech industry. A
series of meetings of finance ministers
and governors of central banks have been
planned in Bengaluru in February for further
discussions. Issues such as financial
inclusion, health financing, and international
taxation will be part of the discussions.

and cultural heritage on a big platform for the world,". event. All countries had faith in India's leadership
The opportunity to host the G20 summit is both from the start of its chairmanship. Countries
historic and hopeful. In support of India's G20 unanimously applauded the theme "One Earth, One
presidency, the G7 leaders issued a statement. Family, One Future," asserting that it would "reduce
They stated that the G7 is committed to rebuilding tensions and increase trust in the world." Several
a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future. types of roadmaps were prepared during the Sherpa
Because India's focus is on common solutions for conference. Technology change, green growth and
a common future, it wishes to make the G20 public lifestyles for the environment (LiFE), accelerated,
by linking it to public participation. Prime Minister inclusive, and resilient growth, multilateralism
Narendra Modi has also stressed the importance of and the 3 Fs (food, fuel, and fertiliser), women-led
a whole-government and whole-society approach to development, tourism, and culture were among the
public participation in the all-party meeting as well key topics discussed at the meeting.
as meetings with state Chief Ministers, Governors, The delegates reaching the Sherpa track were
and Lieutenant Governors. warmly welcomed as per Rajasthani folk tradition,
Sherpa Track held its first meeting in Udaipur for dressed in local jackets and coats. To acquaint the
four days delegates with the glorious history of Rajasthani
The Sherpa Track meeting took place in Udaipur, Safa, the delegates were made to wear Safa while
Rajasthan, from December 4 to 7. In the midst of they also went to see the fort of Kumbhalgarh,
difficult geopolitical conditions, Sherpas from the where they also saw the world's second-largest wall
invited countries and all G20 countries attended the built in the fort after the 15th century. The guests

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 27

G20 under India's Leadership


The G20 is a major forum for international cooperation,
comprising of 19 countries, including the European
Several international and regional organizations
including the UN, WHO, and WTO are permanently
involved along with nine guest countries including
As G20 Chair, India has also invited International Solar
Alliance, CDRI, and Asian Development Bank.
G20 member countries account for 85% of global GDP
and more than 75% of global trade. The population of
these countries is about two-third of the world.
The G20 has two parallel tracks – the Finance Track and
the Sherpa Track. The Finance Minister and the Governor
of the Central Bank lead the Finance Track while the
Sherpas lead the Sherpa Track.
The third is the participatory group consisting of non-
governmental participants, contributing to the policy-
making process. This time there are 10 groups including
Startup 20 proposed by India.
There is no permanent secretariat of G20. Its
chairmanship is supported by the Troika, which consists
of the country of the previous, current, and incoming
chair. Currently, it includes Indonesia, India, and Brazil.
The largest event for India in the last 75 years with more
than 200 meetings in more than 50 cities.

also went to Rajasthan's Chaturmukhi Jain Temple. government servant accountable to their people.
While a Rajasthani folk dance was performed, G20 After the meeting, the delegates were also taken on
guests made purchases at Shilpgram using digital a tour of the Kanheri caves.
payment. The central and state governments worked India's G20 presidency belongs to the whole country
well together to promote Udaipur as a global tourist Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a meeting
destination. with all states and political parties seeking their
First meeting of the Development Working Group support. In an all-party meeting and consultation
Deliberations on SDG, LiFE, and Data for with the Chief Ministers, Governors, and Lieutenant
Development Governors of the states, he said, “India's G20
The development working group meeting took place presidency belongs to the whole country and this is
between 13-16 December under the Sherpa track. a unique opportunity to show the country's strength.
India's Sherpa Amitabh Kant has said that our priority The G20 presidency will help India showcase the
reflects the aspirations of the G20 members and the uniqueness of each part of the country, apart from
aspirations of the countries of the global south. India its traditional metropolises. Attention should be
is adopting an inclusive, ambitious, decisive, and paid to projecting the places where the meetings
action-oriented approach. India's priorities include will be held as attractive- business, investment, and
climate-friendly action and green development tourism destinations to increase the potential of the
including Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE). economy.
Accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Indian coarse grains on the menu of foreign guests
Development Goals and data for development In view of the International Year of Millets 2023,
were also discussed with the G20 countries. India India presented a diverse menu of millets available
has also pioneered women-led development by in the country as healthy food items in front of the
emphasizing the importance of inclusive growth and Sherpas and delegates gathered at the G20 global
collective action. India believes that good quality forum in Udaipur. Apart from Rajasthan's Shahi
real-time accessible data is essential to change Thali, Makhana Methi Matar Malai, Jowar Methi
the lives of citizens of developing and developed Gatta Curry, and Walnut-Fig Pudding were also
countries, which will make every political leader and served to the guests in the main course.

