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Published in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Received on 9th October 2013
Accepted on 23rd August 2014
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.0313

ISSN 1751-8687

Novel pilot protection principle for high-voltage direct

current transmission lines based on fault component
current characteristics
Shuping Gao1, Guobing Song2, Zhibin Ma2, Xingfu Jin2
College of Electrical and Control, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710049, People’s Republic of China
College of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, People’s Republic of China

Abstract: For high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems, the transient fault current characteristics are that: if the
fault point is over the line, the fault component current measured at both converter stations would be increased and they have the
same changing direction. If the fault point is beyond the line, the fault component current measured at one converter station is
increasing and the fault component current measured at the other converter station is decreasing, so they have the opposite
changing direction. According to this characteristic, a novel pilot protection principle for HVDC transmission line based on
fault component current is proposed here. The principle proposed has no limitation to the sampling frequency. A fault,
whether it occurs in the line or beyond the line, can be effectively identified only using the fault component current at both
converter stations. At the same time, the setting criterion of the fault component current is also given. The simulation results
show that the new method can identify the faults reliably and rapidly. The study is promising to have significant theoretical
and practical value.

1 Introduction by factors such as bus configuration, fault types, ground

resistance and system parameters. However, its reliability is
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) has been increasingly not too high and it is apt to malfunction. In addition, the
used in modern power systems because it has advantages traditional current differential protection of HVDC systems
such as longer distance, fast and flexible control, lower has slower operation speed and lower sensitivity to the fault
losses, larger power transmission capability, and it also over the line [19, 20].
plays an increasingly important role in asynchronous A novel current differential protection scheme is put
networks [1–8]. Recently, ABB has successfully developed forward in [21]. The current differential protection scheme
a HVDC circuit breaker [9], which provides the possibility can eliminate the effects of capacitor current, and shows
of realising the DC grid. good performance such as high sensitivity and reliability.
Generally, the distance of HVDC transmission line is However, it needs the seriously synchronous current data of
longer and results in high fault probability [10–12]. Thus, it both ends and needs high sampling ratio and communication
is of significance to ensure the security and reliability of speed.
HVDC transmission systems by improving the technology Therefore, research on a new type of relay protection
and the relay protection operation level of HVDC principle for HVDC has been of great significance in order
transmission line. to improve the security and reliability of HVDC systems. On
However, there are many problems for relay protection of the basis of analysing the transient fault current
HVDC transmission systems (such as capacitance current characteristics of HVDC systems, a novel pilot protection
problem, lack of valid setting criterion, depending on the principle for HVDC transmission line based on fault
simulation result to set the line protection and so on). These component current is put forward in this paper. Only using
problems lead to lower reliability of the HVDC line the fault component current at both converter stations, the
protection. method can effectively identify the fault which occurs over
Currently, the travelling-wave protection is always used as the line or beyond the line. The principle is simple, and at
a primary protection with fast operation speed [13–18] and the same time it has high reliability. Moreover, the principle
the traditional current differential protection is used as a does not seriously need the data synchronisation and has no
back-up protection with slow operation speed in HVDC limitation to the sampling frequency. In addition, only state
transmission systems. The travelling-wave protection has signal is sent to the other side, so lower communication
fast response and high accuracy and is not easily affected speed can meet the requirement of relay protection.

