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Luis Manuel L.

Roxas Com 11
BSME – 2 July 15, 2022

The task for today: In an essay form answer the question, “How will you deal with ethical
problems in communication?” Have at least 3 paragraphs for the introduction, body, and
conclusion. This task does not call for you to search online. Answer the question based on
your opinion, concept, or idea. Thank you very much.


Communication is how we interact with other people whether verbally or non-verbally.

It is also one way for us to develop and build relationships with one another. Communication
strengthened the bonds between ourselves and to the people who surround us. On the other
hand, there are some cases that leads misunderstandings while having communication.
However, those misunderstanding is manageable to avoid cutting the ties between one
It is undeniable that communication have ethical problems which must be addressed
by the communicators for them to fully understand each thought or opinions. Communication
is basically composed of a sender and receiver who exchange or share one’s thoughts. Now,
in order to avoid ethical problems both the sender and receiver must listen attentively and
carefully if one of them speaks. Also, avoid using offensive words or even punching some
jokes that can possibly disappoint or hurt someone’s feelings as it leads to miscommunication.
Being truthful and unbiased sender/receiver makes the communication more effective and
efficient. And lastly, try your best to understand someone’s ideas whom you are
communicating with.
Thus, communication helps us to have interaction with other people. It also shaped us
as a person who can view different dimensions. Through miscommunication is everywhere
but luckily, we have ways to deal with it and that can surely prevent the situation for getting
worse. Dealing with ethical problems is probably not easy and it needs further understanding
and accepting one’s thoughts. Moreover, addressing ethical problems in communication
improves our ability to see bigger pictures from the different point of views.

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