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Sauti Ya Wazalendo -Moyale believes that:

a.) Poverty and powerlessness, in the context of economic growth in 21st century,
are avoidable, preventable and can be addressed
b.) Basic human needs and rights are achievable goals for all the human beings.
Everyone, irrespective of one’s specific socio-economic, political or other status, has
rights to a sustainable livelihood, to participate in developmental activities, and to
contribute positively towards making people’s lives better.
c.) Inequalities between rich and poor and between geographical locations can be
and should be reduced ultimately contributing towards creating a just society.
Sauti Ya Wazalendo -Moyale is in the process of defining longer-term Strategic
Objectives in order to achieve the lasting positive impact in the lives of the
underprivileged indigenous communities through realization of the organisation’s
vision and mission more effectively. It is envisaged that the organisation will have
Strategic Objectives for the five year period, 2023 to 2028. We humbly seek support
from our partners in this endeavour. For more information, please contact,

Sauti Ya Wazalendo -Moyale came into existence as a result of the motivation and
personal initiative of its founders, Mr. Nuru Said Nurein and his co-founder Mr.
Salad Malla Gure to enhance the socio-economic status of the underprivileged
Wazalendo people. Hailing from a indigenous Moyale family, the founders were no
stranger to hardships faced by the underprivileged Indigenous Moyale people to
overcome economic and social challenges, The founder set out to do his best to
make a positive difference in the lives of fellow Wazalendos who are underprivileged.
Working with a team of committed people, Sauti Ya Wazalendo Moyale’s aim is to
secure integrated development through people’s participation. The key areas
identified for interventions include child rights, education, health and hygiene,
sustainable livelihood, and women empowerment. Our efforts is to develop lasting
association with government, non-government and corporate organizations as also
with the communities and groups with whom we have to work with.
We hope to go a long way following this small beginning, and implement a wide
variety of projects related to child rights for change, reproductive child health care,
quality education, watershed development, wasteland development, peace building,
environmental development, low cost sanitation, alternate energy sources, self-help
groups, vocational training to youth, and women empowerment in Moyale

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