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de textos em
Língua Inglesa

Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

DIRECTION: Read the following text and answer questions 1 and 2.
As offices slowly reopen, much of the discussion about the “new normal” centres around the rise of the
hybrid workplace. A recent Microsoft/Edelman Data & Intelligence survey found that 73% of employees
wanted flexible remote work options to stay, while 66% of leaders said they were redesigning office
space for hybrid work.
Flexible and hybrid working combines the freedom of remote work with the benefits of the office.
Handled well, the transition to hybrid working can also be an opportunity to reimagine roles in a way that
makes them more fulfilling and rewarding. But structuring a successful hybrid workplace is surprisingly
complicated and goes much further than just saying: “You can do three days a week at home.”
“Based on the work we’ve been doing, we think there are about 10 different factors that control an
organisation’s ability to allow people to split their roles between the office and home,” says Ian Gooden,
CEO of the HR consultancy Chiumento. “To take a simple example, if you’re a hairdresser, you nearly
always have to be wherever the customer is. This obviously limits your ability to work from home,
although you can visit the customer in their home – or even cut hair in your garage.”
According to a recent McKinsey study, more than half of jobs have little or no opportunity for remote
working. However, more than 20% of the workforce could work remotely three to five days a week as
effectively as they could if working from an office.
RIGBY, Rhymer. Why don’t we try something new?: flexible working can be a chance to redefine roles. The Guardian, 20 July 2021. Available at:
new-flexible-working-can-be-a-chance-to-redefine-roles. Access on: 5 Oct. 2021. Adapted.


Questão 1 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

To succeed in implementing a hybrid workplace, among multiple factors a firm needs to
( ) offer opportunities for discussing the “new normal”.
( ) consider which jobs cannot be done remotely.
( ) allow their workforce three days a week at home.
( ) survey employees that want more freedom in their job.
( ) redesign their office space slowly before reopening.

Questão 2 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

Choose the alternative that best paraphrases the line “more than 20% of the workforce could work
remotely three to five days a week as effectively as they could if working from an office” (last
( ) As effectively as they could, more than 20% of the workforce could work remotely as well as
from an office if they could work three to five days a week from an office.
( ) 20% of the workforce could work remotely more effectively than they could work from an
office three to five days a week if they were working from an office.
( ) More than 20% of the work done remotely by the workforce three to five days a week is
effective as is the work that could be done if they were working from an office.
( ) More effective than the remote work done by 20% of the workforce three to five days a week
is the work they could do three to five days a week if they could work from an office.
( ) The effectiveness of more than 20% of the workforce to work remotely three to five days a
week is the same as the one they would have if they were working from an office.


Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

DIRECTION: Read the following text and answer questions 3 and 4.
When Mike Ali started working from home in 2016, he worried his colleagues would forget he
existed. Ali, a 31-year-old marketing automation consultant, was relocating from Raleigh, North
Carolina to Richmond, Virginia. “I think they just didn’t want to fire me,” he says of the mid-sized
tech company he was working for at the time. “So instead, I became the test case for working from
home. There were definitely growing pains.”
Ali’s colleagues were slow to adjust to using video chat tools. “People would forget to call me into
meetings,” he says. “They’d say, ‘Oh, I’m having trouble setting this up, or getting you access’, and
it’s like, well, will somebody please just call my cell phone? I discovered quickly that I had to be
much more assertive. Because, I realised, if I just sit here quietly, they will forget all about me.”
Ali’s worry about feeling invisible to his colleagues after transitioning to remote work isn’t
unfounded. Research shows that home workers – however productive – suffer from a lack of
facetime with colleagues and managers, which negatively impacts promotions, and ultimately may
stall careers.

MORGAN, Kate. Why in-person workers may be more likely to get promoted. BBC, 7 March 2021. Available at:
Access on: 5 Oct. 2021. Adapted.

Questão 3 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

According to the text, Mike Ali
( ) was working for a mid-sized tech company in 2016.
( ) used to forget to call his colleagues into meetings by phone.
( ) was 31 years old when he started working from home.
( ) discovered video chat tools were slow to work remotely.
( ) relocated from Raleigh to Richmond when he was fired.


Questão 4 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

"So instead" (sentence 4) can be expanded as

( ) So instead of forgetting me.
( ) So instead of working with me.
( ) So instead of wanting me.
( ) So instead of firing me.
( ) So instead of relocating me.

Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

DIRECTION: Read the following text and answer questions 5 and 6.
Alexandra was delighted when she landed a new job in the midst of the pandemic. The 55-year-old
felt she had bonded with her new colleagues online and looked forward to meeting them face-to-
face once the lockdown was over.
But when she finally went into the office, she had a nasty realisation. “I strongly suspect that they
would not have hired me, had they met me in person during the interview process,” she said.
Alexandra now believes she was employed 15 months ago thanks to a misapprehension about her
age: having experienced ageism in early job searches, she had scraped her CV clean of any clues to
her age.
“Now I understand the chemistry of the office, I am certain that I only got the job because the
process was virtual and I look younger than I am,” she
said. “My much younger colleagues treat me completely differently now they’ve met me in
person: they sideline me, I have to listen to them slagging off
anyone over the age of 40 and joking about the menopause.”
HILL, Amelia. ‘It’s awkward’: how UK workers hired remotely feel returning to the office. The Guardian, 27 Sept. 2021. Available at:
remotely-feel-returning-to-the-office. Access on: 5 Oct. 2021. Adapted.