28 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Fasal Bima Yojana


The government is making many efforts for the welfare of the farmers, which includes within the
ambit of its strategy protecting their crops from the risk of natural calamities to doubling the
income of the farmers. Launched in the year 2016, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
is completing 6 years on January 13. By providing risk coverage from pre-sowing to post-
harvest, this scheme is improving the condition of farmers. So far, 38 crore farmers have been
enrolled in this initiative, under which more than 11.73 crore farmer applicants have been paid
claims worth about Rs 1.25 lakh crore

After the year 2014, we made

some changes. The scope of
the crop insurance scheme has
been extended so that even a
small farmer can take advantage
of it for a nominal amount. The
compensation given through this
is higher than the amount given
through the loan waiver.
-Narendra Modi, Prime Minister

P radhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) was

launched in 2016 to address the issue of farmers'
inability to get crop insurance due to lack of money,
The Central Government has revamped the Pradhan
Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana in the Kharif season 2020.
The most important change was made that instead of
high premium rates, and capping. The scheme is 50%, the central government now gives a 90% share
completing 6 years of implementation. During this in the subsidy for crop insurance to the farmers of
period claims of more than Rs 1,24,223 crore have the North-Eastern states. The state government has
been paid to more than 11.73 crore farmer applicants. to pay only a 10% subsidy.
During this period, farmers had paid a premium of
about Rs 25,185 crore. That is, the farmers have Now there is no fear of risk related to weather
received almost 5 times the premium paid (Received PMFBY is available to all States and Union Territories
Rs 493 on payment of Rs 100 premium) as claims. on a voluntary basis. So far 27 States/UTs have
The launch of PMFBY was aimed at giving farmers implemented PMFBY in one or more seasons.
a simple and affordable crop insurance option to Assam, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Haryana, Himachal
ensure comprehensive risk coverage for crops Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala,
against all natural risks from pre-sowing to post- Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Odisha,
harvest and provide adequate claim amounts. The Puducherry, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura,
scheme is demand-driven and available to all farmers. Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand have already notified
Under this scheme, it is easy for the farmer to report for implementation of PMFBY in FY 2022-23. It also
crop loss within 72 hours of any incident through provides coverage against crop loss due to landslides,
Fasal Bima App, Citizens Service Centre, or Nearest hailstorms, floods, droughts, cloudbursts, and
Agriculture Officer. natural fires.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 29

UJALA Yojana


Energy, or light, contributes significantly to progress. That is why, as part of the Saubhagya
Yojana to provide electricity, the government is arranging for low energy consumption
through UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All). Given the importance of lighting
in business, education, security, and connectivity, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched
UJALA on January 5, 2015, recognising the cost and sustainability benefits of energy
efficient lighting, a project that has now been running for eight years. So far, nearly 37 crore
LED bulbs, tube lights, and fans have been distributed, and a way to save approximately 20
thousand crore rupees per year has been found.

uring these eight years, the world's largest metric tonnes per year. This equates to removing
LED distribution programme, which promotes approximately 4.7 million cars from the road each
energy efficiency to build a greener and year.
cleaner future, has distributed approximately 37 This programme of the world's cheapest and most
crore LEDs, 72 lakh LED tubelights, and 23.60 lakh economical LED bulbs has resulted in a reduction
energy-efficient fans. According to estimates, of approximately 15% in people's electricity bills,
this has saved 48.39 billion kilowatt hours (KWh) saving the common people approximately Rs 19,332
of electricity per year and checked 9,788 MW crore annually on their bills. The programme is being
of peak demand. Furthermore, giving meaning implemented by Energy Efficiency Services Limited
to the LiFE mantra, i.e. Prime Minister Narendra (EESL), which is also implementing the National
Modi's life-saving environmental scheme is also Programme on Street Lighting, which was launched
reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 3.93 million on the same day, January 5, 2015. This programme

30 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

UJALA Yojana

has also been named "Prakash Path" by Prime

Prior to 2014-2015, the electricity bill used to be
higher due to the use of outdated bulbs and the
Devdutt Sharma, co-owner of a Dhaba higher demand for electricity. Clearly, the country
in Sonipat, Haryana, asserts that the required a solution that would reduce power
installation of LED bulbs has increased consumption, improve lighting, and reduce costs.
the number of customers who visit the Prime Minister Narendra Modi's UJALA scheme
fully lit dhaba. Not only that, but the has been successful in achieving this goal.
dhaba's electricity bill, which used to
be close to 45 thousand rupees, is now BOOST TO MAKE IN INDIA:
around 15 thousand. LED BECOMES CHEAPER
With annual sales of more than Rs 21 billion,
Mercy Susan, a girl from Secunderabad, India has become the world's largest LED market.
Andhra Pradesh, says: "The brighter The domestic production of LED bulbs in India has
the light, the bigger the effect." Mercy increased from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 4 crore as a result
is now very optimistic about her future of this scheme. Make in India has benefited from
because she can study for 4 hours this, as have the entrepreneurs in the country. As
under an LED bulb. a result of this scheme, the price of the Make in
India LED bulb has dropped by approximately 90%,
bringing this LED bulb, which provides more light
Anshul from Lucknow says that the with less electricity expenditure, within the reach
installation of LEDs reduced his bill by of the common man. The LED bulb, which cost
about 30%. around Rs. 400 in 2015, is available in the open
market for around Rs. 75 in 2022.