468 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 5, pp. 468–474
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2 Analysis of fault current characteristics for one is a normal network and the other is fault component
HVDC transmission lines network. Therefore, the voltage that decreases is equal to
superposing a negative voltage source at the fault point,
At present, the HVDC projects in operation are mostly which is given in Fig. 3.
two-end HVDC transmission systems, which consist of In Fig. 3, Uf is the superposition voltage source, If is
rectifier station M, inverter station N and DC transmission current of the failure branch, RSM and RSN are equivalent
lines. The schematic diagram of a bipolar HVDC resistances of the systems at both ends and Rf is
transmission line is shown in Fig. 1. ground-resistance at the fault branch.
As shown in Fig. 1, uMp and uMn are voltages measured According to the designated direction in Fig. 3, it is easily
(positive and negative poles) at terminal M; iMp and iMn are inferred that the current components of ΔIM and ΔIN at both
currents measured (positive and negative poles) at terminal sides are positive when the fault voltage source is
M; uNp and uNn are voltages measured (positive and negative superposed, and there is
poles) at terminal N; iNp and iNn are currents measured
(positive and negative poles) at terminal N. The points from ⎧
f1 to f5 are positions at which fault occurs. E1, E2 are pole ⎨ If = DIM + DIN
voltages at both converter stations when fault occurs. DI = k I (2)
Different from AC transmission system, a short-circuit ⎩ DIM = k MI f
N N f
current is controlled when a fault occurs in HVDC
transmission line. In this paper, a fault, whether it occurs
over the line or beyond the line, can be effectively
where ΔIM and ΔIN are the fault component currents at the
identified using only the fault component current at both
rectifier station and the inverter station, respectively. kM, kN
converter stations in the transient process after the fault
are positive coefficients, and there exists
occurs. The fault identification is during the process of the
fault occurring. That is to say, the control angles of α and β
remain unchanged, or the control angles of α and β have
changed but they have not arrived at the steady state. kM + kN = 1 (3)
Subsequently, the characteristics of fault current at both
ends are analysed.
It is well known that the voltages in HVDC transmission
line would decline when fault occurs. Thus, when fault
occurs, according to the superposition theory, the circuit
networks can be divided into two parts. One is a normal
network and the other is fault component network.
To facilitate analysing the current features, a normal
positive pole network of HVDC system is given in Fig. 2.
UM, UN are pole voltages at both converter stations when
the HVDC system has no fault. Generally, UM is larger than
Fig. 2 Positive HVDC system with no fault
UN. IM, IN are pole currents at both converter stations. In a
general way, IM equals the load current Ih. At both ends,
supposing the current positive direction flows into the line,
then there is

IM = Ih
IN = −Ih

2.1 Fault current characteristics with fault at the

point f1

According to superposition theory, when fault occurs at the

Fig. 3 Positive fault component network with fault at the point f1
point f1, the circuit networks can be divided into two parts,

Fig. 1 HVDC transmission system with two electrodes

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 5, pp. 468–474 469
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the line and at the inverter station), the fault component
current of ΔIM at the rectifier station is positive and the fault
component current of ΔIN at the inverter station is negative.
In other words, the changing direction of ΔIM and ΔIN at
both sides are reverse.

2.4 Fault current characteristics with fault at the AC


Fig. 4 Positive fault component network with fault at the point f2 The influence on DC system exerted by faults in AC system is
by changing the voltage at the converter side. When a fault
occurs at the point f4 in AC system of the rectifier side, it
Moreover, ΔIM and ΔIN can be calculated according to (4). will lead to the voltage of bus line in AC system
decreasing. Moreover, the decreasing voltage of bus line in
AC system will further result in the decline of the voltage

DIM = IM − Ih
(4) of bus line in DC system. Thus, for DC system, the fault
DIN = IN + Ih
characteristic of the decreasing voltage is the same as the
fault feature when fault occurs at f2 point at the rectifier side.
From (4), we know that ΔIM and ΔIN are increasing when fault
In the same way, when a fault occurs at the point f5 in AC
occurs in the line. In other words, the changing trends of ΔIM
system of the inverter side, it will lead to the voltage of bus
and ΔIN are positive.
line in AC system of the inverter side decreasing. Similarly,
the decreasing voltage of the inverter side will further
2.2 Current fault characteristic with fault at the decrease the voltage of bus line in DC system at the
point f2 inverter side. For DC system, the fault characteristic of the
decreasing voltage at the inverter side is similar to the fault
Similarly, when fault occurs at the point f2, the fault feature when a fault occurs at the point f3 at the inverter side.
component network is given in Fig. 4, where IfR is the Therefore, when a fault occurs at the point f4 or f5, the
shunt current of the fault branch in the right side. analysis method is the same as the analysis when a fault
From Fig. 4, according to the circuit theory, we can obtain occurs at the point f2 or f3, respectively. That is to say, a
 similar conclusion can be drawn that the current changing
DIM = −I fR trends are reverse.
DIN = I fR

