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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 前菜:基本法答題 9 宮格
# 主菜:卷一、二題型速覽
# 個人成長與人際關係爆 POINTS 思維

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

目錄 Contents :

前菜:基本法答題 9 宮格 ............................................................................................................. P.3-4

主菜:卷一、二題型速覽 ............................................................................................................... P.5-7

題目訓練:關鍵意見領袖 ............................................................................................................. P.8-26

以讀攻讀 --- 單元一:個人成長與人際關係 .............................................................................. P.11

單元一通則化扣題金點子 (1) --- 香港青年人 / 18 歲人士 ..................................................... P.12

單元一通則化扣題金點子 (2) --- 個人成長 ................................................................................ P.13

拆 POINTS、推 POINTS 技巧 ................................................................................................. P.14-26

延伸轉化應用 --- 個人成長恆常議題 ........................................................................................... P.27

本節溫習重點懶人包 ......................................................................................................................... P.28

# 流淚撤種的 必歡呼收割

# Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy (Psalm 126:5)

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 前菜:基本法答題 9 宮格

 那夜凌晨,政府新聞處修訂新聞稿 … 下刪一萬字

1 26 107

一中原則 選舉權及被選舉權 The principle of keeping the

1-China principle The right to vote and the right to stand expenditure within the limits

for election of revenues

2 27 109

言論、集會、出版、結社、 適當的經濟及法律
新聞自由、遊行、示威、組織 國際金融中心
高度自治 及參加公會的權利及自由 An appropriate economic

High degree of autonomy Freedom of speech, of the press and of and legal environment for

publication; freedom of association, of the maintenance of the status

assembly, of procession and of of Hong Kong as an

demonstration international financial center

25 36 119

法律面前人人平等 社會福利、勞工福利 政府:環境保護

Equality before the law The right to social welfare The protection of the

in accordance with law environment

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 例子 --- 如何應用在答題上昇華

根據《基本法》第 107 條已經清楚確立特區政府務必本著審慎理財、量入為出、應用則


As stated of Article 107 under the Basic Law, it states clearly that the Hong Kong SAR government has to
manage public finance under the principle of prudent finance, keeping the expenditure within the limits
of revenues in drawing up its budget, avoid deficits and using expenses wisely. The SAR government
being the tax collector, all Hong Kong citizens have to pay tax when they have financial ability. Therefore,
the government has to fulfill civil servants ‘responsibilities, when drawing policies related to public
expenses should prioritize the interest of most citizens and the whole society, so as to effectively distribute
resources to all Hong Kong citizens, raising the quality of life.

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 主菜:卷一、二題型速覽

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 卷二答題心法

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 題目訓練 Key Opinion Leader


溫習指數 (*****) *****

**** 原因  近年全球各地都興起關鍵意見領袖的熱潮
 上年文憑試 (卷二) 考問粉絲團體
 公開試恆常考問模組之一: 個人成長 X 全球化
涵蓋跨單元  單元一:個人成長與人際關係
 單元二:今日香港
 單元三:現代中國
 單元四:全球化
 單元五:公共衛生
 單元六:能源科技與可持續發展
溫習玄機  個人成長 X 全球化

題型  如何題、促進而非妨礙題

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020


關鍵意見領袖* 的背後

近年,愈來愈多青年希望成為關鍵意見領袖 (KOL),但不少關鍵意見領袖 (KOL) 表

穩定性、潮流的一瞬即逝、作息時間的不足等等 ……

當全球各地都有不少關鍵意見領袖 (KOL) 時,原來全球最受歡迎及賺錢能力最高的網

絡紅人只是一位分享玩具資訊的小童。根據《福布斯》財經雜誌顯示,年僅 7 歲的
Ryan 在過去這一年內共賺取了近 2,200 萬美元。其 YouTube 頻道上的訂閱人數更超過
1000 萬人。有學者指出隨著全球化下資訊科技發展日新月異,全球各地不少人都透過
互聯網的平台發展自己的個人事業。以至近年全球各地不但興起斜槓青年 (SLASH) 的
彈性工作模式外,值得留意的是不少斜槓青年 (SLASH) 同時都是關鍵意見領袖之一,

隨著關鍵意見領袖 (KOL) 的潮流興起,不少跨國企業甚至會尋覓一些合適的網絡紅人

* 關鍵意見領袖泛指個人在某個範疇有其獨特才能甚至興趣,因而憑藉在社交媒體上定

(a) 解釋全球化可以如何促進香港本土文化的傳播。 (8 分)

(b) 「關鍵意見領袖促進而非妨礙青少年的個人成長。」你是否同意此說法?解釋你的答
案。 (12 分)

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
Paper 2: Extended Response Question

Refer to the sources below and answer the questions.

