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Vol. 01, No. 1, Month 2023, pp. 1-10

ISSN: XXXX-XXXX, DOI: 10.11591/ICME.v99i1.paperID

Original Article/Review Article



Gina Husni Aziz1 Siti Maryam2 Aan Hasanah3 Aprilla Adawiyah4

Indonesian Education and Literature Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Suryakancana,

Article Info ABSTRACT

This study is motivated by the fact that there is a lack of teacher creativity in
Article history: choosing learning methods to teach poetry writing skills to grade X students,
Received mm dd, yyyy thus affecting the learning outcomes of writing poetry. This study aims to
Revised mm dd, yyyy describe (1) Describe the preparation of learning to write poetry through the
Accepted mm dd, yyyy nature learning method to improve creative thinking skills in class X students
of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur in the 2022-2023 academic year. (2) Describing
the implementation of learning to write poetry through the nature learning
method to improve creative thinking skills in class X students of SMK
Keywords: Pasundan 1 Cianjur Academic Year 2022-2023. (3) Describing the learning
Nature Learning Method outcomes of writing poetry through the nature learning method to improve
Poetry Writing Laerning creative thinking skills in grade X students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur in the
Creative Thinking academic year 2022-2023.
The method used in this research is experimental method, the design used is
pre-experimental using one-group pretest-posttest design model. This study
used one sample, namely students of class X-MPLB 1 SMK Pasundan 1
Cianjur, totaling 37 students. The instruments used are pretest-posttest test
sheets to measure students' creativity in writing poetry, and observation sheets
to find out the implementation of learning takes place when using the nature
learning method.
The results of this study indicate that the nature learning method can improve
students' creative thinking in learning to write poetry.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Gina Husni Aziz
Indonesian Education and Literature Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas
Suryakancana, Indonesia


Authors’ Contribution: a – Study Design; b – Data Collection; c – Statistical Analysis; d – Manuscript Preparation; e –
Funds Collection

Copyright © 2023 Gina Husni Aziz


The success of learning cannot be separated from the way teachers teach and learn, whether
the learning outcomes can be felt by both teachers and students. It can be said that learning success
is shown through a change in the student himself. In planning learning, teachers pay attention to
the characteristics of responsible students. Learning is a process of changing one's behavior or new
behavior based on his experience in dealing with his environment (Slameto, 2015: 2). In line with
Djamarah and Syaiful (2014: 5), learning is a change in behavior based on experience and practice.
It can be concluded that learning is a change in behavior, whether it is related to knowledge, skills,
or attitudes.

Journal homepage:


