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Riska Amalia


Research involves the exploration, development, and analysis of problems or cases. It seeks
to establish the truth, reliability, and facts related to the topic. While the primary goal is often
to find solutions, it is not mandatory. Effective research adheres to a systematic process and
ethical guidelines. It requires a methodical and logical approach, varying based on the chosen

Choosing a research problem demands critical evaluation of its significance. Research must
offer novelty and address distinctions from previous work. Extensive journal reading is
essential to differentiate the current research from past studies. Conducting research is
challenging due to the need for accuracy and avoidance of data manipulation.

Two research methods are available: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research allows
for evolving research questions and theories after data collection. It uncovers trends,
opinions, motivations, and problem causes. Nevertheless, it is time-consuming, subjective,
costly, complex to analyze, and may yield unreliable outcomes. Quantitative research, on the
other hand, establishes hypotheses and data collection methods that cannot be changed later.

Certainly, there are pros and cons to both qualitative and quantitative research methods:
1.In-depth Understanding: Qualitative research provides rich, detailed insights into
participants' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, leading to a deeper understanding of complex
2. **Exploratory Nature:** It allows for the exploration of new ideas, generating hypotheses
for further research.
3. **Flexibility:** Researchers can adapt their approach during the study based on emerging
4. **Contextual Understanding:** It considers the context in which behaviors occur,
shedding light on social and cultural influences.
5. **Subjective Insights:** Qualitative research captures participants' subjective experiences
and perspectives.

1. **Subjectivity:** The findings can be influenced by the researcher's interpretation and
biases, potentially affecting the objectivity of the results.
2. **Limited Generalizability:** The small sample sizes and context-specific findings may
not be easily generalizable to larger populations.
3. **Time-Consuming:** Qualitative research demands significant time for data collection,
transcription, and analysis.
4. **Complex Analysis:** Analyzing qualitative data can be challenging, as it involves
coding and interpreting narrative responses.
5. **Potential Bias:** The researcher's presence during data collection may influence
participants' responses.

**Quantitative Research:**

1. **Objectivity:** Quantitative research aims for objectivity by using standardized
measurement and statistical analysis.
2. **Generalizability:** Larger sample sizes allow for greater potential to generalize findings
to broader populations.
3. **Precise Measurement:** It enables precise measurement of variables and relationships
between them.
4. **Efficiency:** Statistical tools allow researchers to analyze and interpret data efficiently.
5. **Replicability:** Quantitative studies can be replicated easily to validate or challenge

1. **Lack of Context:** Quantitative research might overlook important contextual factors
that influence behaviors.
2. **Limited Insights:** It may not capture participants' underlying motivations, emotions, or
the "why" behind behaviors.
3. **Over-Simplification:** The focus on numbers might oversimplify complex phenomena,
missing nuances.
4. **Rigid Design:** The predefined methods and hypotheses limit the ability to adapt
during the study.
5. **Potential Reductionism:** Reducing phenomena to numerical values can lead to
oversights in understanding.
Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on
the research objectives, questions, and the type of data needed. Often, researchers use a
combination of both methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their research

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