The story behind key opinion leaders*

In recent years, many teenagers hope to become key opinion leaders (KOL), however when all of us are
jealous of their flexibility of work, many of them have to face different kinds of pressure like instable
income, quick changing trends and inadequate rest time etc.

When so many KOL around the world, the most famous and profitable one is a 7-year-old boy sharing toy
info. According to Forbes, a financial magazine, the boy Ryan earned 2.2 million US-dollar last year, with
followers greater than 10 million. Some scholars pointed out that with technological advancement, people
tried to develop their own businesses through the internet platform. Moreover, the tentative working style -
SLASH is becoming prominent worldwide, and many slash teenagers are also key opinion leaders, sharing
info on social media platforms.

With the rise of KOL, many multinational enterprises are finding KOL to cooperate with by sharing
product info to their supporters. As a result, the subscriptions by fans is very important to KOL, reflecting
their influential power. Some local KOL reminded that for those who want to one of them, they should act
fast and show their special talents on social media to receive attention from netizens.

* Key opinion leaders refer to those with special talents and interests on a specific area, so as to gain support by
expressing their opinions on social media and turning it to personal influential power.

(a) Explain how globalization facilitates the spread of local culture. (8 marks)

(b) “Key opinion leaders can assist rather than hinder the personal growth of teenagers” Do you agree with
this saying? Explain your answer. (12 marks)

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 以讀攻讀 --- 單元一:個人成長與人際關係 Personal growth

單元一:個人成長與人際關係 Personal growth

主題 1:自我了解 主題 2:人際關係
Theme 1: Understanding oneself Theme 2: Interpersonal relationships
 影響青少年自尊的因素  青少年的人際關係
Factors which may affect teenagers’ self esteem Interpersonal relationships of teenagers
 青少年的權利及責任 - 朋輩、親子、師長、戀愛
Rights and responsibilities of teenagers - Peer, parent-children, teacher-student, love in a relationship
 時下青少年的社會趨勢  青少年的關係轉變
Current trends of teenagers Changes in teenagers’ relationships
 青少年的生活技能、機遇及挑戰  青少年參與社區事務
Acquisition of life skills, opportunities and challenges Teenagers’ participation in community affairs
# 2020 DSE 考問頻率 (*****)
***** ****
# 跨單元溫習暨考問玄機
 X 今日香港  X 今日香港
 X 現代中國  X 現代中國
 X 全球化  X 全球化

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 單元一通則化扣題金點子 (1) --- 香港青年人 / 18 歲人士 *****

# 爆 POINTS --- 年青人特質:生理角度

年青人特質 5**求分概念化 公開試答題應用
1.  對性好奇 Sexual curiosity  青少年:青春期 puberty ✓ 援交、PTBF / PTGF
# 爆 POINTS --- 年青人特質:心理 / 社交角度 # PRAISE 訣
1.  重視同儕、從眾  同儕:青少年的重要他人 significant others ✓ 青少年
Peer recognition, conformity (P)  聯繫感 sense of affiliation、安全感 sense of security Teenagers / adolescents
2.  性格反叛  青少年:青春期 puberty
Rebellious (R)  挑戰父母、師長權威 ✓ 青少年的行為偏差
Challenge parents’ and teachers’ authority Teenagers with deviant
 獨特感 sense of selfhood --- 發掘及認同自己獨特天份 behavior
3.  重視外表、外在美  青春期:生理、心理特質的改變
Focus on appearance (A)  建構自我形象 self-image、鏡中自我 looking glass self ✓ 政府應否立法規管未滿
4.  重視獨立自主  青少年:爭取能力感 sense of competence 18 歲人士進行 ……
Independent, Individualism (I)  認為自己已經是成年人,能夠脫離父母的枷鎖 Should the government ban …
 自我中心  青少年以「我」為思考原則 Me Generation on under-18s through
 期望得到他人的關注 Attention seeking legislation
Self-centered (S)
6.  情緒波動大  青少年:風暴期 Storming
✓ 個人成長 Personal growth
Emotional problem (E)  未能恰當控制情緒 Unable to control emotions

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 單元一通則化扣題金點子 (2) --- 個人成長 Personal growth *****