Indonesian language is part of the learning material that needs to be included in the
curriculum at the primary and secondary school levels. According to Susanto (2013:245), the actual
form of Indonesian language learning is so that students can enjoy literary works and use them to
improve character, develop their understanding of life and develop insight into their language
skills. The purpose of learning Indonesian is also to practice listening, speaking, reading and
writing, which are closely related. Writing is a skill that is closely related to the main essential
human ability, namely language. Writing is an important component of language skills that must be
taught to students, because to fulfill daily writing needs writing skills are needed.
Learning to write is considered difficult to do by students, as the skill is something that
should be learned. Listening, reading, speaking, and writing are among the language skills. Among
the four skills, writing skills are one of the skills that are difficult and even less attractive to native
speakers of the language. This happens because writing is one of the language skills that is active
and complex (Nurgiyantoro, 2015). 21st century skills are skills that seek learners to live in the 21st
century. Learners must understand science, metacognitive skills, be able to think critically and
think creatively, and be able to communicate or collaborate effectively. Creative thinking skills are
expected to provide benefits for science, technology, arts, and welfare for the nation.
Creative thinking in writing lessons is thinking about problem solving in a structured way
and improving ideas. Writing lessons strive for students to increase knowledge, improve curiosity,
and see new data or facts from different perspectives. Semi (in Hawa Masnuatul, 2019: 355) states
that writing is a creative process that transforms ideas or ideas into written symbols. Not only that,
writing skills also require students to think creatively so that the writing produced is of higher
quality and quality. And the ideas or ideas generated by students provide a high value of originality
in the writing produced.
In the learning outcomes of the Merdeka Phase E Curriculum (generally for class X SMA /
MA / Package C Program), one of the students is able to write ideas, thoughts, views, directions or
written messages for various purposes logically, critically, in the form of informational text and / or
fiction. In accordance with these learning outcomes, one of the materials taught in Indonesian
language learning at school is poetry.
Poetry is a written work in the form of expressions of the heart about various things that each
line has rhythm, rhyme, array, and rhythm. Poetry is also defined as a sequence of language whose
form is carefully chosen and adapted in such a way that people become aware of life experiences
and cause special reactions by conveying special sounds, rhythms and meanings. According to
Kosasih (2012:97) poetry is defined as a form of written work that uses beautiful and meaningful
words. Hudson (in Aminudin, 2015: 134), suggests that poetry is a form of literature given through
a series of words to create fantasy or fantasy. Meanwhile, according to Sumardi (in Supriyanto,
2020: 3), it is defined as a literary work with language that is combined, summarized, and given
rhythm through solid sounds and words with figurative meaning (imagination).
Based on the results of interviews with Indonesian language subject teachers of class X SMK
Pasundan 1 Cianjur on January 24, 2022, it was stated that the ability to write poetry of students in
class X SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur was still low. This is because students are less interested in
learning to write poetry. They lack interest and find it difficult to write poetry. Students find it
difficult to determine the theme. In addition, the application of methods in teaching poetry writing
is part of the aspects that trigger the low ability to write poetry to students.
There are still some weaknesses in learning to write poetry for vocational level. Students'
weaknesses in writing poetry are due to the fact that students have not been able to express their
ideas, ideas, and creativity in writing poetry, lack of motivation with the media provided by the
teacher. The lack of interest and motivation comes from teachers who always use the lecture
method, thus making the process of teaching and learning activities very monotonous for students.
To overcome these problems, the researcher proposed a solution in the form of applying the
nature learning method in teaching poetry writing. The nature learning method is a learning
method that uses the natural environment as a tool or media. With this method, students are not

Vol. XX, No. X, Month 2023: 1-10


bored writing poetry, because students can take part in learning activities outside the classroom
such as school yards or parks and other school environments. The nature learning method is good
for learning poetry because it is an easy way to learn to find ideas and never get bored of learning.
According to Septiana Dwi Lestari (in Azis, 2020: 186), learning strategies that utilize the
natural environment as a medium or tool are called nature-based learning techniques. As well as
involving students directly and effectively with nature to foster the spirit of composing or writing
and empower the imagination and performance recorded in writing poetry. As said by Sagala
(2012:180), nature learning is an educational method that fosters student imagination by utilizing
the natural environment. Students are invited to learn outside the classroom in this approach. One
of them is learning to write poetry can be taught in the school yard or in the school garden. The
purpose of learning outside the classroom is to increase students' spirit and make it easier for them
to express their creative ideas.
It can be concluded that the nature learning method is a method that uses natural media.
With the nature learning method, students can learn directly outside the classroom and see the
surrounding nature to foster students' enthusiasm in learning. This is reinforced by Masnuatul
Hawa's research (2019), the findings of this study show that through the nature learning method in
writing student poetry can increase student creativity.


