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1. Real Estate: Offer virtual tours of properties to customers.

This can be done through 360-

degree virtual tours or video calls with real estate agents. Benefits to customers include
being able to view properties from the comfort of their own homes and saving time and
resources by not having to physically visit properties. Cost to the company is low as the
technology for virtual tours is widely available and does not require significant
investment. Virtual tours of properties that can be accessed via a smartphone.
customized home designs by customers. gift card promotions for referrals.

2. Online Jewellery: Offer loyalty rewards for customers who make purchases on the
website. Rewards can include discounts, free shipping, and exclusive offers. Benefits to
customers include incentives to continue shopping on the website, and the cost to the
company is low as the rewards can be easily integrated into the website and do not
require significant investment. The virtual try-on feature allows customers to see how
jewellery would look on them. Personalized jewellery-making workshops via video call.
They have limited edition collections with exclusive discounts. In-store customer
appreciation events with snacks and drinks. Bridal registry for upcoming marriages.
Complimentary cleaning and polishing service

3. Automobiles - 4 Wheelers: Offer test drives to customers at their homes or workplace.

Benefits to customers include being able to try the car in their own environment, and the
cost to the company is low as the cars can be easily transported to the customer's
location. Test drive events for prospective buyers. Trade-in promotions for older cars.
Warranty extensions for new buyers. Customizable bike design feature. Free service for
1 year for new buyers. Trade-in promotions for older bikes.

4. Personal Finance: Offer financial planning services to customers, including personalised

advice on investments, budgeting, and debt management. Benefits to customers include
expert advice on managing their finances, and the cost to the company is low as the
services can be provided by in-house financial advisors. Customizable bike design

5. White Goods: Offer extended warranties on white goods products. Benefits to customers
include peace of mind knowing that their appliances are protected, and the cost to the
company is low as the extended warranty can be easily integrated into the sales process.

6. Travel Operators: Offer package deals for customers who book multiple services, such
as flights, hotels, and tours. Benefits to customers include savings on the total cost of
their trip, and the cost to the company is low as the deals can be easily integrated into
the website and marketing materials.

7. Hotels: Offer package deals for customers who book multiple nights at the hotel. Benefits
to customers include savings on the total cost of their stay, and the cost to the company
is low as the deals can be easily integrated into the website and marketing materials.

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