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Kufur Aqab School

English Test 2
Name: ___________ 4th grade
Date:22/2/2021 Day: Tuesday

1- True ( √ ) or False ( X )

1-The blue box is the biggest. True False

2- The yellow box is the smallest. True False

3- The green box is bigger than the yellow box. True False

4- The blue box is the smallest. True False

5- The yellow box is bigger than the blue box. True False

2- Choose the correct answer.

1-The red pencil is the ____________.

long longer longest

2-The green pencil is __________than the red pencil.

short shorter shortest

3- The red bag is the ______________.

light lighter lightest

4- The boy is ___________ than the girl.

tall taller tallest

5- The box is _______

big bigger biggest

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