The method used in this research is the experimental method. The experimental method is
part of the quantitative research method. The reason for using the experimental method is because
it is an experiment to see a result or difference. Researchers aim to see a result or difference before
and after in learning to write poetry through the nature learning method. Pre-Experimental Design
is the experimental design used in this study.
According to Arikunto (2010: 123) The term "Quasi-Experimen" or pseudo-experiment is
often used to describe Pre-Experimental Design. One Shot Case Study, One Group Pretest-Posttest
Design, and Static Group Comparison are part of three types of Pre-Experimental Design. The One-
Group Pretest-Posttest Design model was used in the Pre-Experimental Design of this study. So
that in this study using one sample for the initial test and final test. Before using the nature
learning method, an initial test was conducted. After receiving treatment through the use of nature
learning method, the final test was conducted. In addition, differences in learning outcomes before
and after the test were compared.
 Participants/samples/subjects. Sugiyono (2017: 215) states that population is a
generalized area of objects or subjects with certain qualities and characteristics that have
been determined by researchers to study and then draw conclusions. The population of this
study were grade X students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur in the 2022-2023 academic year.
The number of class X at SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur is 11 classes, with a total of 437 students.
One part of the population is the sample. This is in accordance with Yusuf's (2014)
explanation that the sample is part of the population selected for representation of the
population. X MPLB 1 students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur, totaling 37 students, became
the sample of this study.
 Instruments/measures. Research instruments are tools that researchers choose and
use to collect data to make their work more organized and easier (Sudaryono, 2017: 206).
Research instruments are divided into two, namely test and non-test instruments.
Observation is a non-test instrument used in this study, while the test sheet serves as a test
1. Test
As stated by Arikunto (2017: 253), a set of questions or exercises to assess a
person's ability, knowledge, intelligence, and skills is known as a test. Meanwhile,
Sudaryono (2017: 253) states that a test consists of a number of questions that must be
done, answered, and responded to by students. This test is used to see whether

Paper’s should be the fewest possible that accurately describe … (First Author)

students have mastered the material that has been discussed, especially in terms of
their abilities and knowledge.
It can be concluded that a test is a series of questions or exercises that must be
answered by students, with the aim of knowing the ability and skills in understanding
the subject matter.

2. Observation
Observation is an activity of observing or closely observing the object to conduct
research directly at that location. Sugiyono (2018: 229) suggests that observation is a
data collection method that is different from other methods. Perception is not limited
to individuals, but also to other general articles. It can be concluded that observation is
a form of direct research observation.
 Research Procedure/Intervention Program. This research was conducted on March
29 - April 28, 2023 and was conducted at SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur in the 2022/2023
school year. This school is located at Jalan Arief Rahman Hakim Cianjur, RT 02 RW O4
Sabandar Village, Karangtengah District, Cianjur Regency. With a research permit number
422/155 / SMK Pas. Cjr/III/2023. The procedures in this research are as follows.
a. Determining the research sample by finding one class purposively.
b. Perform instrument validation.
c. Before being given treatment in the learning process, an initial test (pretest) was
conducted to measure students' creative thinking skills in writing poetry.
d. On the second meeting, students were given treatment, namely through the use of
natural learning methods in learning to write poetry in accordance with the Learning
Implementation Plan and Learning Module that had been designed.
e. Next, students conducted a final test (posttest) to see the results of students' creativity
in learning to write poetry through nature learning methods.
f. Conduct instrument processing by identifying, analyzing, and testing the significant
level of nature learning method in learning to write poetry.
 Statistical analysis. The next step is data processing or data analysis. Data analysis is a
type of research analysis that involves examining all types of research component data.
After that, the various types of data that have been collected are reviewed. Data processing
is done by determining the scores obtained by students, then classified into categories that
will determine students' ability to write poetry at the initial test stage and the final test
stage. As well as describing whether the surrounding nature learning method in learning to
write poetry can improve creative thinking. Observation in this study was aimed at
students consisting of three aspects observed, namely discipline, activeness and
Furthermore, processing the data using SPSS 25 software, first a normality test is
carried out to determine whether the data produced is normally distributed or not, if it is
normally distributed then a paired sample t-test is carried out, but if the data is not
normally distributed then use the Wilcoxon test. The decision parameter in the normality
test on SPSS is if the number is more significant than 0.05.