#3 #5 #5 #7 #9
個人成長 自尊五感 生活技能 人際關係 及 生涯規劃 共通技能
親子關係 協作能力
聯繫感 理財策劃 Parent-children relationship Collaboration skills
自我形象 Sense of affiliation Financial planning 朋輩關係 溝通能力
Self-image Peer relationship Communication skills
師長關係 批判性思考能力
獨特感 目標訂定 Teacher-student relationship Critical thinking skills
Sense of selfhood Aim setting 戀愛關係 創造能力
Love in a relationship Creativity skills
自我概念 運算能力
Self-perception 能力感 衝突處理 Numeracy skills
Sense of competence Conflict management 價值觀 解決問題能力
Values Problem-solving skills
安全感 時間管理 生涯規劃 運用資訊科技能力
Sense of security Time management Career planning Information technology skills
自尊 研習能力
Self esteem 方向感 情緒管理 權利與責任 Study skills
Sense of mission Emotional management Rights and responsibilities 自我管理能力
Self-management skills

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

(b)「關鍵意見領袖促進而非妨礙青少年的個人成長。」你是否同意此說法?解釋你的答案。 (12 分)
“Key opinion leaders can assist rather than hinder the personal growth of teenagers” Do you agree with this saying? Explain your answer. (12 marks)

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
關鍵意見領袖 Key opinion leaders
#3 #5 #5 #7 #9
個人成長 自尊五感 生活技能 人際關係 及 生涯規劃 共通技能
親子關係 協作能力
聯繫感 理財策劃 Parent-children relationship Collaboration skills
自我形象 Sense of affiliation Financial planning 朋輩關係 溝通能力
Self-image Peer relationship Communication skills
師長關係 批判性思考能力
獨特感 目標訂定 Teacher-student relationship Critical thinking skills
Sense of selfhood Aim setting 戀愛關係 創造能力
Love in a relationship Creativity skills
自我概念 運算能力
Self-perception 能力感 衝突處理 Numeracy skills
Sense of competence Conflict management 價值觀 解決問題能力
Values Problem-solving skills
安全感 時間管理 生涯規劃 運用資訊科技能力
Sense of security Time management Career planning Information technology skills
自尊 研習能力
Self esteem 方向感 情緒管理 權利與責任 Study skills
Sense of mission Emotional management Rights and responsibilities 自我管理能力
Self-management skills

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 主菜:拆 POINTS、推 POINTS 技巧:KOL 題目

(b)「關鍵意見領袖促進而非妨礙青少年的個人成長。」你是否同意此說法? (12 分)
“Key opinion leaders can assist rather than hinder the personal growth of teenagers” Do you agree with
this saying? Explain your answer. (12 marks)

5** 答題技巧 同意 不同意

引言 近年,關鍵意見領袖成為全球各 近年,關鍵意見領袖成為全球各地
地一股熱潮。有指「關鍵意見領 一股熱潮。有指「關鍵意見領袖促
袖促進而非妨礙青少年的個人成 進而非妨礙青少年的個人成長。」
長。」我同意此說。現詳細分析 但我不同意此說。現詳細分析如
如下: 下:

比較 (一) 再者,在生活技能方面(歸納意 再者,在日常生活方面(歸納意

識),關鍵意見領袖促進而非妨礙 識),關鍵意見領袖妨礙而非促進
。 青少年建立人際關係(中心句)

的確,近年全球各地在出生率低 的確,在全球化下電子文化的影響
的情況下,不少小朋友都是在核 下,近年全球各地愈來愈多青年機
心家庭、四二一家庭的環境下長 不離手,他們專注於網絡世界而忽
大。加上在雙職家庭下,父母外 略現實生活中真摰的人際關係。加
出工作,所以將照料孩童的責任 上近年全球各地在出生率低的情況
交給傭工,所以不少學童在矯生 下,不少青少年都是在核心家庭、
慣養下欠缺自理能力,養成依賴 四二一家庭的環境下長大,他們大
的心態。以香港為例,不少學童 多是獨生子女,因此會較為自我中
對於一些日常生活技能例如:煮 心,亦不多機會在家中與他人溝通
食、綁鞋帶、執拾衣物等都不掌 。所以,正當近年全球各地都興起
握。這反映時下學童普遍欠缺自 關鍵意見領袖的潮流後,這正正提
理、抗逆能力。所以,透過關鍵 供一個平台予年青人在虛擬的網絡
意見領袖,這有助時下青年掌握 世界上找到更多心靈上的慰藉。因
更多生活技能。因為這些關鍵意 為關鍵意見領袖常常在網絡上分享
見領袖常常在網絡上分享自己的 自己的烹飪、學習外語等心得,青
烹飪、學習外語等心得,青少年 少年久而久之就會仿傚其心得在日

