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At Home or at the Cinema

I. Introduction
Thesis Statement: Watching films at home and watching films at the cinema are two different
experiences, but there are also some similarities between them.
II. Body
Paragraph 1: Differences
- Topic sentence 1: A major difference between watching films at home and watching films at
the cinema is the expenses.
+ Home: No worries about tickets
+ Cinema: A ticket per person
- Topic sentence 2: Another difference is convenience and comfort.
+ Home: Various movies, talk during the film, pause and rewind the movies, control volume,
watch anytime, sit anywhere we want; small screen, worse sound and quality
+ Cinema: Keep silent, have to find the best position to sit, sit next to strangers; big screen,
better sound and quality.
- Topic sentence 3: Besides, waiting to see an upcoming movie is also a difference.
+ Home: Watch online, long time for the film to show up online
+ Cinema: Watch right away when the film is released
Paragraph 2: Similarities
- Topic sentence 1: Either watching films at home or watching films at the cinema is a good way
of entertainment.
+ Relax after work
+ Spend time with family and friends.
+ Go on a romantic date.
- Topic sentence 2: Another similarity is taking snacks while watching films
+ Eating various kinds of snacks: popcorn, chips, crackers and so on
III. Conclusion

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