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Audit Slip to Accompany bills sent for pre-audit in the Division Office.


Sub Division

Name of work.

6Original No. Rs.


Estimatel Revised No. Rs.

Lwortstip sanctioned in E.E. No. Rs.


lll. Name of piece-worker

Dl.No.of the P.W Agreement

tv. Remarks or Explanation:-

1. Are the ltems of this bill in the order of and

as given in the estimate without any change

2. Are the items not provided for in the estimate

entered in red ink in column 4 of bill?

3. Are the authorities quoted in the following

cases :-

(a) ltemS not in the 6stimate but billed for:

(b) ltems'of excesses over the sanctioned



4 (a) Have the entries in the Measurement Book in

connectiQn with this bill been checked and

found correct ?

(b) Have all the points referred to in Paragraph 296

of the Madras Public Works Account Code been
attended to in respect of entries in the rneasure-
ment book, so far as it relates to this bill?

5. Have allthe items in the billbeen arithmatically

che.cked and founb correct ?

o. Have all the items been checked with agreement

and found correct ?

7. Explain delay in the following :-'

(t) Date of measurement 200 t- _-..,

anci ,iate of biil 200 I *" L
L __.1
(ll) Actual days taken

(a) Date of submission of bitl by the section officer.

(b) Date of receipt of the bill in Sub division Office.

(c) Date of check-measurement.

(d) Explanation for delay in check-measurement.

Date of bill 200 a )

and date of Oesparcn-io E
E Iv{aximum lr-
. 200 -)1_ daYs
Actual days taken

8. Have the recoveries on account of fines, cost of

materials issued to thb contractor, phrtpayme.:nt
for material supplied by contractor, hire of toc=ls
and plant lent sg-pieere-worker and losses ther-reof
if any, etc., behoied ?

.9. Has the Contractor signed the certificate in the=

Mdasurement Book as to acceptance of rnea- -
surement ?

10. Give numbers of the measurement Books sen nt

with this bill.
(1) Have the metal, gravel, etc., materials billed for
been taken to accounts ?

(2)Have materials obtained by blasting dismantling

of old structures etc., been properly accoqnted Sub divisionalofficer
for and entered of Measurement Book and bill ? Sub-divisional clerk

Sub division.

Part ll


(a) Number of bill

(b) hlumber of Measurement Book which

accompanied the bill.

Date of receipt

Result of Audit-

(a) Arithmatical Check.

(b) Check with estimate


(c) Check with Agreement No.

(d) Check with Leidger Vol.


(l) Booked outlay to end of

(ll) Unexpected balance

(lll) Amount of this bill

(ivF Total

(v) Amount Estimate


(vi) Savinqs

Remarks by Accountant.

Xl. Passed for payment as follows :

Balance as per Ledger Rs.

Value of work doen since last bill Rs.


Subject to the deduction of Rs.

on account of

Executive Engineer.

xlt. Date of payment in Division Office or date dal

of Sub-divisional Office.

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