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374 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 6, No.

8 / August 1981

Inverse-scatteringtheory within the Rytovapproximation

A. J. Devaney
Schlumberger-Doll Research, P.O. Box 307,Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877

Received February 23, 1981

A method for determining the internal structure of a localized scattering potential from field measurements per-
formed outside the scattering volume is developed by using the Rytov approximation. The theory is compared
with the inverse-scattering method within the Born and eikonal approximations and found to reduce to these meth-
ods in the weak-scattering (Born) and very-short-wavelength (eikonal) limits.

There are two seemingly distinct approaches em- inverse scattering within the Born approximation. As
ployed to determine the internal structure of objects a result the development is both conceptually and
from scattered-field data. On the one hand there are mathematically simpler than the treatments presented
radiographic imaging techniques that, when used in in the earlier work. Another advantage of the present
conjunction with computerized tomography (CT) give formulation is that reconstruction algorithms developed
good results at x-ray wavelengths.1 These techniques for semitransparent objects 3 can be readily modified to
2 be applicable within the reformulated theory.
rely on a geometrical-optics description of the imaging
process that is adequate at x-ray wavelengths but that Let U(r) be the total field (incident plus scattered)
has questionable validity in optical and acoustic ap- generated by an object having an index of refraction
plications in which diffraction and scattering effects can n(r) = + An(r) and illuminated by a monochromatic
become important. The second technique is the plane wave exp(ik so*r). U(r) is then that solution to
method of inverse scattering.3 In this method, the the equation
object's structure (as represented by a scattering po- {v2 + k2 [1 + 8n(r)]2 } U(r) = 0 (1)
tential) is approximately reconstructed from mea-
surements of the scattered field produced in a sequence that reduces to the sum of the incident plane wave and
of experiments employing monochromatic plane waves an outgoing spherical wave as hr - . Here, k = 27r/X
having varying angles of illumination to the object. The is the wave number of free space, and we shall assume
method of inverse scattering is customarily based on the that the fluctuation in the index 6n(r) is small compared
first Born approximation to the scattered field and thus to unity and is localized to within some finite volume -r
partially accounts for diffraction and scattering but is centered at the origin.
applicable only to weakly scattering objects (semi- The first Born approximation to U(r) is given by9
transparent objects).
In this Letter we reformulate the inverse-scattering
problem by using the Rytov approximation 4
in place of
UB(r) = exp(ihso * r) + 2- 4 d 3 r'6n(r')

the first Born approximation. In most optical appli- X exp(ikso .r') exp(ihIr - r'I ) (2)
cations the wavelength of the illuminating plane wave
can be expected to be much smaller than the finest- The method of inverse scattering is based on the fact
structure detail of the object. For such cases the Rytov that the twofold Fourier transform of the scattered field
approximation will be superior to both the Born ap- within the Born approximation UB(s) (r) [second term
proximation5 and the eikonal approximation6 of geo- on the right-hand side of Eq. (2)] over any plane of
metrical optics. Consequently, the reformulated in- constant z that does not intersect the scattering volume
verse-scattering method can be expected to be superior X reduces to 10
to both of the currently employed inverse techniques
discussed above. This claim is substantiated by the fact TB(S) (K., K,, z) = fdxdyUB W)(r)
that the method is shown to reduce in the very-short- X exp[-i(Kxx + Kyy)]
wavelength limit to the radiographic CT method and
in the weakly scattering limit to the usual inverse- = i-exp(ikszz)bf[k(s - so)], (3)
scattering method. SZ
The idea of using the Rytov approximation in the where
inverse-scattering problem is not new. Iwata and Na-
gata 7 have discussed its use in optical applications, and br (K) =fJd 3 r~n(r)e-iK r (4)
Mueller et al. 8 have investigated its application in ul-
trasonic computerized tomography. The work reported is the threefold Fourier transform of the index-of-re-
here differs from these earlier studies in that our anal- fraction fluctuation bn (r) and k s = [Kx, KY, (k 2 - KX2
2 1 12
ysis is a straightforward modification of the method of - KY ) ]. It is seen from Eq. (3) that UB (s) (K5 , KY,

