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MineralsEngineering,Vol.9, No. 8, pp.

881-891, 1996
Copyright© 1996Publishedby ElsevierScienceLtd
Pergamon Printedin GreatBritain.All rightsreserved
Plh S0892-6875(96)00079-9 0892-6875/96 $15.oo+o.oo




§ Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, MI 49931, USA
"~ Copper Range Company, White Pine, MI 49971, USA
(Received 15 February 1996; accepted 1 May 1996)


On-line measurement of slurry viscosity was carried out to study the effect of viscosity on
the cut (dso) size of hydrocyclone classifiers. As slurry viscosity increases, the settling rate
of particle decreases, causing the dso size to become coarser. The viscometer set-up used
a vibrating sphere viscometer and a specially designed slurrypresentation device to avoid
settling of solids during viscosity measurement. This set-up was mounted on a test rig for
a 10.2 cm diameter hydrocyclone. Test samples were prepared from ground silica (80%
passing 65 microns) and water. Both the solids content and temperature of the samples
were varied to change their viscosities. Samples from overflow and underflow streams
were collected at regular intervals, and data from these samples were used to calculate
the dso(c) size. Temperature and viscosity were recorded simultaneously during these

From these data it was observed that dso(C) was proportional to the 0.35th power of the
slurry viscosity. This relationship was then introduced in the existing Lynch and Rao
model for siliceous material, to develop a modified model for hydrocyclone classification.
This modified Lynch and Rao model incorporated a viscosity parameter from direct
measurem~mt, and predicted the cut size precisely when the viscosities of the slurries were
altered by factors other than changing percent solids, such as temperature variation. This
was not possible with the original Lynch and Rao model, which did not include any
viscosity term. It was also determined that increasing slurry viscosity produced an
increase in the bypass fraction, Rt This effect was due to increased fluid drag in the
hydrocyclone as the viscosity increased.
Copyright ©1996 Published by Elsevier Science Lid

Hydrocyclones; modelling; on-line analysis


Fluid viscosity has a profound effect on the separation characteristics of hydrocyclones [1, 2]. Changing
viscosity alters the particle settling rates and the slurry velocities in the hydrocyclone, and so alters the
performance. When the viscosity increases, the settling speed of particles is decreased. Particles in the
hydrocyclone must therefore be coarser in order to reach the underflow when the viscosity is high, and
increasing viscosity causes the d50 size to increase. Therefore, viscosity must be included while developing
mathematical models for cut size prediction. Although many models for classifier cut size developed in the

882 S . K . Kawatta et al.

past have viscosity terms, most of these equations were developed for dilute suspensions and smaller
diameter hydrocyclones, which are not comparable to normal plant conditions [3, 4]. In later years, Lynch
and Rao [5], and Plitt [3] used data from large diameter hydrocyclones and slurries with higher percent
solids to develop more versatile models to predict separation size in actual plant situations. However,
neither of these equations have explicit slurry viscosity terms in them. Instead, both of these equations
depended on solids content as an indicator of slurry rheology. Lynch and Rao used weight percent solids
for their model, whereas Plitt used volume percent solids. However, it is well known that solid content is
not the only parameter which affects slurry rheology. Besides solids content, the temperature, size
distribution of the solids, and chemical environment can also alter rheology [6]. This suggests the need for
direct measurement of rheology to determine its effect on classifier performance.
One of the major reasons for not including a viscosity term in the hydrocyclone models is the difficulty in
measuring slurry rheology on-line [7]. In this work, an on-line viscometer along with a specially designed
sample presentation system made it possible to measure the hydrocyclone feed slurry viscosity in real time,
and then develop a model for predicting separation size from the measured value of slurry viscosity.


The dependency of viscosity on cut (ds0) size of a hydrocyclone can be explained by the equilibrium orbit
theory [3, 8], which assumes laminar flow conditions, and states that each particle in the hydrocyclone
tends to be in equilibrium between two opposing forces, (i) centrifugal force acting towards the wall of the
hydrocyclone, and (ii) drag force from the liquid acting towards the axis (Figure 1). From this theory, the
diameter of a particle that is in equilibrium at a particular orbit is given by:
d = | 181"l"W'r (1)

J (p, - f,,) - v,

d = diameter of the particle
Ps = density of the solid particles
Pl = density of the liquid
Vt = tangential velocity of the particle
r = radius of the equilibrium orbit
~7 = fluid viscosity
W = radial velocity

