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Name: Jayla Faublas Group 

Are You a Survivor? (Draft)
Hello friends!
I saw your email on the campsite and it's good that you tell me about it
because I know the subject very well! So, I’m going to give you some advice
and I hope they will help you.

First, I'm going to tell you about 2 qualities you need to have in order
survive. Optimism is one of the most important quality you need to
survive. Optimism is an important quality for the one and only reason that
if we are not optimistic, you can get discouraged easily and this is not what
we want. The second quality is logic. Being logical will help you because you
can make better decisions.

Here is my second tip. If you meet a bear stay calm and quiet. You will have
to make a decision but you should NEVER approach the bear. Don't even
try to get his attention as it can be dangerous. If the bear is in a tree you
must leave it alone. This is how you will emerge unscathed. I hope you’re
not going to cross his path!

I will now advise you on 2 items that you should bring with you. The first
principal thing you will must have is extras water. this is important because
if you run out of water you can only survive 3 days. The second objects are
bandages. You should have it in case you get hurt.
So, I hope that all my advice will be useful to you. I wish you a lot of fun
while camping trip. Bye!

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