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Nombre: Jonathan Jair Leyva Garibay

Matrícula: 850254443
Materia: Inglish 1
Profesor: Norma Angelica Iglesias Garza
Campus: GDL Sur
Fecha de entrega:

As a freshman in college, I am experiencing a whirlwind of

emotions. On one hand, I am thrilled to be embarking on a new
chapter of my life, where I have the opportunity to meet new people,
explore new subjects, and gain new experiences. On the other
hand, I am also feeling a bit overwhelmed and intimidated by the
new environment and the high expectations that come with being in

One of the biggest changes I have noticed since starting college is

the amount of freedom and independence that comes with it. While
in high school, my schedule was structured and planned out for me,
and my parents had a significant say in my daily routine. Now, in
college, I have to manage my own time, balance my studies with
my social life, and take full responsibility for my own decisions.

Another challenge I am facing is the academic rigor of college. The

courses I am taking are much more challenging than anything I
have encountered in high school, and I am quickly learning that I
need to put in a lot of time and effort to succeed. However, I am
also finding that I am more interested in the subjects I am studying
and am excited to dive deeper into them.
Despite these challenges, I am also feeling incredibly grateful for
the opportunities college has to offer. I am meeting people from all
walks of life and learning about different cultures and perspectives. I
am also getting involved in extracurricular activities and exploring
my interests outside of the classroom.

Overall, while I may be feeling a mix of emotions, I am excited for

all that college has in store for me. I am determined to make the
most of my time here, to challenge myself academically, to explore
new interests, and to grow as a person.

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