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
久而久之就會仿傚其心得在日常 常生活中實踐。但值得留意的是凡
生活實踐,發揮自學精神,藉此 此種種都只會進一步令時下青年更
同時減少青年的依賴風氣。但亦 加沉迷於網絡上的虛擬世界,並且
有指關鍵意見領袖或會妨礙青年 無助他們建立人際關係。因為他們
的日常生活,令青年過於沉迷而 時刻追蹤關鍵意見領袖的網上動態
影響學習。因為不少關鍵意見領 ,因而忽略在日常生活上與他人建
袖都會定期發佈影片以維繫支持 立真誠人際關係的需要。當社會上
者,不少家長擔心這會令青年不 「低頭族」文化因為關鍵意見領袖
斷追蹤關鍵意見領袖而荒廢學業 的出現而嚴重化,人與人之間的隔
。但值得留意的是這正正是提供予 膜亦會進一步增加。而這種隔膜往
青年的學習過程。任何事情一旦沉 往更加比較常出現在家庭當中,尤
迷都是負面,所以當他都想仿傚關 其是青年與父母的親子交談機會愈
鍵意見領袖一樣擁有影響力,青年 來愈少的情況下,彼此之間的代溝
務必要摒棄不勞而穫的價值觀。反 問題亦會進一步深化,這有損親子
觀,青年更應以關鍵意見領袖為榜 關係的建立。由此可見,關鍵意見
樣,在求學階段努力學習,掌握更 領袖妨礙而非促進青少年建立人際
多知識、才能以至共通技能,日後 關係。

比較 (二) 其次,在生涯規劃方面(歸納意 其次,在生涯規劃方面(歸納意

識),關鍵意見領袖促進而非妨礙 識),關鍵意見領袖妨礙而非促進
青年建立更多擇業選項(中心句) 青年建立擇業選項(中心句)。的
。的確,近年全球經濟發展成熟, 確,近年全球經濟發展成熟,不少
不少傳統產業的管理職級已由上 傳統產業的管理職級已由上一代擔
一代擔任。不少年青人因此面對 任。不少年青人因此面對社會流動
社會流動性低的落差。但適逢全 性低的落差而對生涯規劃感到悲觀
球化下,互聯網以至社交平台的 。但在全球化下,互聯網以至社交
普及卻催生了關鍵意見領袖的潮 平台的普及催生關鍵意見領袖的潮
流,全球各地的民眾都可以透過 流,全球各地的民眾都可以透過互
互聯網在社交平台上就自己擅長 聯網在社交平台上就自己擅長或者
或者有興趣的範疇設 YouTube 頻 有興趣的範疇設立 YouTube 頻道
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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
道、IG 個人專屬頁面等等……凡 、IG 個人專頁等等……凡此種種都
此種種都能激發青年的創意來吸 能激發青年創意。例如:Ming 仔
引支持者。例如:Ming 仔定期在 定期在個人的 YouTube 頻道、IG
個人 YouTube 頻道、IG 個人專屬 個人專屬頁面分享自己的旅遊經歷
頁面分享自己的旅遊經歷,成功 ,成功吸引數以十萬計支持者。毛
吸引數以十萬計的支持者。毛記 記電視創辦人之一的林日曦亦成功
電視創辦人之一的林日曦亦成功 透過社交媒體打造出《100 毛》,成
透過社交媒體打造出《100 毛》。 為時下青年受歡迎的網絡平台。這
這反映關鍵意見領袖成為新興的 反映關鍵意見領袖成為新興職業模
職業模式,拓闊青年的擇業選擇 式,拓闊青年的擇業選擇。但值得
,有助其生涯規劃。但亦有指關 留意的是如資料所示不少關鍵意見
鍵意見領袖的收入並不穩定,有 領袖的收入並不穩定,同時亦欠缺
家長擔心一旦青年矢志成為關鍵 工作的穩定性保障,長遠或會窒礙
意見領袖,不但缺乏穩定收入, 其生涯規劃。始終不少青年性格比
同時亦擔心欠缺工作的穩定性保 較急進、並且喜歡嚐新事物,所以
障,窒礙其生涯規劃。但值得留 有不少青年或會在未有充分考慮下
意的是近年全球各地興起斜槓青 就摒棄固有刻板的工作模式,在從
年,而這批青年很多時都是關鍵 眾的影響下成為關鍵意見領袖。但
意見領袖,他們正正不願意被固 關鍵意見領袖仍然屬於一股近年新
有的刻板工作模式影響自己的生 興的潮流,潮流一旦冷卻甚至能否
活素質,所以他們根本不介意身 長遠持續維持仍然充滿屬未知數。
兼多職。更甚的是他們認為在身 所以,關鍵意見領袖的前景仍然充
兼多職下能夠透過自己的技能賺 滿很多變數。一旦投身關鍵意見領
取更多收入,避免被傳統的固有 袖的行列,長遠能否藉此得到穩定
工作模式束縛自己的生涯規劃。 收入仍然存疑。可見,關鍵意見領
可見,關鍵意見領袖促進而非妨 袖妨礙而非促進青少年建立長遠而
礙青年建立生涯規劃。 穩定的生涯規劃。

