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Secondary One STEM Enrichment
Satay Stick Bridge!
Challenge Task
• Construct a free standing bridge out of satay
sticks. The bridge should be able to support
1kg weight – approximately 3 Sci textbooks

• Materials Provided:
• 50 satay sticks

• Small rubber bands

• You are free to use any other materials to

reinforce your design e.g. glue, tape etc

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX Sample Footer Text 3
Building the Bridge – March Holidays

• Research on the design and structure of the bridge that would be strong
• Consider additional materials to strengthen structure (you are encouraged
to use recyclable materials)
• Build the bridge. You may test your prototype but do not that repeated
testing can weaken your structure.
• Take care when handling the sharp satay sticks.
• Bring the bridge to class in Term 2 Week 1
(Reference Video)
Building a Bridge with Spaghetti

Overview of Challenge
Individual or Pair Work

March Holidays Term 2 Week 1

BUILD a Satay Stick

Bridge using given Term 2 Week 1 LIKE Dunman’s IG
materials and your own post on the Satay Stick
FILM and EDIT Bridge Challenge!
additional materials
one-minute video showing
it achieves the objective.
UPLOAD the video onto

Make Dunman Proud!!

Winning Entries from Schools with high number of submissions and
each class will receive most popular video on school’s social media
prizes! account will stand to win prizes!
Term 2 Week 1
• FILM the ONE-MINUTE video of the bridge
holding the 1 kg load (use 3 Sci Textbooks as
• EDIT the video by adding in text describing your
considerations on your design.
• SAVE the video with the naming format:
CLASS_NAME e.g. G3B_John Tan and Jacob Lee
• UPLOAD the video by the end of lesson to

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