The government has saved lakhs of A Memorandum of Understanding was signed
with the Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods
crores of rupees for the public by
Mission. Ujala appliances will be distributed in
reducing the cost of LEDs and saving Uttar Pradesh through self-help groups under
the electricity bills of consumers with this MoU.
just this one scheme. I urge you all to Fans, bulbs, tubelights, and streetlights will be
replaced with smart LED lights and efficient
use LED bulbs, save energy, and help brushless DC electric motor (BLDC) fans as
our country. part of the project to bring the benefits of
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister UJALA to the masses.
EESL, the program's nodal agency, has also
partnered with the Department of Posts to
distribute UJALA devices, with the Department
of Posts using its nationwide network to do so.
It will offer a convenient retail counter in rural
areas of the country.
Experiments on lighting densely populated
areas are currently underway, such as the
Delhi-Chandigarh National Highway 1, which
has been illuminated with green LED bulbs.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 31

Nation Gifts to Maharashtra



In the period of Azadi Ka Amrit Kaal, the country is progressing toward the grand resolution
of a developed India. The way to build a developed India is through realising the collective
strength of India. The government is laying emphasis on Sabka Saath-Sabka Vishwas-Sabka
Vikas and Sabka Prayas in which every state and every person of the country is involved. When
everyone's capability will increase, then India will become developed. The mantra to build a
developed India is- Development of the states for the overall development of the nation. With
this vision, Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone and inaugurated projects
worth Rs 75,000 crore on his visit to Maharashtra on December 11.

hen better connectivity was limited to only touching everyone's life today. What is common in all
a few cities, then the growth was also infrastructure development is the element of human
restricted to these places. That is, neither sensibilities and sensitivity. Infrastructure cannot
the large population of the country was able to get just cover lifeless roads and flyovers, its expansion
the full benefit of development nor the real strength is much bigger."
of India was able to emerge. In the last 8 years, the Expressing regret over not being able to take
central government has changed both this thinking advantage of the First Industrial Revolution and
and approach. That is, 'the one who was deprived missing the opportunity during the Second-Third
earlier, is now the priority of the government. While Industrial Revolution, the Prime Minister said that
laying the foundation stone and inaugurating various “When the time has come for the Fourth Industrial
projects worth Rs 75,000 crore in Maharashtra, Prime Revolution, India cannot afford to miss this
Minister Narendra Modi said, “Today, for the first time opportunity. No country can run by short-cuts, a
in the country, there is a government which has given permanent solution with a long-term view is very
a human touch to infrastructure projects and which is important for the progress of the country."

32 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Gifts to Maharashtra Nation


Social Infra: Ayushman Bharat scheme to provide
free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh to every poor person.
Cultural Infra: Development of our places of faith
from Kashi, Kedarnath, and Ujjain to Pandharpur.
Financial Infra: Jan Dhan Yojana to connect more
than 45 crores of poor with the banking system.
Medical Infra: Campaign to open modern hospitals
like Nagpur AIIMS, campaign to open medical
colleges in every district.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated 'Nagpur
Metro Phase-I' to the nation. Flagged off two metro
trains from Khapri to Automotive Square and
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated
Prajapati Nagar to Lokmanya Nagar at Khapri Metro
the first phase of the 520 km long Samruddhi
Station. The cost of the first phase of Nagpur Metro
Mahamarg i.e. Nagpur-Mumbai Super
has been Rs 8650 crore. The Prime Minister also
Communication Expressway project
laid the foundation stone of the second phase of the
connecting Nagpur and Shirdi. This is a major
Nagpur Metro. The second phase will be developed
step towards realizing PM Modi's vision of
at a cost of over Rs 6700 crore. During his visit to
providing better connectivity and infrastructure
Nagpur Metro, the Prime Minister also interacted with
across the country. One of the longest
students, people from the startup sector, and citizens
expressways in India, this expressway is 701
from all walks of life.
kilometers long. The expressway, which cost
around Rs 55,000 crore, passes through 10 FLAGGED OFF THE SIXTH VANDE BHARAT EXPRESS TRAIN
districts of Maharashtra and the major urban Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off the new
areas of Amravati, Aurangabad, and Nashik. Vande Bharat Express connecting Nagpur and
This expressway will help in the progress of Bilaspur. This is the sixth indigenous Vande Bharat
about 24 districts of the state including the train of the country. Along with this, he also laid the
regions of Vidarbha, Marathwada, and North foundation stone for the redevelopment work of
Maharashtra. Nagpur Railway Station and Ajni Railway Station to be
redeveloped at a cost of Rs 950 crore. Prime Minister
NAGPUR AIIMS DEDICATED TO THE NATION dedicated Government Maintenance Depot, Ajni
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also dedicated (Nagpur) and Kohli-Narkher Section of Nagpur- Itarsi
Nagpur AIIMS to the nation. He inspected the Third line project to the Nation. About Rs 560 crore
Nagpur AIIMS project model and visited the have been spent on these projects.
Milestone Exhibition Gallery. The foundation STEPS TAKEN TOWARD CAPACITY BUILDING AND
stone of the hospital established under INFRASTRUCTURE CREATION
Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation
was also laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi stone of the National Institute of One Health (NIO)
in July 2017. Built at a cost of over Rs 1575 Nagpur which is a significant step towards building
crore, the hospital has state-of-the-art facilities capacity and infrastructure in the country under the
including OPD, IPD, diagnostic services, 'One Health' approach. The 'One Health' approach
operation theaters, and 38 departments. This recognizes that human health is linked to the health
hospital will provide modern health facilities of animals and the environment. Also, Prime Minister
to the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. Also, Modi laid the foundation stone of the Nag river
it is a boon for the nearby tribal areas of pollution abatement project in Nagpur, on which
Gadchiroli, Gondia, and Melghat. about Rs 1925 crore would be spent.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 33

Nation World Ayurveda Congress

It means- One is in perfect health when
the body is balanced, all the activities are
balanced, and the mind is happy. That's why
Ayurveda goes beyond treatment and talks
about wellness, promoting wellness.