Research on the nature leraning method in learning to write poetry to improve creative
thinking in class X students was conducted on March 29-April 28, 2023 at SMK Pasundan 1
Cianjur. The sample taken was class X-MPLB 1 which amounted to 37 students. This section will
describe the preparation, implementation, and learning outcomes of writing poetry through the
nature learning method. For more details, the research data will be described as follows.

Vol. XX, No. X, Month 2023: 1-10


1. Data Description of Learning Preparation

Before the implementation of learning, it needs to be carefully prepared and planned,
so that it is carried out properly. Therefore, teachers must prepare teaching tools, namely
Teaching Modules. Teaching Module is a type of teaching tool that is designed in a
complete and methodical manner to be a guide for teachers and instructions for carrying
out learning activities.
The Teaching Module is the implementation of the Flow of Learning Objectives (ATP)
which is made or developed from the Learning Outcomes (CP) and is equipped with
learning stages, evaluation plans and tools that are expected to carry out more coordinated
2. Data Description of Poetry Writing Learning Implementation through Nature Learning
The implementation of learning that is carried out refers to the Learning Outcomes
(CP) and Teaching Modules that have been prepared previously. The implementation was
carried out with three stages, namely introductory activities, core activities, and closing
activities. Thus, the implementation of learning presented in accordance with the Teaching
Module is the nature learning method in learning to write poetry.
In this study, observations were also made during the implementation of learning to
write poetry with the nature learning method. This aims to find out the behavior of
students, as well as the process of implementing learning takes place. This observation
sheet was filled in by an observer, namely a student. Observation data taken from a sample
of class X-MPLB 1 SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur, totaling 37 students, gave a very good
response to learning to write poetry using the nature learning method. This can be seen in
discipline, student activeness, student activity, and student assignments with excellent
results. Therefore, this research has a very positive impact on learning to write poetry, and
is effectively used in learning to write poetry. The results of the observation sheet can be
seen in the table as follows.
Table 1 Observation Sheet Results

No. Things Students Observed Score

1 2 3 4

1 Students follow the lesson on time. √

2 Students follow the lesson in an orderly manner. √

3 Students can express ideas in response to questions √

from the teacher.

4 Students actively ask questions about the learning √


5 Students express their opinions about the material √

being taught.

6 Students follow the learning process with enthusiasm √

for the methods used by the teacher.

7 Students pay attention to the teacher during the √


Paper’s should be the fewest possible that accurately describe … (First Author)

8 Students follow the lesson earnestly. √

9 Students do the task as directed by the teacher. √

10 Students complete tasks in a timely manner. √

3. Description of Students' Poetry Writing Result through Nature Learning Method

The nature learning method in learning to write poetry is used to determine the
improvement of students' creative thinking skills carried out by tests before and after being
given treatment using the nature learning method. For more details can be seen in the table
as follows.
Table 2 Scores of Pretest and Posttest
Writing Poetry of Class X Students of SMK