比較 (三) 再者,在眼界視野方面(歸納意 再者,在價值觀方面(歸納意識)

識),關鍵意見領袖促進而非妨礙 ,關鍵意見領袖妨礙而非促進青年
。 建立正確的價值觀(中心句)。的
在全球化下,各地的人口流動因 確,在經濟全球化下,不少跨國企
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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
為基建、通訊科技、資訊科技等 業例如蘋果公司、三星、GAP 等為
推動愈來愈頻繁。這亦意味著全 了達致利潤最大化,不但將產品生
球各地的青年競爭不斷加劇。所 產鏈遍佈多個發展中國家來減低生
以,具備國際視野是二十一世紀 產成本,同時更會將產品銷售渠道
下的青年其中一項應有的元素。 增至全球多國市場來增加銷售額。
但本港不少學生在國際觀上只停 產品銷售國際化令全球各地的消費
留於認知層面。青少年透過接觸 者可以有更多貨品及服務的選擇。
關鍵意見領袖不但對某個範疇的 但與此同時,這亦令企業的經營競
資訊多了掌握。同時,由於關鍵 爭愈來愈嚴重,所以各間企業都會
意見領袖並沒有時間及空間的枷 各出其謀,並找來一些關鍵意見領
鎖,所以全球各地的青年都可以 袖合作,協助在支持者的群體中推
藉此接觸到不同地方的資訊及文 廣其產品。但值得留意的是這正正
化。例如:全球最受歡迎的關鍵 是透過關鍵意見領袖背後的名人效
意見領袖正是一位分享玩具資訊 應來帶出消費主義、物質主義、名
的外籍小童 Ryan、以至 Ming 仔 牌效應等價值觀。青少年在耳濡目
都會就一些國際新聞如脫歐拍攝 染之下,或會被這些似是而非的價
短片,藉以引起大家對國際議題 值觀影響,因而追求感性消費而並
的關注。但亦有指關鍵意見領袖 非理性消費。久而久之,當青少年
的資訊大多是停留於令受眾處於 在感性消費的情緒影響下,他們就
認知的層面,很多時青年得悉有 會將「先使未來錢」這種錯誤的理
關議題後亦較少有實質行動回應 財觀植根在心中,更甚的是或會誤
,對於提高青年的國際視野仍然 墮理財陷。因此,這反映關鍵意見
有一定程度的保留。但值得留意 領袖對時下青年有一定的影響力,
的是任何具體行動之前都要先有 其言論及行為或會令青年加以模仿
充分的認知層面。誠言,青年的 甚至走向行為偏差,這同時扭曲青
確較難單靠一段影片而激發起他 少年的價值觀,不利其個人成長的
們回應國際議題的行動,但至少 道德教育發展。可見,關鍵意見領
透過關鍵意見領袖的短片能夠先 袖妨礙而非促進青年建立正確的價
引起青年對有關國際議題的關注 值觀 (小結)。
妨礙青年建立國際視野 (小結)。
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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
課後 / 最後,在 ______________方面, 最後,在 ______________方面,
即場實戰 ____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
Approach 1/ _____________________ (主題句) _____________________ (主題句)
Approach 2 _____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
____________________ (情景化) _____________________ (情景化)
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
________________________ (促進) ________________________ (促進)
但有指 ______________________ 但___________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
________________________ (妨礙) ______________________________
但值得留意的是 ______________ ______________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
____________________(比較分析) ____________________(妨礙分析)
因此,_______________________ 因此,_______________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
______________________(小結)。 ______________________(小結)。

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
(b) “Key opinion leaders can assist rather than hinder the personal growth of teenagers” Do you agree with
this saying? Explain your answer. (12 marks)

5** skills Agree Disagree

Introduction In recent years, key opinion leaders In recent years, key opinion leaders (KOL)
(KOL) have become a global trend. I have become a global trend. I do not
agree the saying that “Key opinion agree the saying that “Key opinion leaders
leaders can assist rather than hinder the can assist rather than hinder the personal
personal growth of teenagers”. The growth of teenagers”. The paragraphs will
paragraphs below will explain my view. explain my view.

