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Colegio BECARB


“Promoviendo la educación basada en la felicidad, el amor y las fortalezas
English Test
Miss: Giannina Herrera
Unit 3: Sports and free time activities

Name: ______________________________ Total Score Score: Grade:

Date: ___/___/22
Class: 7º básico ___ Fila:A

General objective: to apply and identify past simple

I.- Instruction: read the sentences and complete with past simple tense
(affirmative) 10 points

Skill: to identify, to apply

1. Jose, Juan and Diego _______________ (hit) the ball during the baseball

game last night.

2. You ___________ (lose) four football games last month.

3. Sophia _______________ (score) five points in basketball game tonight.

4. Peter _____________ (do) judo last Saturday.

5. She ______________ (go) climbing three times last month.

II.- Instruction: read the sentences and complete with past simple tense
(NEGATIVE) 10 points

Skill: to identify, to apply

1. Martín ___________________ (lose) the soccer game last Friday

2. you____________________ (throw) the ball so far

3. they _____________________ (jump) 100 times last night

4. The dog _____________________ (run) fast to get the ball

5. Amelia and José _______________________ (play) 3 softball games last week

III.- Instruction: read the sentences and change the sentences into negative form
10 points

Skill: to identify, to apply

1. You jumped during the football game.


2. He threw the ball during the soccer game


3. Santiago won the football game yesterday


4. Camila ran with her sister last night


5. Carolina and I played volleyball last week


IV.- Instruction: read the sentences and circle the correct answer: (10 points)

Skill: to distinguish, to identity

1. He _________________ sick yesterday.

were / was / weren’t

2. I _________________ in the school play last year.

were / was / is

3. I _________________ late for school today, I was early.

wasn’t / weren’t / were

4. They _________________ happy with the football score.

weren’t / wasn’t / we’re not

5. We _________________ tired yesterday.

was / wasn’t / were

V.- Instruction: read the sentences complete with past simple (to be) in
NEGATIVE form (10 points)
Skill: to identify, to apply

1. Karina ____________ (be/not) in Viña del Mar last Sunday

2. I _____________ (be/not) at the school yesterday.

3. Jose and I ____________ (be/not) sad for the science test

4. You _______________ (be/not) late for the movie

5. The movie ____________(be/not) boring

VI.- Instruction: look and find the past simple of: (10 points)
Skill: to identify, to distinguish

play- go- throw- jump- score- lose- run- win- hit- do

Colegio BECARB
“Promoviendo la educación basada en la felicidad, el amor y las fortalezas
English Test
Miss: Giannina Herrera
Unit 3: Sports and free time activities

Name: ______________________________ Total Score Score: Grade:

Date: ___/___/22
Class: 7º básico ___ Fila:B

General objective: to apply and recognize vocabulary related to the unit, to

distinguish between individual and team sports, to distinguish and apply sports
with DO, GO and PLAY

I.- Instruction: read the sentences and complete with past simple tense
(affirmative) 10 points
Skill: to identify, to apply

1. The dog ________________ (go) to Quillota with me last night

2. I ____________________ (win) the volleyball games last week

3. Martina _____________________ (run) very fast yesterday morning

4. they _____________________ (jump) the ball during the game

5. Josefa and I _______________________ (throw) very fast in the pitch

II.- Instruction: read the sentences and complete with past simple tense
(NEGATIVE) 10 points
Skill: to identify, to apply

1. you _______________ (hit) the ball during the softball game yesterday

2. The dogs ___________ (do) ballet last month with my friend

3. Juan and I _______________ (lose) the rugby game last Tuesday

4. they _____________ (play) tennis last night with my sister

5. I ______________ (score) 5 points during the last game

III.- Instruction: read the sentences and change the sentences into negative form
10 points
Skill: to identify, to apply

1. Unión La Calera scored seven points during the soccer game


2. The cat hit the ball far from my house yesterday


3. Santiago went to the stadium last Friday


4. Camila lost the basketball game last night


5. Carolina and I did ballet yesterday morning


IV.- Instruction: read the sentences and circle the correct answer: (10 points)

Skill: to distinguish, to identity

1. They _________________ in the school play last year.

were / was / is

2. _________________ She on the bus this afternoon?

Was / Were / Where

3. you _________________ late for school today, I was early.

wasn’t / weren’t / were

4. We _________________ sick yesterday.

were / was / weren’t

5. I _________________ happy with the football score.

weren’t / wasn’t / we’re not

V.- Instruction: read the sentences complete with past simple (to be) in
NEGATIVE form (10 points)
Skill: to identify, to apply

6. Tigers ____________ (be/not) at the zoo last week.

7. Patricia _____________ (be/not) very busy last month.

8. Daniel and Marcela ____________ (be/not) sad for the science test

9. The book _______________ (be/not) in the table last night

10. Renzo and Camila ____________(be/not) at home yesterday

VI.- Instruction: look and find the past simple of: (10 points)
Skill: to identify, to distinguish

play- go- throw- jump- score- lose- run- win- hit- do

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