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agility smarts spirit strength vigor
4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12
4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12
boating gambling intimidation climbing
driving hacking persuasion
fighting healing
lockpicking investigation
piloting notice
riding repair
shooting streetwise
stealth survival
swimming taunt pace parry toughness charisma
throwing tracking Distance per combat round. Melee attacks must equal or Natural resistance to damage Added to persuasion and
walk [free]: pace x 2 yds beat your parry to hit you. plus armour and other defenses. streetwise rolls.
run [action]: (pace + 1d6) x 2 yds default: 2 + ½ fighting default: 2 + ½ vigor + armour default: 0
default: 6
default: 5 attribute points & 15 skill points (skill > attribute costs 2 points).

hindrances injuries

Character flaws and physical handicaps. Roleplay them for bennies!
default: 1 major (2 pts) + 2 minor (1 pt). 2 pts = 1 attribute pt or an edge. 1 pt = 1 skill pt or extra money.

wounds taken depend on value of (toughness - damage):

edges The unqiue gifts and special powers of a true hero. default: 1 edge (if human). -1 0-3: target is shaken. If target was already shaken they also suffer a wound.
4+: target is shaken and suffers a wound for each and every raise.

Each wound causes a cumulative -1 to pace and all trait rolls.

spend a bennie to soak damage by rolling vigor. Each success and raise
soaks 1 wound from this attack. If all are soaked then recover from shaken.
-2 spend a bennie at any time to immediately recover from shaken.

shaken characters must attempt to recover on their action by rolling spirit:

failure: remain shaken and only perform free actions.

success: recover and act immediately.
-3 healing attempt takes 10 mins, and suffers patient's + medic's wound penalties.
Heals max 2 wounds; 1 on success, 2 on raise. Only possible during golden hour.

cyberwear Supra-human or sub-human?

incapacitated characters are out of the fight. Immediately roll vigor:
<= 1: dead.
limits: enhanced wild die is max 1 step greater than natural trait. Total cyberware levels <= spirit die type.
description trait level wild die incap. failure: permanent injury, and bleeding out.
success: temporary injury until all wounds healed.
raise: temporary injury for shorter of 24 hrs or all wounds healed.

gear fatigue represents penalties due to environmental hazards: heat, cold,
armour rating
Every 5 xp choose: new edge; new skill; increase 1 skill >= attribute;
hunger, disease, poison, lack of sleep, etc.
-1 increase 2 skills < attribute; increase 1 attribute (once per rank).
recovery and the effect of being incapacitated depends on the

specific cause and may or may not be life-threatening.

melee weapon damage

ranged weapon range r.o.f. damage


savage worlds fan! project referencing savage worlds © Pinnacle Entertainment Group & daring tales of the sprawl © Triple Ace Games
combat maneuvers
aim +2 shooting/throwing on next attack but can't move · double tap/3-round burst +1/+2 attack and damage · full auto roll shooting dice equal to weapon's rate of fire at -2 and compare each result ·
suppresive fire on successful shooting roll 2d4 targets (medium burst) must make a spirit roll or be shaken; a spirit roll of 1 causes normal damage · firing into melee/innocent bystanders a miss
with a shooting roll of 1 (or 2 with shotguns/full auto) hits someone else · the drop +4 attack and damage · finishing move instant kill to helpless foe with lethal weapon · ganging up +1 per additional
attacker (max 4) · defend +2 parry; character may take no other actions · disarm -2 attack; defender must make a strength roll vs damage or drop their weapon · grapple opposed fighting roll; entangled
on success, shaken on raise · breaking free opposed strength/agility; free on success, act normally on raise · trick opposed agility or smarts; -2 parry until next action on success, shaken on raise · nonlethal

damage incapacitated characters are knocked out for 1d6 hours but uninjured · two weapons -2 attack; additional -2 for off-hand if not ambidextrous · unarmed defender armed attackers gain +2 fighting ·
withdraw from close combat adjacent foes get one free attack each · intimidation/taunt opposed roll versus spirit/smarts; +2 to next action against target on success, target shaken on raise.

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