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Principal of Coar Nery Sullon Barreto Wednesday, July

19th ,2023

Dear Mrs. Sullon,

I am a fourth grader student of COAR Piura school, I am currently an International Baccalaureate

Diploma student I am writing to inform you about a bad situation at school, what is happening is
that some students have low-esteem because some students make fun of their body.

In the last week, Jean, a third-grade boy, did not eat because his classmates told him he was fat, so
Jean decided to go to the bathroom to not eat. Jean remembers that Mario, his classmate, always
laughs at him for his body and Mario never thinks that it would affect him, so he just laughs at jean
with his friends; Mario is a boy who files many reports for his misbehavior and almost always goes
to the principal's office for those reasons, but despite being reprimanded, he omits everything he
is told. This situation is occurring in other children and the victims have already thought about
leaving school. Jean told me about your situation and about other boys, this worries me a lot,
because I don't like those things and even more so if it happens at school.

Faced this situation, I would propose that a meeting be held with the parents where the
misbehaviors of the students are seen and they can take action against it; psychologist could also
give talks or do activities where this issue is seen and help the students to have good behavior in
these situations.

You can take these recommendations to encourage better behavior among student and improve
the coexistence at school.


Pedro Noe.

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