No Student Code Pretest Posttest

1 X-MPLB 1-01 80 90

2 X-MPLB 1-02 75 95

3 X-MPLB 1-03 65 90

4 X-MPLB 1-04 70 90

5 X-MPLB 1-05 80 95

6 X-MPLB 1-06 75 90

7 X-MPLB 1-07 50 95

8 X-MPLB 1-08 75 95

9 X-MPLB 1-09 80 95

10 X-MPLB 1-10 85 90

11 X-MPLB 1-11 75 90

12 X-MPLB 1-12 55 95

13 X-MPLB 1-13 80 90

14 X-MPLB 1-14 65 90

15 X-MPLB 1-15 60 85

16 X-MPLB 1-16 70 95

17 X-MPLB 1-17 75 90

18 X-MPLB 1-18 65 90

19 X-MPLB 1-19 70 95

Vol. XX, No. X, Month 2023: 1-10


20 X-MPLB 1-20 70 90

21 X-MPLB 1-21 75 90

22 X-MPLB 1-22 70 95

23 X-MPLB 1-23 70 95

24 X-MPLB 1-24 60 85

25 X-MPLB 1-25 65 90

26 X-MPLB 1-26 75 85

27 X-MPLB 1-27 80 85

28 X-MPLB 1-28 80 90

29 X-MPLB 1-29 80 95

30 X-MPLB 1-30 75 95

31 X-MPLB 1-31 75 85

32 X-MPLB 1-32 65 85

33 X-MPLB 1-33 60 70

34 X-MPLB 1-34 65 85

35 X-MPLB 1-35 70 95

36 X MPLB 1-36 70 85

37 X-MPLB 1-37 85 95

Amount 2640 3340

Average 71 90
From table 2, it can be seen that the implementation of the pretest obtained an average
score of 71 with the highest score of 85 and the lowest score of 50. The average score shows
that students' poetry writing skills are still low and do not pay attention to the elements of
poetry building.
In contrast to the posttest results, student scores increased after being given treatment
using the nature learning method. The value of the posttest had an average of 90, with the
highest score of 95 and the lowest score of 70. So the average difference between the pretest
and posttest is 19. This shows that the increase in creative thinking in learning to write
poetry after being given treatment through the nature learning method has increased.
4. Results of Data Processing Through SPSS 25 Software
The description of the results of data processing through SPSS 25 software is as
1) Description of Pretest and Posttest Results of Writing Poetry
Table 3 Results of Descriptive Statistic Calculation of Pretest and Posttest

Paper’s should be the fewest possible that accurately describe … (First Author)

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pretest 37 50 85 71.35 8.135
Posttest 37 70 95 90.27 5.129
Valid N (listwise) 37

Based on table 3, the pretest results on learning to write poetry obtained an

average value of 71.35 which is in the good category. The lowest score was 50 and the
highest score was 85 from a sample of 37 students with a Std. Deviation value of 8.135.
While the results of posttest scores on learning to write poetry obtained an average
value of 90.27 which is included in the excellent category. The lowest score was 70 and
the highest score was 95 from a sample of 37 students with a Std. Deviation of 5.127. In
the pretest and posttest results there is a difference in value of 18.92. It can be seen
that the posttest score is greater than the pretest score. It can be concluded that the
learning outcomes of writing poetry after being given treatment through natural
learning methods have increased.
2) Data Normality Test
The normality test for pretest and posttest data can be seen in the table as follows.
Table 4 Data normality test

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Pretest .160 37 .001 .648 37 .001
Posttest .236 37 .000 .766 37 .000
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The Shapiro-Wilk Test was used as a normality test in this study because the
sample was less than 50 and had a significance level of 0.05. H0 is accepted if the
significant value is greater than 0.05, and rejected if it is smaller than 0.05. The
following are the hypotheses tested:
Ho : The population comes from a normal distribution.
Ha : Population comes from non-normal distribution.
The results of the pretest data normality test produced a value of 0.001 as shown in
table 3, when viewed from the significance rule <0.05, the data is not normally
distributed. If the pretest result is 0.001 <0.05, then the test is not normally
distributed. And the posttest value, resulting in a value of 0.000 which means <0.05
so it is not normally distributed. pretest and posttest are clearly not normally
distributed, so Ho is rejected and the Wilcoxon Test is performed.

