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OPV 212



Wakaba SS U21774723 068 476 4201


Parts of Speech 9

Mark allocated

I,_Simon Songezo Wakaba_____________________________________________________


Wakaba SS U21774723

Hereby declare that all the sources that were consulted are included in the
reference list and that this assignment is my own work.


Table of Contents

Topics Page

Lesson objectives 4

Teacher-directed methods 4-5

Learner-centred methods 5-6

Media 6

Assessment strategies 7

Classroom management 7-8

Reference list 9

Question 1: Lesson Objectives


Objective 1 (Knowledge Level): The learners will be able to name the 8 parts of speech

CABD: Learners will name, 8 parts of speech, correctly.

Objective 2 (Understanding Level): The learners will be able to explain the basic function of the
8 parts of speech.

CABD: Learners will explain, basic function, 8 parts of speech.

Objective 3 (Application Level): The learners will be able to correctly use the 8 parts of speech
to complete an original sentence.

CABD: Learners will use, correctly 8 parts of speech, complete original sentence.

Question 2: Teacher-directed methods


The telling method of teaching involves me as the teacher to provide a direct instruction to the
learners by way of explanation, demonstration, and illustration and ‘‘Is an oral presentation
about a particular topic’’ (OPV 212, 2023). I will use this method to introduce the 8 parts of
speech by providing a brief definition and example of each part.


This method would be appropriate for this lesson since it allows me as the teacher to provide
clear, direct information to the learners quickly in order to introduce the topic (8 parts of speech).


I will implement this method by introducing each part of speech, providing an explanation and
example of each, and then providing a brief quiz to check the learner’s understanding.


The scaffolding method is a pedagogical approach in which the teacher guides the learners
in building and acquiring knowledge, while gradually allowing the learners to take more
responsibility and independence in their learning. I can use this method to provide small steps
in the introduction of the 8 parts of speech to my learners.


This method would be appropriate for this lesson since it allows me to slowly introduce and
guide the learners in understanding the concepts, while gradually allowing them to take more
independence in their learning as they grasp the content.


I will implement this method by providing direct instructions to introduce the 8 parts of speech,
followed by providing a few activities that will guide learners in exploring the concepts of each
part of speech until they can do the work by themselves.

Question 3: Learner-centred methods


Cooperative learning: Collaborative learning is a teaching approach where students form

small teams to achieve a shared educational objective under the supervision of an instructor
(Rigacci, 2020).This method promotes learner-to-learner interaction and collaboration, which is
perfect for introducing a new topic in a grade-level appropriate setting.


This method encourages learners to think critically, review concepts they may already know,
while helping learners acquire new knowledge. This method is appropriate as most leaners turn
to express themselves freely around their peers, so the group discussions will be beneficial.


In this lesson, I would allow the learners to work in groups of 4-5 to brainstorm and identify as
many parts of speech as they can. They could use phrases, stories, and word association
activities to identify the words and explain their function. This will allow the learners to work
together while having fun and actively learning the material.

Discussion method: Is an open-ended and cooperative interchange of thoughts between an
teacher and pupils, or among the pupils themselves, is designed to advance their critical
thinking, learning, problem-solving abilities, comprehension, or literary appreciation. For this
lesson, I will be using a discussion method in order to ensure that the learners are actively
involved in the learning process.


This method is appropriate for this lesson since it allows the learners to work together in order
to understand the content better. It also encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


I will implement this method by having the learners working in smaller groups of five to seven
learners. Each group will be given a few questions to discuss, and then each group will present
its findings to the whole class. This will encourage the learners to use critical thinking and come
up with accurate answers. After each group has presented their findings, there will be further
discussion amongst the whole class regarding the topics being brought up. This will encourage
further understanding and allow each learner to take an active role in the learning process. I
will also play the role of a facilitator in order to ensure that the discussion remains on track and
all the points are addressed properly.

Question 4: Media


Flashcards are small pieces of cardboard, often with a single image or image and text on one
side and an answer written on the back. They are primarily used for teaching and memorizing
large amounts of information quickly in an effective and fun manner.

