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SMB 07307


Definition of computer hardware is physical parts or tangible parts of a computer which

you can see and touch that handles computer operations, e.g. inputting, processing,
outputting, storing and communicating according to set of instructions.

Computer hardware can be classified/falls into five major categories as shown below:

1. Input Hardware
2. Processing Hardware
3. Output Hardware
4. Storage Hardware
5. Communication Hardware


Input hardware/ devices, are device that enter the raw facts (Data) into a computer so
as the raw facts can be processed by computer. These raw facts (data) are the collection of
letters, numbers, images etc.

Examples of input hardware:

Scanner Touch Pad/


Mouse Light Pen

Keyboard Bar Code Reader

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Joysticks Microphone

Web-Camera Biometric Devices


The main unit inside the computer is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) or Brain of Computer
or Processor. This unit is responsible for all events inside the computer. It controls all
internal and external devices, performs arithmetic and logic operations. When you are
asking to define the CPU (Central Processing Unit), is the computer hardware that all
tasks/operations within the computer are initiated and then after it interprets and executes

Example of processing device are: Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphic Processing
Unit (GPU) as shown on the diagram below:

Figure for Central processing Unit (CPU)

Note: Processor or CPU has three main parties/components as described below:

1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) - The ALU is the part of a CPU that performs all
arithmetic computations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The Arithmetic Logic Unit also performs all logical operations. The ALU is a literally
the fundamental building block of the CPU, and even the simplest processors contain
an ALU.

2. Control Unit - The CPUs control unit is responsible for executing or storing the
results coming out of the ALU. Within the CPU, the control unit performs the
functions of fetch, decode, execute, and store. The control unit communicates with
both the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and memory, and literally directs the entire
computer system to carry out, or execute, stored program instructions.

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3. Memory (Registers and Cache L1) – Memories like registers are the temporary
storage areas for instructions or data within the processor. Registers are basically
special storage locations somewhat similar to a computer’s memory though
contained within the processor and exceptionally faster. Registers work under the
direction of the control unit to accept, hold and transfer instructions or data and
perform arithmetic or logical comparisons at a high rate of speed.


It is a device used to provide the processed data from the computer to the user. Monitor
(Screen), speaker and printer are the most commonly used output devices. The usage of
some of the commonly used output devices is tabulated below:

Examples of Output hardware:

Monitor Speaker

Projector InkJet printer

Plotter Laser Printer


Storing data is an important part of a computer system. The main concern of all computer
designers is to create fast and efficient storage devices.

To be on the forum to explain computer storage devices/ hardware, you need first to
understand different types of computer storage device. These are:

1. Primary Memory/volatile Memory/ temporary memory/ non-auxiliary

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memory, these are kind of computer memory where by lose data when the power
went off or when you switch off your computer. Due to this we call this device
volatile memory since it hold data when computer is in executions/operations.
Example of primary memory are Random Access Memory (RAM) also known as
Main Memory, Cache and Register.

Figure for Random Access Memory

2. Secondary Memory/ non-volatile memory/ permanent memory/ auxiliary

memory, these are kind of computer memory that hold data permanent, even if the
power went off or you switch the computer data will still be there and we call the
non-volatile memory or permanent memory. Example of permanent memory are

Note: Because ROM is read-only, it cannot be changed; it is permanent and non-volatile,

meaning it also holds its memory even when power is removed. By contrast, Random
Access Memory (RAM) is volatile; it is lost when power is removed. There are numerous
ROM chips located on the motherboard and a few on expansion boards. The chips are
essential for the basic input/output system (BIOS), boot up, reading and writing to
peripheral devices, basic data management and the software for basic processes for certain

Point to remember: People often confuse the terms memory and storage, especially
when describing the amount they have of each. The term memory refers to the amount of
RAM installed in the computer, in other words, is kind of memory the processor or CPU most
interacts with during execution. A good example of memory is RAM and ROM while the
term storage refers to the capacity of the computer’s hard disk that means store
data/information for the future use of computing task. Example of storage device is Hard
Disk, CD, DVD, Pen drive (Flash disk) and etc

The major difference between the RAM memory and ROM memory:

Options RAM ROM

Elaboration Random Access Memory Read Only memory

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Accessibility In reference with the processor, the The processor cannot directly access the
information stored in the RAM is information that is stored in the ROM. In
easily accessed order to access the ROM information,
first the information will be transferred
into the RAM and then it gets executed
by the processor

Working type Both the read and write operations The ROM memory only allows the user
can be performed over the to read the information. User cannot
information that is stored in the make any changes to the information.

Speed the accessing speed of RAM is Speed is slower in comparison with RAM,
faster, it assist the processor to ROM cannot boost up the processor
boost up the speed speed

Types he RAM memory is categorized into The ROM memory is categorized into
two types they are the: Statistic three types, they are: PROM
RAM (SRAM) and Dynamic RAM (Programmable Read Only memory),
(DRAM) EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read
Only memory) and EEPROM (Electrically
Erasable Programmable Read Only

Chip size Physically size of RAM chip is larger Physically size of ROM chip is smaller
than ROM chip than RAM chip.

Storage RAM memory is only used to store ROM memory is used to store
the temporary information. permanent information and cannot be


Communication device is piece of equipment or hardware designed to move information or

data from one place to another, in other words, allowing one computer device to
communicate with another. There are many examples for communication device, some are:
Network Interface Card, Computer modem and Wireless Adapter (Wifi Card)

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Figure for Network Interface Card (NIC)

Point to remember: Not all computer device are computer hardware, some of them are
peripheral devices. A computer peripheral is a device that is connected to a computer but
is not part of the core computer architecture. The core elements (computer hardware) of
a computer are the central processing unit, power supply, motherboard, RAM and the
computer case. Technically speaking, everything else is considered a peripheral device like
keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner and etc. Peripheral devices falls on either one class of
computer hardware.

Point of correction: Most people use the term peripheral more loosely to refer to a device
external to the computer case. You connect the device to the computer to expand the
functionality of the system. For example, consider a printer. Once the printer is connected
to a computer, you can print out documents. Another way to look at peripheral devices is
that they are dependent on the computer system. For example, most printers can't do much
on their own, and they only become functional when connected to a computer system.


1. Identify and state the function of at least three (3) devices from each category of
computer hardware.
2. With examples, differentiate peripheral device from computer hardware.
3. Explain how hardware and software are depending each other.

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