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PURPOSE: “Identifying some, any, lots of a lot of in a text about food preferences (quantity) by solving exercises in their books.

Self-Assessment tool

N° Criteria for evaluating my learning progress I I´m in the I didn How can I get
got process ´t get my learning
it to get it it achievement?
01 I have participated actively during the development of the
02 I have respected the coexistence rules
03 I have used dictionaries for everything
04 I have identified the vocabulary about “fast food, fruits,
05 I have identified the use of some / any / a lot of / lots of in the
comic strip.
06 I have practised the virtue : Fidelity
06 I have developed the exercises from my book by myself
07 I solved the exercises by myself without problems
08 I made eye contact with my audience. I tried making eye
contact with everyone in the audience.
09 I spoke clearly and loudly enough so everyone could hear me
10 I am honest to evaluate myself in learning to solve the exercise


COMPETENCE 02: Read texts in English as a foreign language
PURPOSE: Identifies countable & uncountable nouns in a text about food by solving exercises in their books.
1.-Understand the meaning of the text.
2.- Identify the grammar structure presented in the text (some / any / a lot of / lots of )
3.- Answer simple and specific questions about the topic
4..-Apply reading strategies to identify general and specific information about the written text.
5- Show respect the time assigned for the activity.

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