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Name of

Sr No. Vitamin Other name Functions Deficiency Toxicity RDA Sources

1A 1. Carotenoid 2. 1. Visual Pigments in the Retina 2. 1. Nightblindness. 2. 1. CNS: Headache, 1. 1-10 years: 400-500 1. Yellow, red and green leafy
Beta-Carotene Immunity: WBC & Immune Cells Xerophthalmia. 3. Nausea, Ataxia. 2. micrograms/day. vegetables like spinach, red &
3. Beta- Keratinization. 4. Liver: Hepatomegaly, 2. 11-14 years: 600 yellow peppers, sweetpotato,
Carotene antioxidant. 4. Poor hair & weak nails Hypercalcaemia. 3. micrograms/day. carrots. 2. Yellow
Healthy Reproductive System Bones: Joint pain, 3. >14 years: 700 fruit like mango, apricot, papaya
calcification of soft tissue. micrograms/day 3. Eggs
4. Skin: (male). 4.
Excessive dryness, 600 micrograms/day Dairy products like cheese, milk
alopecia (female) and yogurt
5. Oily Fish

2D 1. Ergocalciferol. 2. 1. Calcium Homeostatis 1. Rickets 2. Hypercalcaemia 600-800 IU 1. Sunlight

Cholecalciferol. 3. 2. Increases Calcium & Phosphate Ostomalacia 3. 2. Eggs
1.25 absorption from the gut Osteoporosis 3. Oily Fish
Dihydroxycholecalciferol. 3. Mineralisation 4. Fortified food
4. Drisdol of bone, bone growth and
remodelling 4.
Reabsorption of Calcium from the

3E 1. 4 tocopherols. 2. 1. Antioxidant In early adolescence: Loss of touch Rare - Low level of Adults: 15 mg. 1. Vegetable Oils, Sunflower oil,
4 Tocotrienols 2. Anti-inflammatory & pain. 2. toxicity when more than Lactating Women: 19 almond oil, olive oil
3. Regeneration of cells. Unsteady gait 3. 900 mg/kg of diet, usually mg 2. Avocados
4. Supports Immune System Loss of coordination 4. due to excessive intake of 3. Nuts
Impaired eye movement supplements 4. Spinach
In adults: 5. Oily Fish
Headache, Nausea, Muscle 6.
weakness, double vision, Wheat germ
gasterointestinal disturbances

4K Phylloquinone 1. Coagulation Hypoprothrombinemia Extremely rare Men: 120 mcg/day. Green vegetables like Broccoli,
2. 5 proteins required in bone & Women: 90 mcg/day Kale, Peppers, Squash, tomatoes.
cartilage formation are Olive oil,
dependent on it rapeseed oil, soybean oil

5 B1 Thiamine 1. Coenzyme in energy yeilding 1. BeriBeri - Wet (Cardiac) and Dry >3 gms/day Men: 1.2 mg/day 1. Meat - Pork, fish
metabolism (neurological) 2. 1. Headache Women: 1.1 mg/day 2. Eggs
2. Coenzyme in nevous system Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome 2. Irritability Infants: 0.2-0.3 3. Cereal products & whole
activities seen in chronic alcoholics 3. Insomnia mg/day enriched grains
3. Muscle contraction 4. Weakness 4. Pulses & Legumes
5. Vegetables
6. Nuts

6 B2 Riboflavin 1. Maintains integrity of mucous Aribiflavinosis Rare - Surplus is excreted Men: 1.3 mg/day 1. Milk & Dairy products
membranes, skin, eyes and in urine Women: 1.1 mg/day. 2. Cereal & Cereal
nervous system 2. Kids: 0.6-1 mg/day. products 3. Meat &
Component of coenzyme Flavin Pregnancy: 1.4 Meat prodcuts 4.
adenine dinucleotide & Flavin mg/day Beverages
mononucleotide Lactation: 1.6 mg/day 5. Yeast & Yeast extracts
6. Liver & Offal meats
7. Green leafy
vegetables 8. Eggs