Ayurveda is not only for treatment; it also teaches

us how to live. This is why India not only set up a
separate Ministry of AYUSH to enrich its heritage,
but also launched several initiatives, including
the opening of All India Institutes of Ayurveda.
The successful organisation of the Global AYUSH
Innovation and Investment Summit, as well as the
establishment of the world's first and only Global
Centre for Traditional Medicine, shows that the
world is turning back to our traditional medicine.
Furthermore, at the closing ceremony of the 9th World
Ayurveda Congress in Goa, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi inaugurated three National Institutes of AYUSH.

t is said - 'Swasthyaam Parmarth Sadhanam'. That Ayurveda."
is, health is the means of wealth and progress. It's because of the efforts of Prime Minister
As much as this mantra is meaningful for our Narendra Modi to promote AYUSH and Ayurveda
personal life, it is equally relevant from the point of that WHO has established the world's first and
view of the economy. Ayurveda is such a science, only Global Center for Traditional Medicine in
whose philosophy is- 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Jamnagar. Enthusiasm about Ayurveda has grown
Sarve Santu Niramayah'. This means, 'May all be in the country and faith in it has also increased.
happy, all be free from disease'. The body should Today, on the lines of AIIMS, 'The All India Institute
be free of diseases. Speaking at the concluding of Ayurveda' has been opened. This year the Global
session of the 9th World Ayurveda Congress in Goa, AYUSH Innovation and Investment Summit has also
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “The world is been organized successfully, in which WHO also
also now coming out of all the changes and trends praised India's efforts.
and returning to this ancient philosophy of life. Work Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated three
has already started in India in this domain. When I National Institutes of AYUSH
used to serve as the Chief Minister of Gujarat, we 1. All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) Goa.
started many efforts to promote Ayurveda from 2. National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM)
that time itself. We promoted institutions related to Ghaziabad.

34 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

World Ayurveda Congress Nation


It has been a constant endeavour of Prime INITIATIVE TO BUILD WORLD-CLASS
Minister Narendra Modi to provide world- INFRASTRUCTURE
class infrastructure and transport facilities Built at a cost of about Rs 2,870 crore, the airport is
across the country. Taking another step built on the theme of sustainable infrastructure.
in this direction, Prime Minister Modi The airport is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities
inaugurated the Mopa International Airport like solar power plant, green building, LED lights etc
in Goa… and its runway is capable of operating the world's
The Central Government is committed to largest aircrafts.
continuously improve air connectivity, mobile In the last 8 years, 72 new airports were constructed
connectivity, and railway connectivity. With this as compared to 70 airports in the last 70 years. India
vision, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated has become the third-largest aviation market in the
the Mopa International Airport in Goa, the foundation world.
stone of which was laid by him in November 2016. The number of domestic tourists in India was 14
At the inauguration of the International Airport in Crore in 2015, while it increased to around 70 Crore
Goa, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “This state- in 2021.
of-the-art airport terminal is an attempt to return the
affection and blessings of the people of Goa.”
Prime Minister Modi expressed happiness that
the airport has been named after the late Manohar
Parrikar. To give wings to development of Goa,
more than 10 thousand crore rupees have been
invested in the state since 2014 on projects related
to highways. Continuous work is also being done
to reduce the traffic problem in Goa. Also, Goa has
benefited greatly from the electrification of the
Konkan Railway.

3. National Institute of Homeopathy (NIH) Delhi.

Research and international cooperation will be
further strengthened through these three institutes
and affordable AYUSH service facilities will also be
made available to the people. These institutes have
been developed at a cost of about Rs 970 crore, with
the commencement of which the number of beds will
increase by 500 and about 400 additional students will
be admitted.
Around 40,000 MSMEs are currently active in the
More than 30 countries have recognized Ayurveda as AYUSH sector.
a traditional system of medicine. The AYUSH industry which was worth around Rs
Till now data from about 40 thousand research 20,000 crore eight years ago, has now grown to Rs
studies are available and in the Covid period, we 1.5 lakh crore. This increase is about 7 times.
had about 150 specific research related to AYUSH. The current global market for herbal medicines
Now India is moving towards creating a 'National and spices is estimated to be around $120 billion
AYUSH Research Consortium'. or Rs 10 lakh crore.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 35

Nation Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav


In the midst of long colonial rule in India, our freedom fighters
ignited the flame of revolution in youth, women, and the
elderly to fight for freedom. Vishnu Ganesh Pingle was one
such revolutionary with the aim of liberating the nation on
his mind was martyred at the age of 26. Ashwini Kumar Dutt
was another freedom fighter who championed the cause of
Swadeshi and fought social evils tooth and nail. Read about
the lives of Vishnu Ganesh Pingle, Ashwini Kumar,
Dr Radhabai, and Maulana Mazharul Haque in this issue...

