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i s Sa n sk r i t f or v u l v a

and is considered the sweetest,

most sacred name for the
vagina. The yoni is the starting
point of all life and our deepest
creative desires.
are precious stones, rare in nature
and carefully selected for their
energetic healing qualities. Our
crystals are safe for internal use,
sustainably sourced, hand-carved,
polished and blessed to ensure the
best for you and your yoni.
Yoni Crystals combine the use of therapeutic
gems and minerals with an ancient female
practice for transformative sexual healing and

Explore Your Temple

Honor yourself for saying yes to this journey.
With Yoni Crystals products & guided meditations,
you will cultivate deeper self-love by activating
your sexual center, tuning into the energy of
creation and discovering your truest self.
Table of Contents

Deeper Cleansing...…..……............14
Yoni Crystals Ritual........……...........16
Golden Light Meditation.....................18
Communicate with Your Crystal...........20
Explore Your Temple..........................22
Yoni Egg.......................................24
Yoni Wand....................................27
Yoni Orb.......................................28
Deepen Your Practice.......................30
Yoniverse Definition...........................31
Keys for Your Journey .......................34
Yoni Crystals Herstory.......................3 6
Why Practice
• Increase sensual, sexual, feminine energy and passion
• Explore, express and embody creative energy
• Heal physical and emotional trauma stored in the womb
• Build yoni strength and pelvic floor muscle control
• Reduce PMS and menstrual cramps
• Regulate hormones and balance estrogen levels
• Develop better understanding of female anatomy
• Improve overall health, such as boost immunity, improve
sleep, enhance concentration and reduce stress
• Cultivate feelings of self-worth and connection to oneself
• To awaken the Yoniverse

Psychic hygiene is just as
important as physical hygiene
Physical & Energetic Cleansing
If you can, start by cleansing your crystal over-night in
a bowl of natural sea salt. It's best if it can be a full
24-hours as this will recalibrate the crystal from it's
travels to you. Consider looking at the crystal in the
direct sunlight as well, this is a wonderful way to first 'meet'
your Yoni Crystal. Consider the bowl of salt a wonderful
cleansing method, be sure to compost used salt by giv-
ing it back to the earth and do not use.
For before your practice use the following steps:
1. Clean your crystal with warm running water and
natural soap, making sure to clean the entire surface.
2. While rinsing, envision the crystal glowing with love
and returning to its purest energetic state, as if still
resting, untouched, in the earth.
3. Imagine golden light filling and cleansing the space
where you will have your Yoni Crystal practice.

Something else
to share with you...
4. It is suggested to have a little bowl of water, next to
you for when you complete your crystal journey.
After your practice you may want to bask in the after-
glow and not rush to the sink to clean the crystal. The
bowl of water is there to place your crystal in.

For Deeper Crystal Cleansing

• DO NOT use boiling water, only Jade can withstand that
level of heat. If you have Jade you can boil for 5-10 minutes.
• To deep clean all minerals (including Jade) create a
crystal bath by mixing a 2-3 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
(ACV) in a bowl of water to soak crystal over night. Also
can consider using a few drops of Grapefruit Seed
Extract (GSE) in place of ACV as both of these are
all-natural antibacterials. If you cleans this way be sure to
wash all ACV and GSE off of crystal before use.
• Periodically charge your crystal in solar energy by placing
in direct sunlight for a few hours or a few days.
• The travel pouch is safe to machine wash when needed.
Please read this entire booklet as there is important
information your journey. We suggest preparing your
space with nice music, incense/sage, natural sunlight
or candle light for comfort! With so much love, enjoy.

Yoni Crystals Ritual - Set Your Intention

This can be anything you desire. Do you want to call
anything new into your life or clear out something old?

Give yourself enough time to understand what you want

to gain from the practice. You have been called to this
ancient-future ritual, allow this time to be a ceremony for
you, your yoni and your sacred heart.

Create a private, safe and uninterrupted space for

20-60 minutes to explore your body’s capacity for
healing and pleasure.

Step 1: Golden Light Meditation
The first portion of the mediation is to prepare your body/
Spirit connection. At Yoni Crystals, we focus on the
subtle and energetic qualities of the crystals to activate
the yoni and the magic that is created between the two.

Feel into your body and the present moment. Take three
deep heart-centered breaths, feeling your chest expand
and contract.

