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MBA 5100 1T SU 2023

Mirkhoshimova Askhobjamol

Week 3: Reflection Assignment

1. From the assessment, I learned that I have a tendency to dwell on negative

emotions and waste time feeling sorry for myself. This insight has helped me
understand the importance of being proactive in dealing with my emotions and not
allowing them to control my mindset and actions. The reading and lecture further
reinforced the need to focus on personal growth and building emotional strength.

2. The new information has the potential to help me grow personally by enabling
me to develop a more resilient and proactive attitude towards my emotions. By
recognizing and addressing negative emotions in a timely manner, I can cultivate a
more positive mindset and approach to life's challenges. This growth can contribute to
my overall well-being and enhance my ability to navigate difficult situations.

3. The new information can help improve my performance by allowing me to

better manage my energy and focus. By identifying the activities, people, tasks, and
places that drain my energy, I can make intentional choices that prioritize my well-
being and avoid unnecessary exhaustion. This, in turn, can enhance my productivity,
decision-making, and overall performance in both personal and professional spheres.

4. The new information can help me create value for the company by promoting a
culture of emotional resilience and proactivity. By modeling emotionally strong
practices and habits, I can inspire and influence my colleagues to adopt similar
approaches. This can lead to increased efficiency, teamwork, and overall employee
well-being, which ultimately contributes to the company's success.

5. SMART Goal: By the end of the quarter, I will develop and implement a daily
self-reflection practice, dedicating at least 15 minutes each day to assess my emotions,
reactions, and mindset. This will be measured by consistently journaling and
reflecting on my thoughts and emotions for at least 5 days a week. This goal will
enable me to build capacity in emotional self-awareness and proactivity, ultimately
enhancing my personal growth and ability to navigate challenges effectively.

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