36 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Nation


Mahatma Gandhi laid the foundation of
Born: 2 January 1888, Died: 16 November 1915 Satyagraha after being pushed off a train
in South Africa in 1893. Bapu had a deep

V ishnu Ganesh Pingle, the great revolutionary of the and unique connection with the railways
throughout his life. He used to travel a lot
Indian freedom struggle, sacrificed his life for the
by train during the freedom struggle. While
motherland at the tender age of 26. He was born on 2
railways played an important role in India's
January 1888 in Talegaon Dhamdhere village of Pune freedom struggle, today it has become an
district. After completing his schooling under adverse important link in our lives and connecting
circumstances, he left for Washington to obtain a degree our diverse culture. Not only is the number
in electronic engineering. of tracks expanding continuously, but the
Pingle was of revolutionary nature since childhood. speed is also increasing. Since 1950-51,
He believed that his engineering degree will be of no use the number of railway passengers has
to the country. This will benefit only the British. He was registered a growth of more than six times.
more inclined to fight for the freedom of the motherland. At the same time, Railways have been able
During his stay in America, he met revolutionaries like Lala to achieve phenomenal growth in terms
Hardayal, Kartar Singh Sarabha, and Pandit Kanshi Ram. of infrastructure development, innovation,
He joined the Ghadar party on being mentored by Lala expansion of network capacity, freight
traffic, and transparency. In line with Prime
Hardayal. After his return to India, he got associated with
Minister Narendra Modi's mantra of 'Reform,
revolutionary activities in Punjab. During this period, he
Perform and Transform', Indian Railways has
not only maintained secret contact with revolutionaries initiated path-breaking changes in all areas
like Rash Behari Bose and Shachindranath Sanyal but of operations and management
soon became their close confidant. Pingle used his
engineering skills to make bombs for the party. 76.51
During World War I, the Ghadar Party planned an
armed rebellion against the British. All arrangements
were made for the revolution in Punjab, Bengal, and 48.33
Uttar Pradesh. But unfortunately British got a whiff of 36.13 38.58
the plans of the revolutionaries. After this, Pingle was
arrested along with bombs and other explosive material 24.31
from the cantonment of Meerut on March 24, 1915, in 12.84 15.94
a campaign run by the British. Pingle was tried for the
Lahore Conspiracy and sentenced to death. Vishnu 1950-51 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2010-11 2019-20
Ganesh Pingle is said to have said when his mother came (Number of passengers in crores)
to visit him in jail, “Mother, my last wish is to liberate the VANDE BHARAT EXPRESS - A
motherland. Let me repay the debt of the motherland in shining example of the success of
this birth, in the next birth I will take birth again from your 'Make in India'; Passengers are getting
womb and repay your debt. He was hanged along with a completely new kind of travel
Kartar Singh Sarabha and five other revolutionaries in experience.
KAVACH – Indigenous Automatic Train
the Lahore Central Jail on 16 November 1915.
Protection System to enhance safety in
train operations.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 37

Nation Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

ASHWINI KUMAR DUTT Dr Radhabai formed a

group of 'Satyagrahi women'
to fight for independence
BANDHAB SAMITI Born: 1875, Death: 2 January 1950

Born: 15 January 1856, Died: 7 November 1923

D r Radhabai, recognized as the
first woman freedom fighter

A shwini Kumar Dutt, a freedom fighter,

educationist, and social reformer, was born
on 15 January 1856 in the Barisal district of
from Chhattisgarh,
women to join the freedom

Born in 1875 in
British India which is now a part of Bangladesh. Nagpur, Maharashtra, Radhabai
A very interesting anecdote is attached to his life became a widow at the young
which proves that he was not only determined age of 9. She learned midwifery to
but also principled. In those times a minimum earn a living and started working in
age of 16 was required for appearing in the Nagpur municipality. She worked
high school examination. As he was only 14 he at many places in Maharashtra.
fudged his application to appear in the exam by In 1918 she was transferred to
increasing his age to 16. He passed his exam but Raipur. After that she started
a remorseful Ashwini Dutt stopped his studies for living in Tatyapara permanently.
two years and made atonement for that mistake. Dr. Radhabai had neither
Ashwini Kumar Dutt received a degree in law obtained a doctorate degree
from Allahabad university. After completing his
further studies in the then Calcutta, he started his
career as a teacher. He started his law practice but

Freedom fighter Maulana

soon started a movement for Swadeshi. Ashwini
Kumar established Swadesh Bandhab Samiti to
promote indigenous products and boycott foreign
goods. When famine hit in 1906, he participated Mazharul Haque was a
in the relief work with the help of the volunteers
of this organization. However, in 1908, the
symbol of national unity
government of newly formed East Bengal and Born: 22 December 1866, Died: 2 January 1930
Assam banned the Swadesh Bandhab Samiti.

The increasing influence of Ashwini Kumar Dutt ndian freedom fighter
on the Bengali people became an irritant for the Maulana Mazharul
British government. The government deported Haque was born on
him from Bengal and imprisoned him in Lucknow 22 December 1866
jail in 1908. In 1910, he was released from jail. in Berhampur village
After coming out of jail, Ashwini Kumar Dutt of Patna district. He
lent his support to a movement run under the passed the matriculation
leadership of Mahatma Gandhi against the British examination from Patna
government in 1920. He was a social reformer College. Later he went to
who opposed untouchability and intoxication. Till England to study law. It
his last breath, he kept working for the public. He was in England that he met Mahatma
died on 7 November 1923. Gandhi, after which they became