For the ds0 size, the equilibrium orbit overlaps with the envelope of zero vertical velocity (Figure 1) and
so for this size the particles have equal chances of reporting to the overflow and the underflow. Thus, from
Equation 1 we see that cut (ds0) size is proportional to the 0.5th power of viscosity. However, when the
flow conditions inside the hydrocyclone changes from laminar flow the exponent of viscosity also changes
[8]. In many empirical and semi-empirical models for hydrocyclone classification this exponent of viscosity
has been assigned different values which vary between 0.50 to 0.60 [1]. However, most of these tests were
done at lower percent solids where hindered settling is not important. At higher solids content, hinderance
from surrounding particles increases, which causes the settling behavior of particles to deviate from the
laminar flow condition where Stoke's law (based on which the equilibrium orbit theory is designed) is
valid. Deviation from Stoke's law also occurs if the terminal velocity is excessive in relation to the size
of the particle. High velocity with large particles can cause a transition to flow around the particles that
is intermediate between laminar and turbulent flow [8]. Due to these reasons the cut size no longer remains
proportional to the 0.5th power of viscosity.

Another important factor which should be considered for determining the effect of viscosity is the rate of
shear inside the hydrocyelone. Movement of concentric layers of fluids at increasing tangential velocities
with decrease in radius produces intense shear forces inside the hydrocyclone [9]. For Newtonian fluids,
Viscosityeffecton cut size of hydrocycloneclassifiers 883

viscosity is independent of shear rate, but for non-Newtonian fluids it changes with changes in shear rate.
This makes the viscosity effects on separation size more complex for non-Newtonian suspensions. Luckily,
most mineral suspensions are Newtonian below 50% by volume [10] and their viscosities will not be
affected by changes in shear rate. Recently in other work [11], it was found that the silica slurries in our
experiments, with an 80% passing size of 65 micron, were in the Newtonian flow regime up to a solids
concentrations of 70 % by weight. Of course, this will also depend upon the size distribution of the solids.
Finer solids may begin to show non-Newtonian behavior at lower concentrations than coarser solids.

Vortex Finder
Inlet --~k"l ~' i

Force D~'agforce !
(Fc',) (FD) \\'~/, ~1~:
Envelope of ~': )J r'!
Zerovert,cal,, \' , / I : Axis
Velocity ° i
Equilibrium -~
Orbit Underflow
(a) Top View (b) Side View
Fig. 1 Diagrams to explain the equilibrium orbit theory of hydroeyclone mechanism. The
equilibrium orbit (a) is reached when the centrifugal force on the particle is equal to the
fluid drag force, ds0 size particles lie on the envelope of zero vertical velocity (b), and
have equal chance of going to the overflow or to the underflow.

Viscosity also changes the water-to-underflow term, Rf, of the hydrocyclone. Rf is the fraction of feed
liquid reporting to the underflow. The particles associated with this portion of the liquid travel downwards
near the conical wall of the hydrocyclone, and are not centrifugally separated. Therefore, a fraction Rf of
all particles irrespective of shape and size report to the underflow of the hydrocyclone. The fluid speed in
the hydroeyelone is reduced due to increased viscous drag at higher viscosities, and this causes an increase
in Rf.

Viscosity of the suspension certainly influences the separation mechanism of the hydrocyclone and should
be addressed in the formulation of models depicting d5o size. The purpose of the test plan was to collect
the data needed to modify the Lynch and Rao hydrocyclone model, which was developed under plant
condition, to predict cut size not only from changes in percent solids, but also due to changes in slurry
viscosity originating from factors other than percent solids (such as temperature, chemical environment,
etc.). During all the tests conducted the slurry rheology was Newtonlan.

HE g:8-D
884 S.K. Kawatraet al.


Hydrocyelone Test Rig

A line diagram of the hydrocyclone test rig is shown in Figure 2. A Krebs hydrocyclone of the following
dimensions was used for all the experiments:

Hydrocyclone diameter: 10.2 cm (4")

Feed inlet diameter: 3.0 cm
Vortex finder diameter: 3.8 cm
Apex diameter: 2.2 cm

The hydrocyelone overflow and underflow discharged freely into a sample cutter designed to remove both
samples for precisely the same time interval. When sampling was not being carried out the products were
recombined and returned to the slurry tank. Temperature was monitored by a thermocouple in the slurry
tank, and feed inlet pressure was monitored with a diaphragm-type pressure gauge. A vibrating sphere
viscometer along with a specially designed sample holder to avoid slurry settling was installed in the circuit
to monitor slurry viscosity.

PressuroGauQe j fr-:

SampleHolder r ~ ,/'l.~=.--SampleDivider
@ L

Pump / v~ SlurrySump

Fig.2 Line diagram of the hydrocyclone test rig. A 10.2 cm Krebs hydrocyclone was
used. The vibrating sphere viscometer was used on-line to measure slurry viscosity.

