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Higher education has increasingly been adopting contemporary methods and technology to
enhance the learning environment in the past few years. Instances of how innovation has
enhanced pupil participation and educational planning include learning management systems,
gamification, video aided learning, virtual and augmented reality. Let's discuss the use of AI in
education. Students were able to instantaneously participate in conversations and respond to
multiple-choice questions using the classroom response system.

Technology has improved education in many ways, but there are worries about how it may affect
institutions of higher learning. Many conventional universities and colleges are concerned about
the future of their institutions due to the growth of online education and the increasing
accessibility of educational resources online.

As a result, numerous institutions of higher learning require assistance to keep up with the quick
technological advancements and are searching for solutions that can adjust to and remain
relevant in the digital era.

You've certainly heard before now about ChatGPT, the OpenAI-created AI chatbot that has been
sweeping social media. But what is ChatGPT precisely, and why is it so popular? Here is an
understandable response for non-techies to the question we directly posed:

AI is now applied to teaching in a number of different ways, from chatbots that offer 24/7
student assistance to personalized learning algorithms that adjust to the requirements of each

Additionally, administrative duties like grading assignments and delivering feedback are being
automated using AI-powered technologies. AI is also being used to analyze vast volumes of data
in order to find trends and insights that might guide the creation of new educational programs
and regulations.

There are several instances of effective educational platforms and technologies that incorporate
AI today. Among the most well-liked are

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