38 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Nation

nor a Ph.D. in any subject. of women activists in the Raipur

Even then people used to call district where 'Satyagrahi Bahne'
her Dr Radhabai with respect were trained. One of these
and honour. While in Raipur centers was operated from the
the national feeling became house of Dr. Radhabai, which
so intense in her that she was headed by herself.
participated in all the movements Dr. Radhabai was arrested
NEITHER OBTAINED of the Father of the Nation, on 13 June 1937. After her
A DOCTORATE Mahatma Gandhi. Inspired by arrest, she was sentenced to 6
her women there started joining months in jail with a fine of Rs
DEGREE NOR A 25. Despite this, she did not stop
the freedom movement. She not
PH.D. IN ANY only organized women for the and continued working for the
SUBJECT. EVEN freedom struggle by going door- country. She also participated
to-door but also led them. To in individual Satyagraha, led
THEN PEOPLE USED spread the message of freedom, a procession in Quit India
TO CALL HER DR she went door to door and sold Movement, and courted arrest.
RADHABAI WITH Khadi clothes. Along with raising public
During the civil disobedience awareness and the liberation of
RESPECT AND movement, a batch of 'Satyagrahi women trapped in prostitution,
HONOUR. Bahne' was formed due to the Dr Radhabai also fought a long
efforts of Dr. Radhabai which struggle against untouchability.
included Rohnibai Parganiha, She staged dharnas to get the
Ketki Bai, Fulkunwar Bai, Parvati liquor shops closed. She died on
Bai etc. There were four centers 2 January 1950.

lifelong comrades. participated in the freedom struggle against

Mazharul Haque came back to India in the British Empire at a time when very few
1891 and started practicing law. Within a people were involved in it. He also became
short span of time, he became a top lawyer. the President of the Home Rule Movement
But India's freedom struggle was close to his in Bihar in 1916. He was sentenced to 3
heart. Because of his close association with months in jail for playing an active role in the
Mahatma Gandhi, there was a remarkable Champaran movement.
change in his life. He left the elite life and Maulana Mazharul Haque also started the
adopted simplicity and devoted everything publication of a weekly magazine called 'The
to the service of the country. Motherland' in 1921 to spread the ideas of
As the freedom movement became non-cooperation and the Khilafat movement
intense he gradually got involved in the and inspire people for revolution. He also
movement. He also established the Sadaqat wrote many articles in the magazine against
Ashram in Patna where many eminent the atrocities of the British government for
freedom fighters made strategies for the which he was also prosecuted. Later this
freedom struggle. Maulana Mazharul Haque newspaper was shut down. Along with playing
was one of the prominent leaders of India an active role in India's freedom movement,
who played an active role in building national he made significant contributions to Hindu-
unity during the freedom struggle and Muslim unity, social welfare, and education.
preparing the roadmap of the movement. He He died on 2 January 1930.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 39

Two pillars of the country - our soldiers and farmers. Showing sensitivity and
commitment towards the welfare of both, the Union Cabinet under the leadership of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken important decisions, aimed at the welfare of
poor sections of the country and soldiers

Decision: Cabinet approves free food grains for that in future the pension would be re-fixed every
81.35 crore beneficiaries. five years. About Rs 57,000 crore has been spent
Impact: A historic decision has been taken by the in the implementation of OROP at the rate of Rs
Central Government that the food security provided 7,123 crore per year in eight years. The benefit of
to the poor under the Food Security Act will now approval of amendment in One Rank One Pension
be made available to the people completely free will also be given to family pensioners including
of cost. Till now the foodgrain which was available widows of martyred soldiers and disabled
on subsidy, will now be made available for free. pensioners. With this decision, the youth will be
The welfare of the poor of the country is more attracted to join the armed forces and serve
paramount. With this aim, to ensure food the country.
security to them, the Central Government has Family pensioners including Veer Naris and
decided to provide free food grains till December Divyang pensioners will be benefitted.
2023 under the National Food Security Act. More than 25 lakh (including more than 4.52
The central government will spend about Rs 2 lakh new beneficiaries) pensioners of the
lakh crore on this from its budget. That means armed forces will be benefitted.
the poor will no longer have to pay any money Will be effective from 1 July 2019.
for food security. The central government will Rs 23,638 crore will be paid as arrears from
bear 100 percent of the expenditure on this. July 2019 to June 2020. This will result in an
additional annual expenditure of Rs.8450 crore.
Decision: Approval of revised pension under One
Rank One Pension. Decision: Approval of Minimum Support Price for
Impact: The Central Government took a historic Copra (Coconut) for 2023 season.
decision to implement One Rank One Pension Impact: MSP of fair average quality milling copra
(OROP) for Defence Forces Personnel/Family fixed at Rs 10,860 per quintal, while MSP of ball
Pensioners and a policy paper was issued on copra fixed at Rs 11,750 per quintal.
November 07, 2015 for revision of pension with Increase of Rs 270 per quintal for milling copra
effect from July 01, 2014. It was mentioned in it and Rs 750 per quintal for ball copra.

40 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Winter Session of Parliament Nation

Winter Session: 97% work productivity

in Lok Sabha and 102% in Rajya Sabha
The winter session of Parliament, which commenced on 7 December, lasted till 23
December. The productivity of Lok Sabha was 97 percent and that of Rajya Sabha was
102 percent during the winter session. Important financial and legislative business was
transacted in the Lok Sabha during the session. During the session, 9 Government Bills were
introduced in the Lok Sabha and seven Bills were passed by the House. A total of 9 Bills
were passed in the Rajya Sabha in this session.