3) Wilcoxon Test
The Wilcoxon test is a non-parametric test used in this study to test the proposed
hypothesis. Paired Sample T Test can be used instead of this test. The population was
not normally distributed, so the Wilcoxon test was used. Here is the Wilcoxon test

Table 5 Wilcoxon test


Vol. XX, No. X, Month 2023: 1-10


N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Posttest - Pretest Negative Ranks 0a .00 .00
Positive Ranks 37b 19.00 703.00
Ties 0c

Total 37
The Negative Ranks value between pretest and posttest is 0 as shown in table 4 the
value of 0 indicates that the N value, Mean Rank, and Sum of Rank are not different
from the pretest value or posttest value. In Positive Ranks between pretest and
posttest, there are 37 positive data (N), meaning that 37 students have improved
learning outcomes from pretest and posttest. In Mean Rank there is an increase of
19.00, and the Sum of Ranks is 703.00. Ties are pretest and posttest scores. It can be
seen that the value of ties is 0, which means that out of 37 students there are no equal
values between pretest and posttest.

4) Wilcoxon Hypothesis Test

Furthermore, the Wilcoxon hypothesis test was conducted. Can be seen in the table
below as follows.
Table 6 Wilcoxon Hypothesis Test

Test Statisticsa

Posttest - Pretest
Z -5.329b
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
b. Based on negative ranks.
The basis for decision making if the sig probability. (2-tailed) > 0.05 then Ho is
accepted. Conversely, if the probability sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 then Ho is rejected. If Ho
is rejected, it means that the use of nature learning method can increase students'
creative thinking and has an effect in learning to write poetry.
From the results of the Wilcoxon hypothesis test, it can be concluded that the use
of the nature learning method can increase creative thinking in learning to write
poetry in class X students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cainjur. The value of Asymp. Sig (2-
tailed) 0.000 <0.05, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.


This study aims to describe (1) Describe the preparation of learning to write poetry through
the learning method of nature around to improve creative thinking skills in class X students of SMK
Pasundan 1 Cianjur in the 2022-2023 academic year. (2) Describing the implementation of learning
to write poetry through nature learning methods to improve creative thinking skills in class X
students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur in the 2022-2023 academic year. (3) Describing the results of
learning to write poetry through nature learning methods to improve creative thinking skills in
class X students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur Academic Year 2022-2023.
The hypothesis used is as follows.
Ho: the nature learning method cannot improve creative thinking in learning to write poetry in class
X students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur.
Ha: the nature learning method can increase creative thinking in learning to write poetry in class X
students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur.

Paper’s should be the fewest possible that accurately describe … (First Author)

After conducting research and data analysis, the accepted hypothesis is H a, namely the
nature learning method can increase creative thinking in learning to write poetry in class X
students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur, and Ho is rejected.
Research on poetry writing has been conducted by many experts in their previous studies.
Nonetheless, it still attracts interest in the research to be conducted and improves on previous
research. This happens because it wants to know how much students' appreciation of poetry writing
Research conducted by Ratna (2019) "Efforts to Improve Poetry Writing Skills of Natural
Beauty through the Media of Surrounding Nature for Grade V Students of SDN 05 Riwang" is the
topic of Ratna's 2019 study. Grade V students at SDN 05 Riwang can benefit from using nature
media to improve their poetry writing skills. The research conducted by Ratna (2019) has several
similarities and differences with the research to be conducted. The similarity lies in the field of
study, especially in learning to write poetry. The difference in Ratna's (2019) research to be carried
out with the research is that Ratna's (2019) research used a type of class action research, while this
research will be completed by involving trial or experimental techniques the design used Pre-
experimental Design, using the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design model. So that this research
uses one sample for the pretest-posttest. Another difference is that Ratna's research used samples
of grade V elementary school students, while the upcoming research uses samples of grade X
vocational students.
Research conducted by Nuraeni (2017) which examines "The Effectiveness of the Nature
Learning Method in Learning to Write Poetry Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 2 Galesong Utara".
The results showed that the effectiveness of the nature learning method in learning to write poetry
was proven effective. The research conducted by Nuraeni (2017) has several similarities and
differences with the research to be conducted. The similarity between Nuraeni's research (2017)
and the research to be conducted is using the nature learning method in learning to write poetry.
While the difference in Nuraeni's (2017) research lies in the sample where Nuraeni's research used
samples of VII grade junior high school students, while the research to be conducted uses samples
of X grade vocational students.
Furthermore, research conducted by Ardi Aldila (2020) analyzed "The Effect of Using the
Surrounding Nature Learning Method on the Ability to Write Poetry in Class X Students of SMA Al
Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung". This study found that the ability to write poetry of class X students of
SMA Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung increased when using the nature learning method.
The research conducted by Ardi Aldila (2020) has several similarities and differences. The
equation of Ardi Aldila's research with the research to be carried out is using the nature learning
method in learning to write poetry. While the difference from Ardi Aldila's research (2020) with the
research to be carried out lies in the research sample where the research sample uses cluster
random sampling technique, while the research to be carried out uses a purposive sampling
technique sample.