Test Material

Silica sand from the Ottawa Sand Co., Ottawa, Illinois, was procured for this experiment. Particle size
distribution of this sample is shown in Figure 3. The sample had an 80% passing size of 65/~m.

Test Procedure

The test rig was filled with slurry of the desired solids content, and the hydrocyclone was operated at a
constant inlet pressure of 69KPa (10 psi). Between samples, several minutes were allowed for the system
to stabilize. Slurry temperature was continuously varied from 55°C to 10°C, with samples taken at IO°C
intervals. Tests were conducted with slurries of 19%, 26%, 35 %, and 40% solids by weight. Samples were
weighed, filtered, dried, and size distributions were determined using a Leeds and Northrup Microtrac
particle size analyzer.
Viscosity effect on cut size of hydrocyclone classifiers 885

100 " ' '''"'1 ' ' ...... I ' ' '
• Sample 1

~o 80 • Sample 2

c~ 60


rj 20

I I I' ' ' / ''1 , . . . . . ,.I . . . . . . .

010-1 10 ° lO ! 10 2 10 3

Size (micron)
Fig.3 Size distribution of duplicate silica sample. The sample had a dso passing size of 65 #m.


Development of the Mathematical Model to Predict dso(C) Size

A modified model for dso(C) size was formulated by first introducing a viscosity term and then changing
the percent solids term in the Lynch and Rao model [5, 12]. The viscosity term for the modified Lynch
and Rao model was determined by plotting ds0(C) vs. viscosity in a log-log scale (Figure 4). From this
graph it was determined that the ds0(c) size is proportional to the 0.35th power of the slurry viscosity, i.e.

dso(C) o~ rl °-3-' (2)

In the modified Lynch and Rao model a different percent solids term was used. This was necessary because
higher percent solids not only increases the slurry viscosity but also causes hindered settling, and underflow
crowding. These in turn increases the dso size. In the original Lynch and Rao model this term was given
as "0.0173 • ~w." In the modified Lynch and Rao equation the percent solid term was found to be "0.41
logl0 ~bv." The models before and after these corrections are given below.

(A) Lynch and Rao model before viscosity and percent solids correction:

log10ds0(c) = 0.0173 "d~w- 0.0695 .Spig + 0.0130" VF + 0.0048 -Q + K 1 (3)

K1 = a constant
VF = inside', diameter of the overflow or vortex finder, cm
Spig = inside diameter of underflow or spigot of the hydrocyclone, cm
Q = feed ttow rate of slurry, liter/rain
dso(C) = corrected cut size of the hydrocyclone, micron
q~w = weight percent solids in the feed slurry
886 S.K. K a w a t r a et al.

The flow rate Q in the above equation can be measured by a tlowmeter or can be determined by the
following equation [ 12]:

Q = K 2 • V F °73 .Inlet 0.86.p 042 (4)

K2 = a constant
Inlet = Inlet diameter, cm
P = pressure at the inlet of the hydrocyclone, kilopascal

(B) Modified Lynch and Rao model after introducing the viscosity term:

log~0ds0(c) = 0.41 log~0dL -0.0695 .Spig +0.0130 -VF+0.0048 .Q +0.351ogj0~1 +K 3 (5)

K3 = a constant
~v = volume percent solids in the feed slurry
= viscosity of the feed slurry, centipoise

10 2
. . . . . . . I

• -..

• .o/o • I
• ° ° 1

~' 13=0.35(_+0.057) r /
101 . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . l
10 1 10 ° 10

V i s c o s i t y o f s l u r r y (1]), c e n t i p o i s e

Fig.4 Observed ds0(c) size vs. viscosity (r/) to determine the exponent of viscosity in the
modified Lynch and Rao model. Since ds0(c) ocr/B, a linear relationship between the two
is obtained by plotting them in a log-log scale (i.e log dso(C) = ~ log ~/ + C). The slope
(~) of the regression line drawn through the above points shows that ds0(C) is
proportional to the 0.35th power of the viscosity of slurry. The standard error of/3 is

Predicted dso(C) vs. observed dso(C) sizes for silica-water slurry from both the models (given by Eqs 3 and
5) are shown in Figures 5 and 6 respectively. As can be seen from Figure 5, the observed d5o(C) size
increased in each percent solids range due to the change in viscosity resulting from changing temperature.
This was not predicted by the Lynch and Rao model. The reason for this is that the Lynch and Rao model
accounts only for slurry viscosity changes from changes in solids percentage, and it does not take into
account the viscosity changes from other sources (in this case temperature). In Figure 6, the change in
dso(C) from both temperature and percent solids is predicted by using the modified Lynch and Rao model
(Eq 10).
Viscosity effect on cut size of hydrocyclone classifiers 887

O 19wt%
[] 26wt%
r~ 40
AA /X <> 35wt%
A 40wt%
,..< 30 <><>



0 10 20 30 40 50
Observed dso(C), microns
Fig.5 Predicted dso(C) size from Lynch and Rao equation vs. observed dso(C) size. The
change in observed d50(c) size within each solids percentage range is due to viscosity
changes from changes in temperature. Since Lynch and Rao model does not include a
separate viscosity term, the predicted dso(C) size in individual percent solids range did
not change.

