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Research Locale

The study will be conducted in the Philippines. The respondents will beinterviewed in their houses or
any comfortable place that the respondent will choose to.The researchers also gathered respondents
residing in USA. These respondents will beinterviewed via video chat. The researchers chose the place of
implementation because itwill give the researchers the needed information for people with spina bifida.
The studywill be conducted in the first semester of the academic year 2016-2017

Legacy College of Compostela is one of the two schools in Compostela which offers and caters college
courses and students. Legacy College of Compostela have a multi fold population of Senior High School
first batch graduates who enrolled fortertiary education for the school year 2018-2019. The school
accommodates collegefreshmen form different high schools, Legacy College of Compostela also offers
avariety of college courses specifically Bachelor in Elementary Education, Bachelor ofScience in Business
Administration and InformatiSon Technology, thus LegacyCollege of Compostela is the perfect location
for the interview because theresearchers will be able to get a plentitude of significant information,
different ideasand distinct opinions form real experiences of the college freshmen that are neededfor
the study.

The study will be conducted at Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel (CDSGA) that offers Elementary
Education, aside from Secondary and Higher Education. Thus CDSGA is the perfect location for the
interview because the researchers will be able to get a plentitude of significant and accurate
information, on how children’s book are important in building great instructional material to catch the
attention of the target students. Also, These respondents will beinterviewed via video chat. The
researchers chose the place of implementation because itwill give the researchers the needed
information for people with spina bifida. The studywill be conducted in the first semester of the
academic year 2016-2017

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