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By:Joachim Montejo
What is Mumps?
Mumps is a contagious disease that is caused
by a virus. People infected with mumps will
have swelling of their salivary glands (often
referred to as parotitis when the parotid gland,
located in front and below the ear, swells). This
is what causes the puffy cheeks and a tender,
swollen jaw.
Common symptoms of Mumps?
Common symptoms of Mumps start with:
Muscle Aches
Tiredness and;
Loss of appetite
How do we treat Mumps?
Although there is no proper cure for Mumps, there are ways in
treating this such as:
Plenty of bed rest
Consistent of taking medicine and

But usually you can recover from Mumps within 1-2 weeks.
Mumps can, rarely, cause deafness (about 1 in 20,000 cases) or
death (about 1 in 10,000 cases). But it is not very likely you can
become deaf because of Mumps.

What does this mean to me?

It means that I must take care of myself in order to maintain
my health.

What does this mean to the ADI Community?

This means they should be aware of the illness and take
precautions to reduce their risk.

What does this mean to society?

To society, this means prioritizing their own health and
spreading the word to others in order to raise awareness for
everyone's safety.

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