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Individual Mission

Learning Journal


Honor Code
We commit to upholding intellectual honesty in all academic activities and requirements consistent with the scholarly and
professional standards of the University. We pledge and agree to abide by the following at all times:

Academic Integrity and Professionalism

1. We commit to demonstrate behaviors aligned with the LS Code of Academic Integrity at all times.
2. We confirm our outputs are our own original work in its entirety (i.e., of the person/people listed as author/s), except
for assignments that explicitly permit collaboration where we properly credit other’s work. We further confirm we did
not receive any assistance from anyone else to complete any assignment or exam on our behalf (including but not
limited to hiring others to do the work for us).
3. We confirm we have not engaged in any dishonest behavior and we understand that cheating in any form (copying,
plagiarism, among others) is a grave offense, which goes against the values that the University holds.
4. We understand that rules on plagiarism apply at all times. This includes the need to use quotation marks for verbatim
statements lifted from another work, and to properly cite all sources from research work we relied on through in-text
citations and bibliographies.
5. We understand that we should not leak class materials or let others copy our own individual and team work, including
but not limited to leaking and/or discussing exams, assessment instructions or any outputs submitted in compliance
to a course requirement (except to the extent an assignment explicitly permits sharing solutions).
6. We confirm we have not fabricated or submitted falsified data, information, citation/s, source/s, or results in any
academic exercise.
7. We understand the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies. We confirm we cannot
copy someone else's or other's work (including that of an AI technology) and submit it as our own.
8. For all work submitted, we accept the responsibility to review the final output before submission to ensure that
violations have not been incurred. We should verify what portions were lifted from previously submitted sources.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality

1. We understand that the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and all other applicable data privacy laws and regulations should
prevail and be observed at all times.
2. We confirm that we should not make any of our class materials and academic output publicly available, especially
those containing sensitive personal data and/or company information (including but not limited to uploading
assignments in any website, social media or other platforms; sharing work with others even secretly or in private).
3. Consistent with the University's academic policies, we understand that class materials and personal data (including
the files or records that contain them) stored or uploaded to a learning management system (LMS) may be covered
by a number of legal or technical requirements (e.g., confidentiality, access restriction, retention, and intellectual
property laws). Therefore, publicly disseminating, reposting, or resharing them may be violative of the Data Privacy
Act and other applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Extreme care must be exercised when handling them.
Consulting the appropriate offices and, when necessary, securing consent or authorization are strongly advised
before any of the foregoing actions are taken.

We understand that deliberate or indeliberate circumvention around these policies and taking advantage of the loopholes in
the system may be tantamount to engaging in dishonest, irresponsible and unprofessional conduct. We have the duty to be
vigilant and to exercise sound judgment — embracing we have an important role to play in reporting immediately all incidents
of unethical practices or any potential violations.

We fully read, understand, and agree to all policies stated above. In the case of any violation of this Honor Code, we
accept that we are subject to disciplinary actions (which may include but not limited to failure in the course,
suspension from the university and/or maximum punishment as defined in the Student Handbook) and we may
further be involved in serious legal proceedings and consequences.

By signing physically or digitally this form, we affirm our full agreement to this Code and the conformity of all our
outputs and scholarly activities to the standards set upon by the University and this Honor Code.

Confirmation and Agreement

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Surname, F.
Individual Mission
Learning Journal

Full Name Aira Kirsten R. Dela Vega

Date 06/24/23

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Individual Mission
Learning Journal
Uncertain Future

Dear Aira,

I hope this letter finds you well. First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate you on being
the person you’ve become right now. There are no words to describe how proud I am of your
perseverance and hard work throughout these years to get to where you are whether things went
as planned, or if you decided to pursue a different path.

Do you recall the activity that we did during our practicum class back in college? The one
where we were tasked to create a vision board to visualize what our goals were at that time as well
as create ourselves our very own vision, mission, and core values to abide by to guide us to work
towards these goals. I wonder how you would feel looking back at our plans. Do they seem too
out of reach or were we able to become the people that we always wanted to be? Looking back,
during that time while I was creating my vision board, I was still unsure of what path I’d be taking
after graduation.

As you know, after taking different personality tests throughout the class, I have discovered
that one of my weaknesses is that I am not really one to think about the things in the long term,
and pondering about thoughts and decisions that concern the far future such as what career I should
take, I always had the mindset of “crossing the bridge when I get there”. Given that, the activity
really opened my eyes to the importance of having a concrete plan and being prepared for the
future. As much as it is important to not impose excessive pressure on yourself, I guess I realized
that it was equally as important to be somewhat prepared and not venture into the real-world blind
and unprepared. Another weakness I also observed was my lack of emotional stability as evidenced
by my low score in the big five personality test. I know within myself that it becomes hard for me
to bounce back after experiencing failures and that is one thing that the me of the present is
currently working on fixing. I hope that as I’m reading this letter from my past self, I can
confidently say that my failures are what made me stronger and is what made me the person that I
am today.

Moving on, of course, I also have qualities that I take pride in. I hope that till the day that
my future self reads this letter, I still am integrating these values and qualities in my endeavors.
Firstly, I am hardworking. We have always admitted that we are not born as smart and as talented
as other people and instead of beating ourselves up for that, we turn this into a motivation to work
harder and strive to become excellent by putting in the extra effort. Moreover, another quality that
I am proud of is my ability to take initiative. In situations where nobody is willing to stand forward
and present themselves, I am able to do so, especially in situations of injustice. Speaking up for
myself and for other people is an important quality to have as someone who dreams of becoming
a lawyer in the future.

Overall, I hope that you are living a life that you are content and happy with. By revisiting
the insights and reflections and analyzing our strengths and weaknesses, we continue to strive to
be better people and learn from our past mistakes. It’s okay if life doesn’t go as planned and if you
have setbacks. What’s important is that you are content and that you are always running towards
your goals despite the challenges and difficulties you face.

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Individual Mission
Learning Journal

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Individual Mission
Learning Journal

References (if any)

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Individual Mission
Learning Journal
Appendices (if any)

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