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S.Y. 2021-2022
Weekly Lesson Log: Week 1

Lesson Title: Nature and Elements of Communication

Learning Target/s:
a. Explains the nature and process of communication,
b. differentiates the various Models of Communication,
c. enumerates the Elements of Communication; and
d. create a poster, shout out, or slogan about the importance of communication, listening,
feedback, and/or any elements of communication.
Type of Activity: Active learning
Date: September, 2021
Reference: K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide for Senior High School (MELCs)
Values: Interaction values: listening and communication
I. Concept Notes:

Nature of Communication

● Communication is usually defined as a Speaker making a Speech before an audience.

● Communication is not just a mere transfer of messages from one person to another like a
balikbayan box being delivered.
● A speaker imparting ideas, concepts, and data to a group of Listeners (the Audience) is
● Any Communication involves a transaction: a person wants to talk to someone about
something because he/she needs something from that someone.
● Central to all communication is the sending of the Message to a Listener through Verbal
and Nonverbal Communication Behaviors.
● Communication is stirring up ideas in the mind of another. It is sharing of ideas among a
group of people. It is to impart concepts to an audience.
● It is sharing experiences publicly for the common good. (Monroe et al. )
● Communication has to be learned, has to be mastered. ( Pace et al.)

Models of Communication

● Aristotle’s model
● Shannon – Weaver’s model
● Schramm’s model
● White’s model
● Harold Lasswell’s model
● Frank X.E. Dance’s model

Elements of Communication

1. Speaker – the source of information or message.

2. Message –the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or
in action.
3. Encoding –the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that
the speaker understands.
4. Channel–the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal,
in which the encoded message is conveyed.
5. Decoding –the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.
6. Receiver –the recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message.
7. Feedback –the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver.
8. "Noise"–the factors that affect the flow of communication.
✔ Physical "noise" - the actual noise from the surroundings
✔ Physiological "noise" - when the body becomes the hindrance.
✔ Psychological "noise" - occurs when one is thinking deeply or is suffering from an
emotional condition.
9. Communicative Situation - defined as a complex of circumstances and conditions of the
communication process.
✔ Physical location- chosen for the purpose it serves
✔ Psychological setting - depends on the participants

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Practice Exercises

Short exercise or seatwork


Random students will be chosen to act a certain situation (2 minutes) then the teacher will
assist the students in defining Communication as they review their lists of communication

● MAP IT OUT (A seat work and will be uploaded to Schoology)

Students will be given a task to draw a diagram or representation of how they think
communication occurs.
Then the teacher will introduce the Models of Communication and enumerate the different
Elements of Communication.

Students will write at least 10 Communications they have participated in starting from
waking up in the morning until they start participating in your Online Class.

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

The students are to create a poster, shout out, or slogan about the importance of
communication, listening, feedback, and/or any elements of communication. Then they will
submit a 3minute video showing their work and your oral reflection.

B. Guide Question
Guide Questions:
1. What is “communication”?
2. Why do you communicate with your family?
3. Why do our family communicate with us?
4. Why do we need to communicate every now and then?
5. Is it possible not to have feedback?
6. What are the two main elements involved in Communication?
7. What are other elements involved in Communication?
8. Why do you think miscommunication occurs?

C. Synthesis


Students will write an essay about the definition and nature of communication based on
the discussed communication theories. And answer the following questions:
1.What is the main role of the Speaker/Listener in the communication process?

2. What is/are the difference between Response and Feedback?

3. What is/are the factor/s that hinders the success of the transmission of message?

4. What is the connection of the previous models of communication to the later?

5. What are the attributes that you as Speaker/Listener must possess for you to be
considered effective?

D. Reflection

Based on the students list of Communication, they will explain why communication,
listening, feedback, and/or any elements of communication are important in their daily life. Word
count limit between 50-150 words.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher Head, Senior High School Department

Checked by: Submitted to:


English Coordinator AVP for Academics

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