Soften and notice a natural golden light connection

extending from the base of your tailbone or your
perineum (the spot between the anus and the vagina)
down into the earth. It may help to imagine your
favorite places; scenic mountains, beautiful deserts,
or expansive oceans.

Connect to the earth’s power as you experience your
own feminine power.

When the connection is made you will feel an internal

“YES!” Breathe into this space for 3-5 breaths.

Keeping anchored to the earth, bring your awareness to

your crown and observe your connection to the heavens.
Witness a beautiful golden light extending up. Allow 3-5
breaths here to establish this connection to your Higher
Self. You may feel a rush of uplifting energy.

Notice the difference between these two polarities, then

spiral the root and crown energies to meet at your heart
center. Breathe into this space for as long as you like.

Step 2: Communicate with Your Crystal
Place your Yoni Crystal on your heart or on the outside
of your yoni and feel your heart opening. Connect and
say hello. Ask your Yoni Crystal if it has any guidance or
wisdom to share with you.

In the beginning, the heart-to-crystal connection may be

hard to feel. Each of us has a sixth sense; this is the
language of your soul and is unique to you.

Listening to your intuition can be like learning a new

language. Be patient and trust that with practice you’ll
be able to receive the message the crystal wants to
share with you. Simply keep asking the question.

Thank your crystal for its insight and wisdom.

Explore Your Temple
From your heart, send your intention to your crystal. Feel
and see your intention set within the crystal and radiate
back towards you. This is where keeping focus on your
intention as you continue your practice is key. It is in the
merging of your intention into the crystal in combina-
tion with the life giving portal, your womb space. Notice
what is there. Perhaps you feel open and free, maybe
you feel contracted and not connected. Allow whatever
emotions are present to run their course, not attaching
to them just being present.

Place your crystal near the opening of your vagina.

Continue opening your heart and beginning breathing
with your womb. The shape of your crystal will determine
how it's used. The following pages explain yoni eggs,
yoni wands, yoni orbs. To continue Yoni Crystals Ritual go to page 30.
Yoni Crystals Egg
If you are working with the Yoni Egg and your egg is
drilled, see the next page for threading instructions.
Begin by placing the larger end facing inward and
prepare to lovingly slip the crystal inside of your yoni.
Imagine your vagina opening to receive the egg. The
pelvic floor is energetically connected to the jaw line.
Feel your mouth open, loosen the jaw, yawning open
and breathing. Now imagine your yoni expanding to
receive the egg. As the egg gently glides inside, breath
with the sensations. If you feel any pain or discomfort,
soften and continue the practice with the egg externally.
Some women feel the egg easily, some women do not
feel the egg at all. Allow and accept the experience.
Feel the egg radiate unconditional love inside of you.

To continue Yoni Crystals Ritual go to page 30.

Yoni Egg Drilled & Non-drilled
For easy removal, use 2-3 feet of unwaxed, unflavored
dental floss, to thread yoni egg. You can explore
'retention training' by gently pulling on the thread to feel
the strength of your pelvic floor muscles by holding the
egg inside. Be certain to clean the hole before and after
each use. Non-drilled is completely intact, making this
egg easier to clean as there is no hole. One is not better
than the other, simply a personal preference.
To continue Yoni Crystals Ritual go to page 30.

Yoni Egg Removal

To remove yoni egg, stand up, relaxing muscles to
let the egg drop out. If needed, squat and use your
fingers to pull the egg out, laughter and coughing help
too. Do not worry as the egg cannot become 'stuck'
Trust your body and trust the release.
Yoni Crystals Wand
Prepare your wand by running it under warm water
or cuddling in bed with it for a while. It can also be
used cold, by placing in refrigerator before use. Use
the wand to give yourself a sensual yoni massage. If
you feel a tight or uncomfortable 'spot' inside your yoni
or on the pelvic floor, your wand can be used for yoni
trigger point release techniques. Gently massage and
breath light into that area. The wand can be
used for self-pleasuring or with a
trusted partner. Consider
using coconut oil or
an all-natural

Yoni Crystals Orb
Prepare your orb crystal by running it under warm water
or cuddling in bed with it. While sitting in lotus position
with the soles of your feet touching or legs crossed,
press the orb against your perineum (the space be-
tween the vagina and the anus) and hold it there. Here
the crystal offers you a deep grounding and healing
frequency without going inside your yoni. It can also
be enjoyed in bed while you sleep or in the bath
with you while you soak. Simply let it
rest at the opening of your yoni
and feel its weight radiating
energy. For external yoni use.
Consider using coconut oil
or an all-natural lubricant.