he winter session of Parliament ran MAJOR BILLS PASSED BY BOTH HOUSES
from 7 December to 23 December.
The total number of Bills passed by both the
The productivity of Lok Sabha was Houses of the Parliament during the session are 9
97 percent and that of Rajya Sabha was which are as follows:
102 percent during the winter session.
The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill, 2022
Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla and Rajya The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2022
Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar gave The New Delhi Arbitration Centre (Amendment) Bill,
detailed information on the functioning. 2022
Lok Sabha took resolutions against drugs The Appropriation (No. 4) Bill, 2022
and fighting the emerging new menace of The Appropriation (No.5) Bill, 2022
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Covid-19. If the work in both the Houses
Tribes) Order (Second Amendment) Bill, 2022
of the Parliament is taken together, the The Maritime Anti-Piracy Bill, 2022
work productivity was almost 100 percent. The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Second
In the Lok Sabha, under Rule 193, the Amendment) Bill, 2022
discussion on "The problem of drug abuse The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Fourth
in the country and the steps taken by the Amendment) Bill, 2022
Government thereon" and "Need to promote
sports in India and the steps taken by the WORKING HOURS OF BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT
Government thereon" was opened and During this session, 56 starred questions were answered
completed. Both these discussions took orally in the Lok Sabha. Answers to 2760 unstarred
questions were laid on the Table of the House. In
more than 15 hours in which 119 members addition, 298 matters of public importance were raised
from all parties participated. In the Rajya under Rule 377. In the Rajya Sabha, 82 starred questions
Sabha, a short duration discussion was were answered orally. Replies to 1920 unstarred
held under Rule 176 on the serious impact questions were laid on the Table of the House. Rajya
of global warming and the need for remedial Sabha worked for 64 hours 50 minutes while Lok Sabha
steps to combat it. worked for 68 hours 42 minutes.

New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 41

Nation Youth Participation


Whether it was Nisha Kumari from Vaishali in Bihar, Sheoraj Singh from Uttar Pradesh, or Lipi
Vats from Jharkhand, 75 such young participants were given the opportunity to pay tribute
to Bharat Ratna Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya and Atal Bihari Vajpayee on their birthdays at
Parliament House. This was made possible by the launch of a unique program, led by Lok Sabha
Speaker Om Birla, to ensure youth participation in the tribute programme in order to spread
awareness about the lives and ideals of the great national idols of the country. On December 25,
75 young people and hundreds of students attended the birth anniversary of two Bharat Ratnas,
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya and Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

ou have probably seen and heard that only Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Pt. Madan Mohan
the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Lok Malaviya. The young students were enthused not
Sabha, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, and only to see Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Speaker
dignitaries lay wreaths on statues or pictures of Om Birla, and other personalities in front of them
great men in the Parliament House's Central Hall. But with this new initiative but also by the statues and
there has been a new beginning in the Amrit Kaal of pictures of great men installed in the country's
independence. Now, by participating in these tribute Parliament. Many students expressed their feelings
programmes at Parliament House, the country's in interviews with New India Samachar.
youth are drawing inspiration from the lives of the Birth anniversaries of 11 leaders have been
ideal leadeers of the country. Another dimension earmarked for the programme launched under
has been added to the ongoing initiative to connect the new concept of "participation of the youth of
people with the parliament or the government. In our country in paying homage to national leaders
this episode, 75 young people from across the on their birth anniversary" in the Central Hall of
country were given the opportunity to take part in Parliament. The first programme was held on
a programme held in the Central Hall of Parliament October 2, 2022, on the birth anniversary of Father
to commemorate the birth anniversaries of Bharat of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur

42 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Youth Participation Nation


Subhash Chandra Bose 23 January West Bengal
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 14 April Maharashtra I am a member of the
National Service Scheme.
Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore May 7 West Bengal I received a call from Delhi
Mahatma Gandhi October 2 Gujarat inviting me to participate in
the Parliament's programme
Lal Bahadur Shastri 2 October Uttar Pradesh
after winning the state level
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 31 October Gujarat speech competition. I'm
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 14 November Uttar Pradesh thrilled to be a part of the
programme. The event was
Indira Gandhi 19 November Uttar Pradesh
attended by both Lok Sabha
Dr. Rajendra Prasad 3 December Bihar Speaker Om Birla and Prime
Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya 25 December Uttar Pradesh Minister Narendra Modi. They
also had a conversation with
Atal Bihari Vajpayee 25 December Uttar Pradesh
me and a photo shoot.
-Nisha Kumari, Vaishali, Bihar.

Atal Ji's outspokenness, Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji was a great I am overjoyed to be a part
confidence, and oratory skills statesman who gave exceptional of the programme. It was
on a variety of subjects were leadership to the country. He has a thrilling to see Prime Minister
outstanding. Millions of Indians special place in the heart of every Narendra Modi and Lok
benefited from Atal ji's leadership Indian.He worked to take India to new Sabha Speaker Om Birla
in making the country strong and heights in every field, whether it was in front of the Parliament
developed. Under his leadership, infrastructure, education, or foreign House. I had the opportunity
the country made unprecedented policy. I bow to Atal Ji once more from to interact with participants
progress in a variety of fields. the bottom of my heart. from other states.
-Om Birla , Lok Sabha Speaker. -Narendra Modi, Prime Minister- -Sheoraj Singh, Bulandshahr,
in the Mann Ki Baat programme Uttar Pradesh

