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presented by group 6 (4012, 4024, 4027)

Feeling: Interest

Boon's object Yosita's Object

Headset Lego toy
Siraphop's object
Bottle of whiskey
I love playing computer games and it is
unacceptable not to use a gaming headset as I need
to communicate with other players and listen to the
game sounds. I'm interested in it because the one I'm
currently using started to malfunction. So, I'm
researching my new headset because there are a lot
of styles and types of headsets on the market. Some
of them could completely cancel the surrounding noise
which makes the user more concentrated on the
game, some are wireless with long life rechargeable Wealth Love Healthy
battery, and some are designed in sport or high-tech
looking style with colorful LED. And the more I go
through the more interested I get. I could not stop
thinking about what kind of experiences I will have
with those headsets.
House Game console
pa s s i o n / d e s i g n Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage that most
people like to drink and collect it a lot. Why do
I interest in it? Because the whiskey in each
brand has a different history, including the
production process of the whiskey in each step
each brand does different causing whiskey to
have a variety of flavors, such as Scottish
whiskey, made of barley and grains, Irish
whiskey made from cereals, and American
Car design Unique bottle Body painting
whiskey that is mainly made from corn. Each
type of whiskey will have different designs of
bottles, making each of its own unique such as
skull-shaped bottle, and diamond-shaped bottle.
That's why I was interested in whiskey.

Brand name House plan

Lego is a plastic brick toy that I usually get when
I was young because these kinds of toys seemed to
enhance solving problem skills and help increase
concentration. Every time when I walk past the toys
section in the shopping mall where there's a bunch of
lego sets on the shelf, I always want to touch, watch,
and read them as it's very interesting. When thinking
of Lego, it always reminded me of my youth, and
recalled my childhood memory where my parents Book Airplane Piano
always admire me for the creativity and effort I put
into it. For these reasons, I chose Lego as the object
that represents the feeling of interest.

Astronomy Badminton
Key message
Everyone has their own dream based on their
interest. For us, when a dream comes true is what we
call success. To become successful, money is unavoidably
needed. All the element at the center symbolizes the
interest of our team members. For example, Boon
wants to have a gaming console. Siraphop likes to collect
bottles of whiskey, and Yosita is interested in
astronomy. We tried to symbolize by gathering our
individual interests in heart shape since the heart is a
symbol of love which could be related to interests and
dreams. As money is needed to fulfill the dream, we
intended to put the money to make it looks like a path
to the heart. Moreover, we want to express that the
heart is made out of money as illustrated on the top
right of the heart. We would like this collage to present
that everything requires money in order to achieve,
whether they are your dream or interest. Money could
not buy happiness, but we could neither live happily
Title: Way to success without money.
Our thoughts and feelings
The first feeling that comes to mind when we
look at our work is the feeling of pride because
it was not easy to create this collage. As our
selected objects have differences in color tone
and feelings, it took a lot of effort to assemble
these objects to make them represent our key
message. Furthermore, we also feel excited and
challenged as our key messages are related to
our life that, we are about to graduate and
work to earn money. Moreover, since all the
objects in the collage were selected through the
feeling of interest, this work gave us a feeling
of interest as well.

Title: Way to success

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