Questão 5 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

Alexandra’s story is an example of how
( ) understanding the chemistry of the office makes you feel younger.
( ) hiding one’s age in a CV to apply for a job is virtually impossible.
( ) meeting people face-to-face after lockdown is a nasty experience.
( ) bonding with colleagues was over in the midst of the pandemic.
( ) working from home can be different from working in an office.

Questão 6 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

By “I strongly suspect that they would not have hired me, had they met me in person during the
interview process” (paragraph 2, sentence 2), Alexandra implies that she
( ) was a suspect to her colleagues.
( ) was not interviewed in person.
( ) was not hired after her interview.
( ) was met with suspicion by the others.
( ) was strong during the interview.




Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

DIRECTION: Read the following text and answer questions 7 and 8.
Hybrid has been heralded as the future of work. Research shows the majority of employees want
their organisation to offer a mix of remote work and in-office time, and many see the hybrid
workweek model as a path to better work-life balance.
Right now, companies around the world are experimenting with different types of hybrid set-ups,
to see what suits their organisation best. Some companies remain on the fence, and when the
possible downsides of hybrid work are discussed, most people generally assume pushback will
come from the companies who decide it doesn’t suit their needs.
But there could be reason to believe employees may actually be the ones who fall out of love with
hybrid, despite its widely touted advantages.
Employees who often work from home could perceive a negative impact on their career, linked to
a lack of interaction with colleagues and managers. Those who want to climb the ladder could feel
compelled to spend more time in the office, so they’re visible to the powers that be. Some people,
meanwhile, could experience difficulties switching seamlessly between home and office work
LUFKIN, Bryan. Why workers might eventually reject hybrid work. BBC, 21 Sept. 2021. Available at:
why-workers-might-eventually-reject-hybrid-work. Access on: 5
Oct. 2021. Adapted



Questão 7 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

According to the text, all of the following disadvantages of hybrid work are mentioned in the text except
( ) Employees’ spending less time in the office is negative on their career.
( ) Employees’ invisibility to employers for the purposes of promotion.
( ) Employees’ assumptions that hybrid work suits companies’ needs and interests.
( ) Employees’ lack of in-office exchange among the company’s personnel.
( ) Employees’ troubles to alternate between different work environments.




Questão 8 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

The expression “Climb the ladder” (second to last sentence) may be replaced by
( ) be compelled to do more in-office time.
( ) be pushed back into remote work from home.
( ) be offered a better work-life balance.
( ) be seen working in an online environment.
( ) be promoted in their corporate career.



Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

DIRECTION: Read the following text and answer questions 9 and 10.
Love it or hate it, commuting is good for the economy. You pay train conductors’ salaries with your
subway fare. The dry cleaner by the office and the coffee shop around the corner all count on
workers who have been largely absent for nearly a year and a half.
In 2020, the number of people working from home nearly doubled, to 42% of America’s workforce,
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
And although many workers may prefer that setup, staying home is likely to delay the recovery of
the vital office-adjacent economy.
According to economists from Goldman Sachs (GS), office attendance in large US cities is only
about one-third of pre-pandemic levels. That’s a lot of employees who are still working remotely
and not spending cash on items like train tickets or lattes – the kind of economic activity which is
essential in America’s consumer spending and service-driven economy.
TAPPE, Anneken. Why remote work is a big problem for the economy. CNN Business, 2 Aug. 2021. Available at: Access on: 5
Oct. 2021. Adapted.




Questão 9 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

According to the text

( ) dry cleaners and coffee shops are not essential activities.
( ) train fares have not reached pre-pandemic levels.
( ) workers who are absent to work have nearly doubled.
( ) people consume less lattes after the pandemic.
( ) local economies depend on commuters’ spending.



Questão 10 – Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

"That setup" (paragraph 3) refers to
( ) spending cash on tickets.
( ) shopping around the corner.
( ) being absent from work.
( ) working remotely.
( ) commuting to work.




Teste ANPAD – NOVEMBRO/2021 – Interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa

1. consider which jobs cannot be done remotely.
2. The effectiveness of more than 20% of the workforce to work remotely three to five days a week
is the same as the one they would have if they were working from an office.
3. was working for a mid-sized tech company in 2016.
4. So instead of firing me.
5. working from home can be different from working in an office.
6. was not interviewed in person.
7. Employees’ assumptions that hybrid work suits companies’ needs and interests.
8. be promoted in their corporate career.
9. local economies depend on commuters’ spending.
10. working remotely.



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