1st comparison Firstly, in the perspective of life skills Firstly, in the perspective of daily living
(categorization), key opinion leaders (categorization), key opinion leaders are
can assist rather than hinder teenagers hindering rather than helping teenagers
in developing their generic skills (topic in developing their living skills (topic
sentence). With a low birth rate all over sentence). Indeed, under the digitalized
the world, most of the families in Hong culture of globalization, many teenagers
Kong are nuclear and 4-2-1 families, are over-focused on their phones and
most of the children in Hong Kong are neglected the sincere relationship among
the only child in their families. In the people. Together with a low birth rate all
dual income families, the responsibility over the world, most of the families in
of taking care of children is on domestic Hong Kong are nuclear and 4-2-1 families,
helpers as parents have to go to work. most of the children in Hong Kong are
Domestic helpers usually arrange the the only child in their families, they may
living and catering needs of children very become self-centered as they seldom have
well, as a result kids will become lacking opportunities to communicate with family
of self-care ability and having reliance members. With the rising trend of KOL,
on domestic helpers. After the this provides a platform for teenagers to
popularization of KOL, their share of comfort their hearts in the virtual internet
cooking experience and learning foreign world. This is because KOL’s share of
languages can help teenagers learn more cooking experience and learning foreign
living ability, also the imitation to KOL languages can help teenagers to practice in

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
can develop teenagers’ self-learning daily life when they are under the stage of
ability, reducing their reliance to intimidation. It is worth notifying that the
domestic helpers at the same time. above situation will make teenagers even
However, some people may say that more addicted to the virtual world, not
KOL may obstruct the daily living of assisting them to build up inter personal
teenagers, affecting their academic relationship as they keep on tracing the
performance when they are over addicted status of KOL online and neglect the need
to KOL. Many parents concerned that of building true interpersonal relationship
teenagers continuously following the with others. When they culture of
videos of KOL may affect the academic phubbing intensifies due to KOL, this
performance as publishing new videos is further increases the virtual barriers
a kind of bounding between KOL and between people especially in family
their supporters. It is worth notifying that households. With less chance to chat
this is a learning process for teenagers, between teenagers and parents the problem
over addicted on something is negative, of generation gap will further intensify,
therefore when teenagers want to be as harming the parent-child relationship. As
influential as the KOL, they have to give observed, KOL are obstructing rather than
up the value of gaining success without enhancing the build up of interpersonal
working hard. In fact, teenagers should relationship of teenagers (short
treat KOL as their role models, learning conclusion).
proactively to gain more knowledge as
well as developing living ability for the
sake of their long-term development. As
observed, KOL can help rather than
obstruct the development of living ability
of teenagers (short conclusion).

2nd Furthermore, in terms of career Furthermore, in terms of career

comparison planning (Categorization), key opinion planning (Categorization), key opinion
leaders can assist rather than hinder are hindering rather than assisting
teenagers in developing greater choices teenagers in developing choices of
of employment (topic sentence). True, employment (topic sentence). True, with a
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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
with a more developed economy more developed economy worldwide, the
worldwide, the management roles of many management roles of many pillar
pillar industries are taken by the previous industries are taken by the previous
generation, many teenagers are generation, many teenagers are pessimistic
pessimistic to their career planning due to to their career planning due to low social
low social mobility. But with mobility. But with globalization, the
globalization, the popularization of popularization of internet and social media
internet and social media platform sparks platform sparks off the trend of KOL,
off the trend of KOL, citizens worldwide citizens worldwide can set up their own
can set up their own YouTube channel, YouTube channel, Instagram (IG) personal
Instagram (IG) personal fan page in fan page in expressing their own area of
expressing their own area of interest. interest. This can make good use of
This can make good use of teenagers’ teenagers’ creativity in publishing videos to
creativity in publishing videos to attract attract supporters, for example Tommy
supporters, for example Tommy Leung Leung (Ming Zai) shares his travel
(Ming Zai) shares his travel experience experience timely on his YouTube and IG
timely on his YouTube and IG fan page fan page timely which successfully
timely which successfully attracted 100 attracted 100 thousand of supporters. Lam
thousand of supporters. Lam Yat Hei, Yat Hei, founder of the TV Most,
founder of the TV Most, successfully successfully utilized the social media and
utilized the social media and established established “100 Most” which is one of the
“100 Most” which is one of the most well most well received online platform. This
received online platform. This reflects reflects KOL have become a new
KOL have become a new occupational occupational model, widening teenagers’
model, widening teenagers’ vocational vocational choices, assisting their career
choices, assisting their career planning. planning. However, it is worth notifying
However, some opinions may say that the that the income of KOL is very unstable as
income of KOL is very unstable. Some mentioned in the source, together with
parents concern that if their kids become insufficient job stability protection, this
KOL, not only will they lack off a stable may in long term obstruct their career
income, they will also lose the protection planning. As teenagers have the character
of job stability, obstructing the career of aiming for a fast progress, they also like
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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
planning. However, it is worth notifying to try on new things, therefore many
that the trend of “Slashie” is becoming teenagers may give up their routine
more popular, some of these slash working style without comprehensive
teenagers are KOL as they don’t like consideration and become KOL under the
routine jobs which may harm their effect of conformity. However, whether
quality of life. Therefore, they take many the trend of KOL can last for a long term is
job positions, on one hand enjoy a free still unknown. Therefore, the future of
working and living pace, on the other KOL still contains lots of variations. As
earning more income by personal ability observed, KOL are obstructing rather than
to prevent being bound by the routine helping teenagers to have a long term and
working style in having career planning. stable career planning.
As observed, KOL can assist rather than
hinder teenagers to have career planning.