50 ' I ' I ' I ' I ~ .

O 19wt%

/_ [] 26wt%
<> 35wt%
A 40wt%
"~ 30

,~ 20

j.~ 10

0 10 20 30 40 5O
Observed ds0(C), microns

Fig.6 Predicted dso(C) size from the new equation vs. observed ds0(c) size. Since this
equation utilizes the viscosity data obtained by direct measurement, the increase in ds0(c)
size due to viscosity changes from both increase in solids content and changes in
tempera,rare (10°C to 50°C at individual percent solids range) is reflected.
888 S.K. Kawatra et al.

The importance of direct measurement of viscosity is again seen from Figure 7. The data for this graph
were obtained from tests conducted by Agar and Herbst [1]. They changed the viscosity of the liquid by
sucrose addition. Agar and Herbst did not provide the dimensions of the vortex finder (VF) and the spigot
(Spig), but these were known to be held constant. Therefore, Eqs 3 and 5 were condensed to the following
forms respectively:

From Lynch and Rao model:

logtodso(C ) = 0.0173 "0,, + 0.0048 -Q + K 4 (6)

From the modified Lynch and Rao model:

loglods0(c) = 0.41 log~0d~v+0.0048 .Q +0.35 log~0rI +K 5 (7)

O Lynch and Rao
r~ Model
A Modified Lynch
3.53 vol%
and Rao Model
,-r, 30

"t:l 20
°\ 2.32 vol% solids

0.92 vol% solids

0 10 20 30 40 50
Observed d50(c), microns
Fig.7 Predicted d50(c) sizes from both Lynch and Rao original model and the new
modified model vs. observed dso(C) sizes for silica-sugar solution mixtures. These data
were obtained from tests conducted by Agar and Herbst (1966). The increase in viscosity
in these tests are primarily due to increase in sugar concentrations in the pulp. Since the
modified Lynch and Rao model is based on direct measurement of viscosity, predicted
values from this model agree well with the observed values. However, Lynch and Rao
model infers viscosity from percent solids and so the changes in viscosity due to sugar
addition did not reflect in his equation.

In their study, Agar and Herbst [1] measured the liquid viscosity instead of the pulp-viscosity. Since the
solids concentrations were very low (< 4vo1%), liquid viscosity did not differ much from the pulp
viscosity, and these values were used to predict dso(C) size from the modified Lynch and Rao model. Here
again the cut size could not be predicted by using the Lynch and Rao model which uses solids content
alone. But by using the viscosity term in the modified Lynch and Rao model the d5o(C) size could be
calculated precisely, and predicted values and observed values are in close agreement to each other.
Viscosityeffecton cut size of hydrocycloneclassifiers 889

Effect of viscosity on water-to-underflow term, Rf

As can be seen from Figure 8, for slurries with 19, 26, and 35 wt% solids, Rf increased by as much as
six percent when tlae viscosity of the slurry was increased by 2-3 centipoise. For the slurry with 40 wt%
solids the change was rather less noticeable, at less than three percent for a 6 centipoise change in

28 ~ 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' t ' 1 ' 1

28 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I " I ' I ' I

19 wt% solids 26 26 wt% solids


24 ¢, 24
~" 22 22

20 20
_.=.I . I . I , I , I , I • I . I I 18 , I , 1 , 1 , I , l , l , l , l . I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

r I (centipoise) TI (centipoise)
(a) (b)

28 • 1 ' 1 " i- b ' l ' l ' I" I I ' 28 I ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 '

40 wt% solids
26 35 wt% solids 26
[] A
[] AA

20 20

I . l , l , l , l , l , l . B.
I , I , I , i . I , I . I , I t 18
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
11 (centipoise) 11 (centipoise)
(c) (d)
Fig.8 Effect of viscosity (7/) on the water-to-tmderflow ratio (Rf). In each percent solids
range, Rf increased with increase in ~/.

Effect of viscosity on classification index

Figure 9 gives the reduced efficiency curve for all the tests at 4 different concentrations and varied
viscosities. The slope of this curve, called the classification index (o0 is given by the following equation
890 S.K. Kawatra et al.