Namely, when fault occurs at the point f2 (fault occurs beyond 2.5 Conclusion of fault current characteristics
the line and at the rectifier station), the fault component analysis
current of ΔIM at the rectifier station is negative and the In summary, from the above analysis, it can be concluded that
fault component current of ΔIN at the inverter station is the current changing trends are reverse when a fault occurs
positive. In other words, the changing direction of ΔIM and beyond the line, and the current changing trends are the
ΔIN at both sides are reverse. same when a fault occurs over the line. Thus, these
differences in current changing characteristics at both ends
2.3 Fault current characteristics with fault at the can be used to identify the faults of HVDC transmission line.
point f3 We need to explain that the equivalent of the system at both
sides is a complex question as the parameters of line are
In the same way, when fault occurs at the point f3, the fault changing with time after a fault occurs, and are dependent
component network is given in Fig. 5. IfL is the shunt on the characteristic of the controller at both ends. That is
current of the fault branch in the left side. to say, RSM and RSN in Figs. 3–5 will be a time-dependant
From Fig. 5, we know that impedance. Although it is inconsistent with the practical
 condition, the correction of conclusion to analyse the fault
DIM = I fL characteristics at both ends is not affected.
DIN = −I fL
3 Identification principle of the fault direction
Namely, when fault occurs at the point f3 (fault occurs beyond
From the analysis of Section 2, a fault occurring over the line
or beyond the line can be identified by using the differences of
current changing trend at both ends in HVDC transmission
lines. To use the characteristics, the current changing value
can be extracted by using the integration of a period of data
in time domain. Then, by comparing the integration value
with the setting threshold value, the direction of the fault
current changing can be identified.
To identify the direction of the fault component current,
two questions should be considered first. One is how to
choose the length of data-window and the other is how to
set the threshold value. On the whole, the longer the length
Fig. 5 Positive fault component network with fault at the point f3 of the data-window selected, the stronger the ability of

470 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 5, pp. 468–474
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anti-disturbance; the higher the setting threshold value, the
better the selectivity. For the question of choosing the
data-window, the adjustment process of the controller is
generally about 30 ms. Thereby, the data-window should
not exceed the length of 30 ms. In addition, considering the
disturbance of lightning, the length of data-window should
not be less than 3 ms. To sum up the above two factors, a
10 ms data-window is chosen to carry out the integration.
For the question of setting the threshold value, because the
fault current in steady state is 0.1 times of the load current,
the integration value in 10 ms can be taken as the threshold
value according to 0.1 times of the load current. Thus, the
criterion can be constructed as follows


Di . kr∗N∗Iset (7)

Fig. 7 Tower on HVDC transmission simulation system

where k is a series of sampling points from 1, 2,…, N. N is the
sampling point number in 10 ms, kr is reliable index, being
taken as 1.2–1.5 and Iset is the setting threshold value, 5 Simulations
being equal to 0.1 times of the load current In.
In this section, the simulation is performed on the model
shown in Fig. 1. The bipolar HVDC model is established
based on the HVDC Cigre model and its tower structure is
4 Pilot protection strategy shown in Fig. 7 [12].
In the simulations, a ±500 kV bipolar transmission system
In fact, the power of HVDC system is only transmitted from is used, and its rating current is 2 kA. The total length of the
the rectifier side to the inverter side. Therefore, pilot line is 1000 km. The PSCAD is used for power system fault
protection scheme in HVDC system can be realised by simulation, and MATLAB is used to verify the proposed
requiring only the fault information provided from inverter algorithms.
side to rectifier side. The protection strategy will reduce To verify the feasibility of the proposed algorithm, the
data transmission by half. frequency-dependent characteristics of the line parameters
When the fault component current ΔIN decreases, the fault are taken into account. In this paper, the frequency-
position must be in the back of the inverter side. In this case, dependent parameters line model is used. The PSCAD is
the fault information of the inverter side need not be running to generate data, which is sampled at a frequency
transmitted to rectifier side. Accordingly, only when the of 2 kHz at both ends synchronously. When t is equal
fault position is ahead of the inverter side (i.e. the fault to 0.5 s, a fault occurs. Also, the duration time of the fault
component current ΔIN increases), it is necessary to provide is 0.5 s.
the direction of the fault component current for the rectifier
In the same way, when the fault position lies in the back of 5.1 Simulation results of fault current component
the rectifier side (i.e. the fault component current ΔIM when fault occurs at the point f1
decreases), the pilot component at the rectifier side need not
start. Only when the fault position is ahead of the rectifier The positive pole fault component currents and relay
side (i.e. the fault component current ΔIM increases), can protection operation are shown in Fig. 8, when metallic
the pilot component at the rectifier side start. ground fault occurs in positive pole at 500 km from the
To sum up, only under the conditions that the pilot M-side.
component at the rectifier side starts and the positive From Fig. 8, it can be observed that the currents at both
direction fault information from the inverter side is received sides are increased if the fault point is over the line. The
by the rectifier side, the fault position must be over the line pilot direction component at both ends can effectively
if the relay protection operates reliably. A fault component identify the direction of current changing and operate reliably.
current pilot protection logic scheme at the rectifier side is
given in Fig. 6.
5.2 Simulation results of fault current component
when fault occurs at the point f2