3rd Moreover, in terms of the scope of vision Moreover, in terms of values

comparison (categorization), KOL can assist rather (categorization), KOL are hindering
hinder teenagers to build an rather than assisting teenagers to build
international scope (topic sentence). correct values (topic sentence). True,
Under globalization, there is a frequent under economic globalization, many
flow of population due to the multinational corporations like Apple,
advancement of infrastructure. With Samsung Gap aim at profit maximization
frequent flow of population, this implies by spreading the production chains to
that there will be greater competitions many developing countries as to reduce
between teenagers, therefore having an production cost, they also increase their
international vision is one of the key sales channels in to many countries
elements for 21st century teenagers. worldwide to boost sales. Globalization in
Taking Hong Kong as an example, many sales can increase the amount of goods and
students’ international sense remains on services enjoyed by worldwide consumers.
a cognition level, therefore it is necessary At the same time, this intensifies the
to raise teenagers’ international scope. competitions between corporations,
By connecting with KOL, this not only therefore some of the companies choose to
can increase the information gained by cooperate with KOL in promoting products
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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
teenagers, it also provides the chance for to their followers. However, it is worth
them to learn information, trends and notifying that the KOL are taking
culture from other countries. For example, advantage of their celebrity effect in
as mentioned in the source, the world’s delivering values like consumerism,
most famous KOL is the kid Ryan who materialism and famous brand effects.
shares toy info, while in Hong Kong KOL Being constantly influenced, the false
like Tommy Leung (Ming Zai) published values may make teenagers to have
video related to international news like emotional consumption rather than
Brexit, aiming to raise the public attention logical consumption. In long term, with
on global issues. However, the info the influence of emotional consumption,
provided by KOL will only let the teenagers may build the wrong financial
followers remain in a cognition level value of spending the money of future and
only, having a minor effect in raising the may end up in financial problems.
international scope of teenagers as not Therefore, this reflects KOL have
many of them have actual action in influence on teenagers, their words and
responding the issue. It is worth notifying actions will be simulated by teenagers and
that any actions will require a full lead to behavior deviation, at the same
cognition to the issue. True, a single video time it has a negative impact on their value,
may fail to spark off teenager’ respond to affecting their development in moral
international issues, but the videos by education and personal growth. As
KOL can at least raise their awareness on observed, KOL are hindering rather than
the global issues and it is worth it to widen helping teenagers to build up correct values
their worldwide horizons. Therefore, KOL (short conclusion).
can assist rather than hinder teenagers in
building a global vision.

Drilling Last but not least,in terms of Last but not least,in terms of
__________________________, __________________________,
Approach 1/ ____________________________ ____________________________
Approach 2 _____________________________ _____________________________
________ ______ (Topic sentence) ________ ______ (Topic sentence)
_____________________________ _____________________________
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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_______________ (Contextualize) _______________ (Contextualize)
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________(To assist) _____________________(To assist)
But, some ___________________ But, some ___________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
____________________(To hinder) ____________________(To hinder)
But, _________________________ But, _________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
__________________(Comparison) __________________(Comparison)
As a result,__________________ As a result,__________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
____________(small conclusion). ____________(small conclusion).

