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Part 2: Visiting an online museum

Today’s museums have digital collections in addition to their physical spaces to go

beyond the confines of the exhibits and installations, as well as provide interactive
experiences for visitors who cannot physically go to the museum. This is also true for art
galleries, libraries, historic buildings, and other cultural spaces that would otherwise be
out of our physical reach.
Technological advancements have opened a new world of tools for museums
to work and experiment with, facilitating access to their collections from as far as the
other side of the world. For this part of the project, we will make use of one such tool:
Google Arts & Culture gives access to virtual tours and exhibitions from museums all
around the world.
What follows is a list of museums, based on your topic suggestions for the project.
Organize your teams in order to explore the various museums that might interest you:
there are virtual visits, online exhibits, photographs, infographics and more. For now, just
explore every nook and cranny available to you, and everything that catches your
attention. Write notes of each and every thing that you found interesting. The more you
visit, the better.
Quick note: if you get bored or there are not many interesting exhibitions, visit
another museum. There are many more to choose from.
• Museum of Art & Photography
• Van Gogh Museum
• Opéra national de Paris
• Royal College of Music
• The Feminist Library
• Royal Drawing School
• The Strong National Museum of Play
• La Galleria Nazionale

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