Posters are printed paper content items that are often hung on walls or other surfaces. They
usually contain an image and text or other information about a product, event, cause, or
message. Posters are often used as a marketing tool, or for educating people on a specific
topic. They may also be used as a form of decoration.


Flashcards are a tool that can be used to reinforce learning and aid memorization of

information. They can be used to test knowledge and keep track of learners’ understanding of
a certain topic.

A poster is a visual tool that can be used to illustrate a concept, provide information, or create
a visual representation of the information being conveyed for better understanding and


Flashcards: I will create flashcards with vocabulary words that can be used to quiz the learners
on the eight parts of speech.

Poster: I will use a poster to display a visual representation of the eight parts of speech and
provide examples of each one.

Question 5: Assessment strategies


Four principles of high-quality assessment are validity, reliability, fairness, and washback.

5.2 The assessments methods am planning on using during my lesson are: Summative and
formative assessments.

Summative Assessment:

1. Multiple Choice Test: In this form of assessment, learners will be given a set of
multiple-choice questions (with a single right answer) to test their understanding of the
8 parts of speech. This will be done at the end of the lesson to assess the overall
understanding of the learners.

Formative Assessment:

1. Class Discussion: While teaching the 8 parts of speech, I will ask the learners to share
their knowledge and ask questions to assess their understanding of the topic.
2. Quick Q&A: I will do brief Q&A sessions during the class time and ask questions to
learners and assess their understanding of the 8 parts of speech.

Method: Written tests, Individual and Group assessments, Rubrics, Oral Presentations

Tools: Quizzes, Checklists, Observations.

Question 6: Classroom management


I. The Assertive Approach: Assertive discipline is a well-organized and structured approach

designed to help teachers manage and control their classrooms. Lee and Marlene Canter
developed this approach in the 1970s due to the occurrence of undesirable student
behaviour that teachers could not manage. (Veronica, 2021). This approach involves
teachers using a set of rules and regulations for their lessons, and making sure that all
learners are aware of them from the start. The teacher remains in control and is in charge
throughout the lesson, whilst maintaining a positive rapport between themselves and their
learners. This can be implemented through discussions of expectations and aiming to set a
high, yet achievable, standard.
II. The Business-Academic Approach: The goal of this approach is to combine business
skills with teaching skills. This is done by implementing a clear plan for each lesson, being
well organized in teaching the content, and directly addressing any issues that arise
throughout the lesson. This approach requires firmness and fairness when issuing
instructions, as well as empathy and respect for the students’ learning experiences.
Remember, this approach “emphasizes the organization and management of students as
they engage in academic work” (Panoncillo, 2013).
III. The Group Guided Approach: This approach is focused on the development of a positive,
cooperative atmosphere within the classroom. The teacher works together with the learners
to create an environment where everyone feels respected and supported. This is achieved
by providing opportunities for the learners to share their ideas and opinions, as well as
offering guidance and support when needed.


In numerous educational institutions, minor disturbances like exchanging notes or clicking pens
pose a challenge (Lawrence, 2013).

To cope with minor problems as part of my classroom management, I would use a range of
strategies. Firstly, I would use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviour.
Additionally, I would take the time to explain expectations and consequences for behaviour.
Furthermore, I would look to provide reasonable alternatives to unacceptable behaviour, as well
as attempt to set achievable goals for the learners. Lastly, I would be sure to remain consistent
in any disciplinary action which I take.


Ada, R. (2020, September, 01). What is Cooperative Learning? Five Strategies for Your

Classroom. Teacher Academy.


Jumel, P. (2013, May, 03). Slide 10. Classroom Management Approaches. Prezi.

Martin, S. (2021, April, 9). Telling vs. Teaching. TEACH BETTER.



OPV 212, S1. (2023), Examination Assignment questions and revision. Slides 12, 34.

Tracey, L. (2013, May, 21). 10 ways to deal with low-level disruption in the classroom. The



Veronica. (2021, February, 24). Assertive Discipline Approach of Behaviour Management. the

e-learning network.




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