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Dining Ettique

1. Serve other people first, can be older or higher rank than you
2. When you eat at round table, don’t take food from halfway cross ur position, just wait until the
food is in front of you (means polite)
3. Use two finger Knocking on your table after getting served tea by someone (means grateful or
thank u)
4. Don’t stick your chopstick on the rice (because when person pass away we do that)
5. There are two chopstick, one is for you to eat and one for u to get food.

Another video

1. Don’t seat in the centre seat facing the entrance if you are not the host
2. Make sure u order even number, because odd number use for funeral meal
3. Don’t point someone by using chopstick
4. If you are the host, you are responsible for ordering food
5. Host pay the bill

一共菜应该双数,例如: 六,八,十,等等。中国人常常喝茶或者酒。当有人倒茶,你可以两次敲
在米饭里。最后,平时主人支付账单。Zhīfù zhàngdān

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