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3. What is difference between biography approach and historical approach?

biographical approach, this kind of approach suggests that the fact-based knowledge and
life of an author whether its experiences, thoughts, or feelings mainly contributed unto the
creation of the literary work. Meanwhile, historical approach looks at the historical context
of a specific literature. This includes social, cultural, and intellectual milieu of the time. For
instance, in the novel Pride and Prejudice, if we criticized the literary work in this kind of
approach then we might conclude that how the characters dress in novel as it was
described was similar to how people dressed during that time. In a biographical approach,
this type of approach implies that the author's factual existence and knowledge, including
their experiences, emotions, and feelings, largely influenced how the work of literature was
created. The historical approach differs this by examining the historical setting of a
particular work of literature. This covers the time's philosophical, cultural, and societal
circumstances. For instance, if we critiqued the literary work Pride and Prejudice using this
method, we might come to the conclusion that the characters' clothing was reminiscent of
what people dressed at that point in time

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