Shastri, and so far eight programmes have been contributions of national leaders, as well as
held, with the next scheduled for January 23, on the the inspiring ideals and themes of their lives,
birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. in this programme organised by Parliament
A tribute programme was held in Parliament House. Parliament House, Kartavya Path, the
House on December 25th to commemorate the War Memorial, Raj Ghat, the National Sanitation
birth anniversaries of Bharat Ratna Pandit Madan Center, and the Prime Minister's Museum are all
Mohan Malviya and Atal Bihari Vajpayee. In the visited by the participants. 75 young people from
Lok Sabha, both Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla across the country are chosen to participate in
and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with this programme at Parliament House through
Ministers and MPs, paid tribute to both great competitions organised by various ministries.
personalities. The 75 participants in this tribute The Parliamentary Research and Training
programme were led by 23 states and one Institute for Democracy (PRIDE) sends letters
union territory. There were 40 females and 35 to the chosen participants' MPs and District
males among the participants. The participants Magistrates to highlight and motivate them. The
discussed the lives and ideals of Pandit Madan accommodation for the participants is arranged
Mohan Malaviya and Atal Bihari Vajpayee. by the Parliament. Following the wreath-laying
Besides, 400 participants from various Delhi-NCR ceremony, they are given books on national
schools and colleges were invited. leaders, a calligraphic copy of the Constitution on
More than 25 participants spoke on the a pen drive, and other digital literature.
New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023 43
Personality Dr Bhagwan Das

Born: January 12, 1869, Death: September 18, 1958

India's well-known educational, spiritual, and cultural center, Kashi, has been home to many
famous people. Dr. Bhagwan Das was one such great personality who left his position as
Deputy Collector to join the freedom struggle and walked to strengthen India's position. He
wished to liberate higher education from British influence and make India self-reliant in this
field. He began his career as an unpaid secretary at Central Hindu College and later made
significant contributions to education as a founding member and the first Vice Chancellor.
of Kashi Vidyapeeth.

n his father's persuasion, he joined a He not only made an immense contribution to the
government job. Impressed by his diligence establishment of Central Hindu College but also
he was made a Deputy Collector from joined as its unpaid secretary to achieve his vision.
Tehsildar by the British government in just 4 years. He went to jail for participating in the Non-
But after the demise of his father, he left his job Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement.
and devoted himself to the service of the nation. Dr During this period he met Babu Shiv Prasad alongwith
Bhagwan Das was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's whom he fulfilled the vision of Pandit Madan Mohan
highest civilian honour in 1955 for his contribution Malviya to establish a "Hindu University" in Varanasi
to the field of literature and education. It is said that with the establishment of "Kashi Hindu Vidyapeeth".
the then President Dr. Rajendra Prasad broke the He also became its first Vice-Chancellor. Second
protocol and took blessings by touching the feet of Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and freedom
Dr Bhagwan Das. The country's second President S. fighter Chandrashekhar Azad were also his disciples
Radhakrishnan considered Dr Bhagwan Das as his in Vidyapeeth.
guru and Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya also used Dr Bhagwan Das also translated many books. His
to consult him. translation of the Bhagwat Gita is very famous even
Dr. Bhagwan Das, born on January 12, 1869, in the today. He authored more than 30 books in Hindi and
landlord family of Varanasi, passed 10th standard at Sanskrit. In 1934 he was elected to the Legislative
the age of 12 and received MA degree at the age of Assembly in Uttar Pradesh. After independence, he
18. At a very young age, besides English, he learned continued to work tirelessly in the national interest.
Hindi, Sanskrit, Arabic, Urdu, and Persian. His father's He left for the heavenly abode on 18 September
name was Madhavdas and his mother's name was 1958. Despite being born into a wealthy family, he
Kishori Devi. Dr Bhagwan Das was so impressed was never allured by business interests. Instead, he
by a speech by Annie Besant that he joined the spent his life making India self-reliant in the field of
Theosophical Society in 1894. An educationist at education. Because of his immense contribution
heart, Dr. Bhagwan Das wanted to bridge the gap today swadeshi education stands on an equal footing
between the education of the West and the East. with western education in Indian universities.

44 New India Samachar January 1-15, 2023

Media Corner
RNI Registered No DELENG/2020/78811, Delhi
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January: 1-15, 2023

SAMACHAR (S)-93/2020-22, posting at BPC, Meghdoot Bhawan,
New Delhi - 110 001 on 26-30 advance Fortnightly
FORTNIGHTLY (Publishing December 22, 2022, Pages -48)



Swami Vivekananda became an inspiration for the youth with his thoughts and deeds. He
had great faith in the potential and transformative power of the youth of the country. He
believed that it is the youth of the country who will give the right direction and strength to the
nation's development in the coming times. His ideals still inspire the youth to serve the nation.
Swami Vivekananda, a fierce critic of casteism, untouchability, and social ostracism, had a
magnificent coordination of spirituality, nationalism, and modernity in his thoughts. He also
introduced the whole world to the values of Indian culture. The birthday of Swami Vivekananda,
the pioneer, and true patriot, is celebrated as 'National Youth Day'.

Swami Vivekananda saw the

youth of India as a strong link
between its glorious past and its
prosperous future. Vivekananda
used to say that all the power is
within you, manifest that power,
and believe that you can do
everything. This belief in oneself,
this message of making the
seemingly impossible things
possible is equally relevant for the
youth of the country even today. I
am very happy that today's youth
of India is understanding this very
well, and moving forward with
belief in themselves."
- Narendra Modi, Prime Minister

Editor in Chief Published & Printed by: Published from: Printed at

Satyendra Prakash, Room No–278, Central Bureau Of Infi ni ty Adv er ti s i ng s e rv i c e s P v t . L t d .
Manish Desai, Director General,
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Samachar January
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46 न्यू इंडिया समाचार 16-31 अगस्त 2022

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