The results of fault component currents and relay protection

operation are shown in Fig. 9, when metallic ground fault
occurs beyond the line at the rectifier side.
From Fig. 9, it can be seen that the changing trend of
current at the rectifier side is negative and the changing
trend of current at the inverter side is positive (i.e. the
changing trend of current at both ends is reverse) when
metallic ground fault occurs at the point f2 ( f2 is beyond the
Fig. 6 Pilot protection logic scheme at the rectifier side line at the rectifier side). Therefore, when metallic ground

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 5, pp. 468–474 471
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.0313 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015
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Fig. 9 Positive pole fault component currents and relay protection

when metallic ground fault occurs beyond the line at the rectifier

Fig. 8 Positive pole fault component currents and relay protection

operation when metallic ground fault occurs at 500 km from the

fault occurs beyond the line at the rectifier side, the current
pilot component at the inverter side can operate correctly
because of the positive current changing trend. On the other
hand, the current pilot component at the rectifier side
cannot start because of the negative current changing trend.
Considering the two factors, it is ensured that the pilot
protection at the rectifier side will not operate when metallic
ground fault occurs beyond the line at the rectifier side.

5.3 Simulation results of fault current component

when fault occurs at the point f3

The results of fault component currents and relay protection

operation are shown in Fig. 10, when metallic ground fault
occurs beyond the line at the inverter side.
From Fig. 10, it can be found that the trend of current
changing at the rectifier side is positive and the trend of
current changing at the inverter side is negative when
metallic ground fault occurs at the point f3 (the point f3 is
beyond the line at the inverter side). Therefore, when
metallic ground fault occurs beyond the line at the inverter
side, the current pilot component at the rectifier side can
operate correctly because of the positive current changing
trend. On the other hand, the current pilot component at the
inverter side cannot start because of the negative current Fig. 10 Positive pole fault component currents and relay
changing trend. Considering the two factors, it is ensured protection when metallic ground fault occurs beyond the line at
that the pilot component at the rectifier side will not operate the inverter side

472 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 5, pp. 468–474
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.0313
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when metallic ground fault occurs beyond the line at the
inverter side.
From the simulation results, within 10 ms, the relay
protection can operate reliably when fault occurs over the
line, and the relay protection will not operate when fault
occurs beyond the line.

6 Influence on non-fault pole

In a bipolar HVDC transmission system, when a fault occurs
in one pole, the current and the voltage in the other pole (i.e.
the pole without fault) can also change abruptly because of
the coupling factor. Subsequently, we will analyse the relay
operation of non-fault pole.
The results of fault component current and relay protection
operation at both sides of negative pole are shown in Fig. 11,
when metallic ground fault occurs at 500 km from the M-side
in positive pole.
From Fig. 11, it can be found that the integration of current
at both sides of negative pole cannot arrive at the setting value
when metallic ground fault occurs in positive pole at 500 km
from the M-side. As a result, the current pilot component will
not operate.
The results of different distances and transitional Fig. 12 Positive pole fault component currents and relay
resistances over the line, and the results beyond the line, protection when metallic ground fault occurs at a distance of
show that the pilot component at non-fault pole will not 170.89 km from Zhao Qing in positive pole
In summary, when a fault occurs in one pole, the current
pilot component can operate reliably. Moreover, the current 7 Simulation results of fault current
pilot component in non-fault pole will not operate because component using field data when fault occurs
the current cannot arrive at the setting value. on the line
To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, the field
data of ±500-kV transmission lines, the Gui Guang line in
China, is used. The distance from substation An Shun in
Gui Zhou province to substation Zhao Qing in Guang Dong
province is 882.144 km. The rated capacity of the bipolar

Fig. 11 Negative pole fault component currents and relay Fig. 13 Negative pole fault component currents and relay
protection operation when metallic ground fault occurs at 500 km protection when metallic ground fault occurs at a distance of
from the M-side in positive pole 170.89 km from Zhao Qing in positive pole

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