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1. Requirements:
- A group of 5-7 students will be randomly assigned a continent/country that doing
import-export trade with Vietnam (USA, China, South Korea, Japan, Germany,
- From the theories acquired from this course, you are required to prepare an import
- export trade relationship documentation and procedure between Vietnam
and that country
- A practical date will be the base for the input of the assignment.
2. Maximum length of the Group Assignment:
- The group report should be 5 pages excluding appendices, font 11 size, spacing
2.0, citing HARVARD
- The presentation should be no more than 15 minutes per group
3. Scope of knowledge and skill of questions
Based on the taught chapters of this course
4. Key Notes of Group Assignment:
- This group assignment accounts for 25% of the overall grading structure
- The assignment includes two parts: a written report and an oral presentation
- All assignments (report and slides) should be typed and double-spaced with 11-
point font and must be submitted via LMS. A deduction of 10% of the assignment
mark will be applied for each day of late submission.
- Recommended: 70% for presentation and 30% for the written report.
5. Deadlines:
- Group Report & Presentation Slides Submission due date: all groups must submit
the group assignment (report and slides) via LMS on Week 9 Thursday, March
16th, 2023
- Group Presentation: all groups will present on March 20th, 2023
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