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Deoxyribonucleic acid is referred to as DNA.You can find it in the nucleus of a cell. The
data and sequencing required for a living beingto develop,endure,and provide birth to
children are encoded in DNA.To carry out these duties,the genetic material sequences
should be converted into impulses that can be used to create genes,which are proteins
made by our bodies (NHGRI,2019). Adenine (A),guanine (G), thymine (T), and cytosine
are the four different types of DNA bases (C). A monomer referred to as a nucleotide is
created by
joining each base to a phosphoryl group and a molecule of deoxyr ibose sugar (Mandal,
2021).These DNA monomers are linked using the condensation polymerizati on
technique. The phosphate group and the sugar molecule's 3' carbon produce
phosphodiester bonds during this process. The sugar-phosphate backbone then results
from this connection.The double helix shape of DNA is another way to explain its
struct ure.This is a result of the entire system spiraling (Hopley, 2019).

DNA extraction is a process that can be used to separate DNA from a nucleus. The
DNA is released and precipitated during this procedure using an extraction solution
and isopropyl alcohol (Science Buddies, 2013). Liquefaction,precipitation,and
purification are the three key processes in the extraction of DNA. DNA is released
during lysis by the destr uction of the cell membranes and nucleus. After
that,precipitation clumps the released DNA apart from the other cellular components.
DNA is cleansed with alcohol after separation (AAT Bioquest, 2019).

Strawberry plants are used in this experiment because they are octoploid and have
eight pairs of chromosomes . Because strawberries can generate a lot more DNA than
other fruits, it is easy to observe the white strands of DNA that precipitated from the
pink strawberry solution (Muskopf, 2021).


The aim is to investigate the strawberry DNA by extracting it using isopropyl alcoholand
a DNA extraction solution to learn more about the DNA.

Materials and Equipment

Refer to the practica! report on DNA extraction.


Refer to the practica! report on DNA extraction.


Figure 1depicts a top view of the DNA extracted from a strawberry, extraction
solution,and cold isopropylalcohol mixture. The extracted DNA rises to the top of the
mixture. lt has a

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