Y (8)

Y = size fraction reporting to underflow
x = d/d50(c)
o~ = classification index

From Figure 9 it is seen that viscosity has limited effect on the shape of the reduced efficiency curve. It
is noted that there is some scattering of data in this graph.

"0 80 o


"~ 40

~ 20
•. o0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig.9 Reduced efficiency curve from all the tests. This graph shows that slurry viscosity
has no significant effect on the sharpness of classification.


The following conclusions were drawn from this study:

(1) Viscosity of the slurry can change due to reasons other than changes in percent solids, such as
temperature, size distribution, chemical environment, etc. Therefore, in addition to the percent
solids term, a viscosity term must be considered when formulating models for hydrocyclone cut

(2) The following model, which was developed by modifying the Lynch and Rao model, can be used
to predict dso(C) size more precisely:

logl0ds0(c) -- 0.41 logl0~b"-0.0695 .Spig +0.0130 .VF+ 0.0048 .Q +0.35 log~0rI +K 3

This model developed was verified by the experimental results obtained at Michigan Technological
University where viscosity was varied by changes in both temperature and solids content. The
modified Lynch and Rao model was also confirmed to predict ds0(c ) very well for data available
in the literature where viscosity was varied by addition of sucrose. The model is therefore well
suited for the many situations where factors other than slurry solids content are affecting the slurry

(3) Slurry viscosity has no significant effect on the reduced efficiency curve of the hydrocyclone.
However, water to underflow ratio increased with increase in slurry viscosity. This was a result
of increasing drag forces acting on particles as the slurry viscosity increased.
Viscosityeffecton cut size of hydrocycloneclassifiers 891


, Agar, G.E. & Herbst, J.A., The Effect of Fluid Viscosity on Cyclone Classification. Trans.
AIME, 235, 145-149 (1966).
2. Kawatra, S.K. & Eisele, T.C., Rheology effects in Grinding Circuits. XVI International Mineral
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3. Plitt, L.R., A Mathematical Modelling of the Hydrocyclone Classifier. CIM Bulletin 69, 776,
114-123 (1976).
4. Plitt, L.R. & Kawatra, S.K., Estimating the Cut (dso) Size of Classifiers Without Product
Particle--Size Measurement. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 5, 364-378 (1979).
5. Lynch, A.J. & Rao, T.C., Modelling and Scale-Up of Hydrocyclone Classifiers. The X/
International Mineral Processing Congress, Cagliari, 245-269 (1975).
6. Schack, C.H., Dean, K.C. & Molly, S.M., Measurement and Nature of the Apparent Viscosity
of Water Suspensions of Some Common Minerals. Report of lnvestigation 5334, U. S. Bureau of
Mines, (1957).
. Kawatra, S.K. & Bakshi, A.K., On-Line Viscometry in Particulate Processing. Mineral Processing
and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 14, 249-273 (1995).
. Bradley, D., The Hydrocyclone, Pergamon Press, New York, NY (1965).
9. Lilge, E.O., Fundamentals of Hydrocyclone. Trans. Inst. Min. and Metll., 71 285-337 (1962).
10. Klimpel, R.R., Slurry Rheology Influence on the Performance of Mineral/Coal Grinding Circuits.
Mining Engineering, 34(12), 1665-1668 (1982).
11. Kawatra, S.K. & Bakshi, A.K., Determination of Flow Behavior Changes in Mineral Suspensions,
in the ammal meeting of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Denver, CO,
Preprint No. 95-33 (1995).
12. Lynch, A.J., Mineral Crushing and Grinding Circuits, Vol. 1, Elsevier/North-HoUand Inc., New
York, NY 10017 (1977).


Inlet inside di~uneter of the hydrocyclone inlet, cm

VF inside di.'Lrneter of the overflow or vortex finder, cm
Spig inside di.'uneter of underflow or apex of the hydrocyclone,
~'w weight percent solids in feed
~v volume percent solids in feed
Dc inside di:uneter of the hydrocyclone at the bottom of the vortex finder, cm
Rc radius of the hydrocyclone, cm
FC centrifugal force
FD drag force
S shear rate, sec- 1
Vt tangential velocity of the fluid
W radial velocity of the fluid
Q feed flow rate of slurry, liters/minute
P feed pressure, kilopascal
Rf water-to-underflow ratio
KI, K2, 3, K4, Ks, constants
d diameter of the particle, micron
Ps density of solid, gm/cm 3
Pl density of liquid, gm/em3
viscosity of slurry, centipoise
exponent of slurry viscosity
ot classification index

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