Conclusion To conclude, the above paragraphs prove To conclude, the above paragraphs
the saying that “Key opinion leaders can explained “KOL can hinder rather than
assist rather than hinder the personal assisting teenagers’ personal growth”.
growth of teenagers”.
The above is a suggested sample. Other reasonable and possible answers are also accepted.

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 延伸轉化應用 --- 個人成長恆常議題

#3 #5 #5 #7 #9
個人成長 自尊五感 生活技能 人際關係 及 生涯規劃 共通技能
親子關係 協作能力
聯繫感 理財策劃 Parent-children relationship Collaboration skills
自我形象 Sense of affiliation Financial planning 朋輩關係 溝通能力
Self-image Peer relationship Communication skills
師長關係 批判性思考能力
獨特感 目標訂定 Teacher-student relationship Critical thinking skills
Sense of selfhood Aim setting 戀愛關係 創造能力
Love in a relationship Creativity skills
自我概念 運算能力
Self-perception 能力感 衝突處理 Numeracy skills
Sense of competence Conflict management 價值觀 解決問題能力
Values Problem-solving skills
安全感 時間管理 生涯規劃 運用資訊科技能力
Sense of security Time management Career planning Information technology skills
自尊 研習能力
Self esteem 方向感 情緒管理 權利與責任 Study skills
Sense of mission Emotional management Rights and responsibilities 自我管理能力
Self-management skills

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 本節溫習重點懶人包

議題 

 單元一:個人成長與人際關係
Module 1: Personal Growth and Interpersonal relationship
 單元二:今日香港
Module 2: Hong Kong Today
 單元三:現代中國
涵蓋單元 Module 3: Modern China
 單元四:全球化
Module 4: Globalization
 單元五:公共衛生
Module 5: Public Health
 單元六:能源科技與環境
Module 6: Energy, technology and the environment

概念化 

 ……

答題技巧、 
拆題技巧 

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

附送多份模擬試卷、練習題目、概念大全、通則拆 POINTS 大全

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

•針對考評要 •海量題目及
求,定期派 參考範文
發實用通識 • 定期派發
備戰書籍 MOCK 卷
通識 實戰
" 書送" 訓練
課後 詳盡
問診 批改
•親自快速跟 功課,及時
進學生校內 指出學生答
外通識疑問 題強弱之處

⚫ 第五大配套:日校停課期間無限量支援學生追回校內通識內容的疑問

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

每位學生在學習通識上總會有不同體會,我的體會來自 2013 年。猶記得當年,修讀舊制

(會考、高考) 的我以自修生資格報考通識教育文憑試,親身體會每位學生在備戰、應考

題,讓大家掌握一套分析技巧應考通識科文憑試,真正做到通識科的真諦:識通 (懂得

Every student has their own experiences of learning Liberal Studies. My experience comes from 2013. I still
remember the day when I sat the HKDSE L.S. exam as a private candidate, experiencing the difficulty
preparing for the exam. Even though I was a student from the past education system, I did take the HKDSE
L.S. exam and feel the pressure on my own.

In my opinion, for most students, Liberal Studies will give you a sense of helplessness. Faced with the wide
scope of the learning content (the six modules), a great variety of issues and limited exam time, you find it
extremely difficult to study the subject and prepare for the exam. Now that a majority of students lack a
clear direction of studying L.S., some of whom even insist on revising a wide selection of issues, I hope I
can provide you with some suitable ways to study the subject and pass the exam with flying colors. In my
lessons, I am going to provide you with essential exam skills, including logic, reasoning, examining
questions, and so on. These skills will be used throughout different kinds of issues and exam questions. I
truly hope not only can my lessons help you master a series of exam strategies, they can also enable you to
respond to different types of questions and situations promptly, thus leading to realization of the goals listed
in the L.S. curriculum.

* 所有課程教材中英對照,全面適合 CMI 學生及 EMI 學生。

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

真 • 100 % 公開試主導,課程內容極具前瞻性
一考完,多位學生分享答卷喜悅 一考完,多位學生分享答卷喜悅

筆記題目具前瞻性 100%公開試導向 筆記配套完全秒殺 答題概念化技巧

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

真 • 100 % 公開試主導,課程內容極具前瞻性
學生用盡答題技巧 秒殺全卷題目 學生用盡全力 概念化作答題目

學生用盡力爆 POINTS 轉化筆記內容 學生考完充滿信心摘星

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

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# Roy Sir # S4-S5 Online Essence # 2019 - 2020

# 與 Roy Poon 真 • Connect

WhatsApp 親自回覆:6064 8127






# 流淚撤種的 必歡呼收割
# Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy (Psalm 126:5)

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