This study explains the preparation, implementation, and learning outcomes of writing
poetry with the nature learning method. Before the implementation of learning, it needs to be
carefully prepared and planned, so that it is carried out properly. Therefore, the preparation in
learning to write poetry researchers prepare one of the teaching tools, namely the Teaching
Furthermore, in the activity of implementing learning to write poetry, researchers refer to
three stages of activities, namely introductory activities, core activities, and closing activities on
teaching modules that have been prepared previously. In this study, observations were also made
during the implementation of learning to write poetry with the nature learning method.
The results of the research on the nature learning method in learning to write to improve
creative thinking in class X students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur, experienced an increase after
being given treatment in the form of the nature learning method. In the results of data processing

Vol. XX, No. X, Month 2023: 1-10


there was a significant increase in student learning outcomes, this can be seen in the pretest and
Gina Husni Aziz from the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, compiled this
journal article based on the report Nature Learning Method in Writing Learning to Improve
Creative Thinking in Class X Students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur in the 2022-2023 academic year.
This participation was funded by the Department of Education and Indonesian Literature. The
opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
funding agency.
Ardi A., Suratisna, & Dian P. (2020). Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Nature Learning Terhadap
Kemampuan Menulis Puisi Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Al-Azhar 3 Bandar lampung Tahun
Pelajaran 2020/2021. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung.
Azis, A. (2020). Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Puisi Melalui Metode Nature Learning Pada
Peserta Didik Kelas X SMK Armida Abdulladin. Journal Peqguruang: Conference Series.
Hawa, H. (2019). Efektivitas Metode Nature Learning dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi Siswa
Kelas VII SMP Maulana Malik Ibrahim Bojonegoro Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 Masnuatul.
Journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 6(11), 951–952., 5(2005), 1109–1115.
Ratna. (2019). Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Puisi Keindahan Alam Melalui Media
Alam Sekitar Pada Siswa Kelas V SDN 05 Riwang Kabupaten Luwu. Journal Of Teaching and
Learning Research. Vol.1, No.1, pp. 51-58, 2019.

Aminudin. (2015). Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Bandung: Sinar Baru Algensindo.
Arikunto, S. (2017). Pengembangan Instrumen Penelitian dan Penilaian Program. Yogyakarta:
Pustaka Pelajar.
Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Djamarah, dkk. (2014). Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
Kosasih. (2012). Dasar-Dasar Keterampilan Bersastra. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
Nuraeni. (2017). Keefektifan Metode Nature Learning Dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi Siswa
Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Galesong Utara. Skripsi. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
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Gina Husni Aziz currently a Student at Indonesian Education and

Literature Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Suryakancana
Paper’s should be the fewest possible that accurately describe … (First Author)

University, Indonesia and teacher at SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur, Indonesia.

She can be contacted at email:

How to Cite: How to cite: Aziz, Gina Husni (2023). Nature Learning Method in Learning Poetry
Writing to Improve Creative Thinking in Class X Students of SMK Pasundan 1 Cianjur in the 2022-
2023 Academic Year. The 2nd International Conference On Multidiscipline Education, 1(1), 1-10.

Vol. XX, No. X, Month 2023: 1-10

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