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Insight night

MBTI and Astrology are bullshit but helpful - sometimes. But why do people believe in it even though it
is – in the most fundamental way, fallacious due to its appeal to tribalism or localism?

People are obsessed with being understood because it corresponds to us as desirable people. Also, by
categorizing oneself, we make a better sense of harmony within ourselves.

In a way, I see other people use it as escapism to cope with the complexity of being a human. So if we
are able to share these disliked qualities that we have through a medium (or in this case, the MBTI or
Astrology), we can make other people understand us better and hope that they will treat us better and
avoid being misjudged by our actions.

On the topic of actions, I think people are fascinated by these personality guidelines is, because it tries
to justify our questionable actions with “I’m just being me.” Since if one tries to oppose someone’s
identity as a whole, deep within our democratic society’s principles and ideals, the worst thing
imaginable to do to someone is to destroy their “ego” or the perceived self. Since in the modern era it is
a common belief that “everyone is and should be free.”

So, are MBTI and Astrology bad? Almost yes, but the majority no. Yes, it feeds on people’s delusion of
having a greater purpose in life or that in a way we are special and unique with our qualities and
personalities, which we are, but not in a grand way. It’s like a fingerprint, every single one is unique but
it is not special or capable of changing the world. You get the point. But I still think that they are
essential and decent because these personality assessments, most of the time, are the gateway to self-
reflection in the modern era. They build a good foundation for building better character in the long run.

Just don’t stay on it. Move on, MBTI and Astrology are just and should only be a phase.

That’s all. Bye~

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