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Unit 8 > donicd refused accepts (has) agreed headline(s) heading feature article press media newsflash bulletin Swwvanawns program tabloid columnist game an announcer broadcast ouauno ° turn fill put handing/giving made look stands Nowsuns came out/was brought out made that story up/made up that story cones uiv/is un 99 into flicked through the magazine bring that up see through Nowne Somvansuns Omn>>D0eN0 7 as with in to with ausuns to that about from to not ot/about by/at to to Seavaunauns = unannounced communication editorial humour unwritten secondary journalism information eVanauN politicians journalists ridiculous disbelief powerful unconvincing believable communicators uninformed humorous SS e@vauauns Review 4 > few the to an v a v v into much Soevavauwns 11 politicians 12 informative 13 Journal 14 announcement 15 unwritten 16 disbelief 17 communication 18 humorous c 19s little difference between 20 was/had a great influence on 21 gave a description of 22 under the control of 23 is no point (in) trying 24 is my view 25 is likely to make 26 in place of 27 to comment on 28 much 29 few 30 lots 31 some 32 little 33 most 34 many E 35D 368 37 38D 39 408 1B Unit 9 Yes Noes Yes No/No Yes/Yes No/Yes Yes/Yes Example answers: 1 youtease them or pick on them. 2 yousay they have done something wrong, 235 you dor't tell the truth. you have lots of money. good things happen to you. you don't work hard. you tespect them, you dor't respect them. eVauaw ° leaves will call are taking have been find/see have seen/got has been working get don't forget don't want Swmvauawn- unless incase asiong as. if Solongas incase provided unless ME evauauns Ifl lived alone, fd get lonely. If Don didn’t have so much homework, held play football tonight. 3. IF could swim, td go scuba diving with Terry 4. Weld order pizza ifwe had enough money. 5 Ifwe were staying in the same hotel, we could share a room. 6 fl were you, 'd call Antony right now. 7 \dcomeif | didn’t have to help my dad with something, 8 Iflwentto bedas lateas you, I wouldn't be able to get up early in the morning. 1. I would have done this book last year! 2. the dinosaurs wouldn't have become extinct. 3 he/she would nave moved to a bigger house. 4 hadn't met,| wouldn'thave been bom. 5 would have survived if there had been enough lifeboats. 236 6 wouldn't have died in poverty ifhe had been recognised asa great painter during his lifetime. wouldn't have made any records if she hadnt been discovered. Possible answers: 8 a Swowvansuns pos on 10 hadn't become President of the USA in January 2001, lots of things would have been different. hadn't won the European Cup in July 2004,| would have been very upset. o>Sqnzo>rnoe you'd done ‘wouldn't be standing/we'd brought hadn’t stayed up/ wouldn't be feeling/feel/have felt 'd be/hadn't helped/weren't helping | would have/l’d have recorded the match last night Id have asked/didn't already have didn’t live/wouldn't have been wouldn't have needed/was/ were Would you have gov/hadnt offered had/would you have retired her condition improve, welll inform you immediately. Jade get to interview a famous politician, she will ask lots of difficult questions. you able to go abroad for the summer, where would you go? | to become a vet, I'd find putting animals down very difficult. 5. all environmental pollution to stop today, the world would be much better off. 6 the hale in the ozone level been discovered sooner, fewer people would have got skin cancer. 7 Inot had sucha good English teacher at school, | wouldn't have become a teacher. have had for would except it y wail Somvansen- Unit 10 Semuauasunas pReEersoga>e support typical close ancient blame polite pleased relationship look make grow get bring look put fall ovausuns BF wovouauns HH vausune & al BD wvausunes Semvanawns passed away stand up for fallen for picks on taken aback settled down asked after do have/start took have losing meet take fall make in mood breaking had Snnn>oen with are that in from to for it to argument marviage/marrying/getting married politeness kindness unable friendship 1 personality 2 relationship 3 correspondence 4 unwilling 5 nervously 6 jealousy 7 obedient 8 unhappiness 9 achievement 0 10. careful Review 5 A 1 offabout 2 have 3 down 4 grew 5 taken 6 get 7. make/fund 8 of 9 to 10 from nif 12 to 13 tall 14 take/require 15 that 16 friendship 17 disobedience 18 jealous 19 nervously 20 disabled 21 argumentative 22. impolite 23. mademy muma promise 24 letme go out 25 have fallen out 26 meet with anyone's approval 27 Inthe mood for 28 of herinability to make 29. asked me toopen 30 take care of @>>070 37 38 40 4 a poeneo Unit 11 wervausun— B taller greener fitter happier trendier/more trendy more nervous wiser cheaper lazier more serious more quickly better less worse farther/further greatest most boring highest luckiest (the) mostoften deepest ugliest (the) worst farthest/furthest loveliest craziest most modern worst least (the) best latest least worse more most less younger better higher best 237

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