Step 3: Deepen Your Practice
Whichever crystal shape you are using, feel the subtle
sensations as the crystal interacts with your body.

Sometimes the yoni will require an “unwinding” where

there is tension or tightness. Bring your attention to any
tense areas and breathe into that space. Again, be
patient, listen to your body and trust yourself. If the
sensation is too intense, remove the crystal and continue the
meditation with it near your yoni or on your lower belly. If
you can't 'feel' the crystal, don't worry -it takes time and

Practice tightening the pelvic floor (PC) muscles around

the crystal. Breath deeply and pulse yoni muscles.
Experiment with feeling your hips move in soft infinity
swirls. Flexing with your breath, when you feel guidance
T he energy of all
of the cosmos,
at your
Imagine your Ovarian Chi (this is the energy stored in the
ovaries) and feel this energy build in your womb, then
gently flow through your entire body. Remember your
intention and visualize it coming to fruition. This is the
most potent energy in the cosmos. Your birthright is to
access and express this Source energy however YOU
choose. Allow this sacred journey to look and feel in
whatever way is natural to you. ♡ The beauty of the
Yoni Crystals practice is that you can make this time be
whatever you would like. Let your yoni freak flag fly!

When you’re ready to complete thank your crystal and your

entire body. Seal your practice by envisioning a purple egg-
shaped bubble around your body, encompassing all of the
energy you just experienced.

Wash your Yoni Crystal physically and energetically, see

page 12. Then store in a personal place such as alter.

The information contained here is intended for educational
purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice, nor
is it a substitute for medical advice. If dealing with any
health problems or disease please consult a physician,
holistic/naturopathic practitioner or other healthcare
professional for diagnosis and treatment of your health issue.
Yoni Crystals and Yoni Crystals meditations have not be
evaluated or approved by the FDA.
W hy Yoni Crystals
We work with mine owners to ensure all Yoni Crystals are
safe for internal use. The mining, carving and polishing
process is reviewed to be certain your crystal is free of
chemicals, dyes and artificial additives. Even our crystal
packaging is made from all organic materials, safe for
you and your yoni.

Keys for Your Journey

• Do not have intercourse with any crystal inside your vagina
• It is not advised to use an egg with an IUD (intrauterine
device) However, many women report that they use and
enjoy the yoni egg, wand and orb with their IUD
• It is not advised to use yoni egg while menstruating,use
your own intuition and discretion during this time
• All crystals undergo a rigorous quality control protocol to
ensure they are safe for internal use, slight nicks or
micro-cracks in the crystal are natural and common
• For instructions on use before and after pregnancy
and any other questions please see the FAQ's section
on our website. YoniCrystals.Love/faqs
yo·ni·verse (noun)
1. T he individual and collective
feminine mystery that is all
existing matter and space
considered as a whole, yoni.
2. Another term for the connection to
and empowerment of the most life-giving
sacred space on the planet, the vagina.
History of the Jade Egg
The Jade Egg is based on an ancient Taoist tradition
that is over 1000 years old, and was said to have been
developed by three female advisors to please the Emperor.
The Chinese royal dynasty used this modality to cultivate
sexual energy, improve longevity and reproductive health.

T he Herstory of Yoni Crystals

Yoni Crystals began as a wish to awaken the Yoniverse.
Giving women a precious gift from the earth, to safely
explore, express and embody their sensuality and sexuality.
Through this ancient healing practice, erotic innocents
and open-hearted presence is available to women world-
wide. Built upon crystal healing wisdom and philosophies,
the founder recognized that certain gems, beyond Jade,
were available to support the global feminine awakening.
Through radical self-love meditations and rituals, a fierce
commitment to offer only the highest quality of intimacy
crystals and a sisterhood of women joining together, we
are awakening the Yoniverse individually and collectively.
It takes a high level of self-love to do yoni work.
Celebrate yourself for saying yes to this journey, sister!

E x p l o r e Yo u r Te m p l e

W W W. Y O N I C R Y S TA L S . L O V E

Wholesale website
w w w . y o nicrystals . love / wholesale

Instagram @YoniCrystals
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