7 B3 Niacin, Coenzymes NAD & 1. NAD is H+ receptor in oxidative Pellagra Reddened flush on face, Men: 16 mg/day. 1. Liver, Kidney
NADP phosphorylation arms and chest above 35 Women: 14 mg/day 2. Poultry, Fish
2. NADH is H+ donor in fatty acid mg/day 3. Brewer's yeast
synthesis Pregnancy: 18 mg/day 4. Peanuts
3. 50% is absorbed as nicotinic Infants: 2-3 5. Pulses
acid mg/day 6. Wholemeal Wheat
4. 50% hepatic synthesis from 7. Coffee

8 B6 Pyrodoxine, Pyridoxal, 1. PLP a coenzyme for amino acid, 1. Seborrheic dermatitis. sensory nerve damage Men (19-50 yrs): 1.3 1. Liver
Pyridoxamine, Pyridoxal 5' glucose & lipid metabolism. 2. 2. Microcytic anaemia mg/day. 2. Lean meat, fish, poultry
phosphate Biosynthesis of neurotransmitters 3. convulsions, depression, >50 yrs: 1.7 mg/day 3. legumes
serotonin, noepinephrine & ulceration Women 4. Vegetables
epinephrine. 3. Aids synthesis 4. hyperhomocysteinemia (19-50 yrs): 1.3 5.Nuts
of heme & enhances oxygen mg/day 6. Whole grain cereal
binding of hemoglobin >50 yrs: 1.5 mg/day.
Kids: 0.1-0.5 mg/day

9 Folate Folic Acid 1. Production & maintenance of 1. Limits DNA systhesis and cell May casue precipitation >14 years: 400 mcg 1. leafy vegetables like spinach,
new cells 2. division of neurological disorders DFE/day cabbage, broccoli, lettuce.
Especially importanr during 2. Production of RBCs hindered Pregnancy: 600 mcg 2. Liver, Kidney
periods of rapid cell division 3. Causes neural tube defect DFE/day 3. Beans,
3. Synthesises Nucleic Acids ie during pregnancy beetroot, bran, peanuts,
DNA and RNA avocados, bananas. 4.
Fortified cereals and bread

10 B12 Cobalamin 1. Proper blood cell formation 1. Megaloblastic anaemia. Very low and rare Adults: 2.4 mcg/day. 1. All animal products like meat,
2. Neurological function 2. Hyperhomocysteinaemia Pregnancy: 2.6 fish, eggs, poultry, milk & milk
3. DNA synthesis mcg/day products
4. Regeneration od Folate Lactatation: 2.8 2. Breakfast cereals
5. Fatty Acid synthesis mcg/day

11 C Ascorbic Acid 1. Collagen synthesis Rare - in extreme deprivation, Rare. 0-1 yr: 25 mg/day. Fruits & Vegetables like guava,
2. Antioxidant protective action. symptoms of anaemia, fatigue and In some cases maybe 1-10 yr: 30 mg/day blackcurrants, kiwi fruit, oranges,
3. Carnitine synthesis scurvy related to reactive scurvy 11-14 yr: 35 mg/day broccoli, strawberries, lemon
4. Enzymatic reactions and oxalate stone 15+: 40 mg/day
5. Enhances absorption of Pregnancy: 50
Iron when consumed in the same mg/day Lactation: 70
meal mg/day

12 Pantothenic Acid B5 1. Part of coenzyme A Unlikely Unlikely Not specified Abundant in all animal and plant
2. Energy extraction from cell food and body tissue
glucose, fatty acids and amino

13 Biotin H or B7 1. Coenzyme for 5 carboxylase Unlikely Unlikely 30 mcg/day 1. Cooked egg yolk
enzymes 2. Liver
3. Meats
4. Flour
5. Cereals like corn and soy nut
BV low in wheat



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