0146-9592/81/080374-03$0.50/0 © 1981, Optical Society of America

August 1981 / Vol. 6, No. 8 / OPTICS LETTERS 375

z) allows one to determine the transform 69 (K) on the Born approximation holds [i.e., when I UB (s) (r) I <<1].
surface of a sphere (called the Ewald sphere") whose A more interesting limiting case occurs when the
radius is k and that is centered at kso. By performing wavelength is significantly smaller than the smallest
a number of experiments using different values of so object structure. In this case 6F(K) 0 when KX2 +
(i.e., different incident plane waves), it is possible to Ky 2 >> K 0 2 < k 2. Taking the direction so of the inci-
determine 3h(K)at a sufficient number of points within dent plane wave to be along the z axis, we then find
the region JKJ < 2k (the so-called limiting Ewald that
sphere") to obtain an approximate reconstruction of k exp(ikszz) 3[k(s - so)] keihkz 53(K., Ky, 0).
bn(r).3 This approximation will be accurate if the
object [i.e., bn(r)] is effectively band limited to within L ~~~~z
the limiting Ewald sphere and if the scattered field is (9)
accurately represented by the first Born approximation, On substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (7) and Fourier
Eq. (2). transforming both sides of the resulting equation, we
We can express the total field U(r) (incident plus obtain
scattered) in the form
U(r) = exp[ikso*r + \t(r)]. (5) ik f dz'3n(x,y,z') = (27r)2 i/(x,y,z). (10)
The real part of the complexphase function 4'(r)is the Equation (10) states that the projection of the index
log amplitude of U(r), and the imaginary part is the fluctuation bn(r) onto the (x, y) plane is proportional
fluctuation in the phase of U(r) from the unperturbed to the fluctuation in the complexphase of the total field
value ikso-r [obtained in the limit when 5n(r) = 0]. over this plane. This result can be derived directly from
Within the Rytov approximation the complex phase the eikonal approximation to the field over this plane
4A(r) is found to be and forms the basis for the radiographic CT methods
AR (r) = exp(-ik so - r) X UB (s)(r). (6) mentioned earlier.' It is seen to be a limiting case of the
inverse-scattering method developed here, which is
Although the phase function ip(r) in the Rytov ap- valid in the very-short-wavelength limit.
proximation is simply related to the Born approxima-
tion to the scattered field UB (s) (r), the limits of validity
of the two approximations are quite different. In par-
ticular, the Rytov approximation requires that Iv' << References
2wr/X. As was discussed by Chernov and by Tatarski, 4 1. For a survey of these techniques, see A. C. Kak, Proc.
this condition will be met as long as the scale at which IEEE 67, 1245 (1979).
6n (r) fluctuates is large compared to the wavelength X. 2. More specifically, they employ the eikonal approximation
On the other hand, the Born approximation requires (see Ref. 6) to obtain a relationship between the complex
that the total scattered field be small. Since the scat- phase of the field and so-called projections (see Ref. 1)
tered field can be expected to increase with increasing of the object's internal structure. This relationship is
distance of propagation, it is clear that the Born ap- derived as a limiting case of the inverse-scattering method
proximation can easily break down for large extended later in this Letter.
objects even though I6n (r) I << 1.12 3. See, for example, E. Wolf, Opt. Commun. 1, 153 (1969);
The inverse-scattering method within the Rytov W. H. Carter, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 60,306 (1970); W. H. Carter
and P.-C. Ho, Appl. Opt. 13,162 (1974); A. F. Fercher et
approximation follows at once from Eqs. (3) and (6). al., Appl Opt. 18, 2427 (1979); A. J. Devaney, J. Math.
We find that Phys. 19, 1526 (1978). An overall review of the method
of inverse scattering is given by A. J. Devaney in Optics
fdxdy[exp(ikso - r)4 2(r)]exp[-i(Kxx + Kyy)] in Four Dimensions, M. A. Machado and L. M. Narducci,
f dxdy [exp(ikso- r)4'R(r)]exp[-i(KXx + Kyy)] eds., Conference Proceedings #65 (American Institute
of Physics, New York, 1981). See also the collection of
= i-eiksz¾nfi[k(s - so)], (7) articles in Inverse Scattering Problems in Optics, H. P.
Baltes, ed. (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1980).
4. See, for example, V. I. Tatarski, Wave Propagation in a
Turbulent Medium (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961),
i(r) = log U(r) - ikso -r (8) Chap. 7; L. A. Chernov, Wave Propagation in a Random
Medium (Dover, New York, 1967). Chap. 5.
is the fluctuation of the complexphase of the total field 5. The relative merits of the Rytov approximation over the
over the (x, y) plane. The procedure is seen to differ Born approximation are discussed in Ref. 4 and by J. B.
from that used when the Born approximation is em- Keller, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 59, 1003 (1969). It should be
ployed only in the replacement of the Fourier transform emphasized that the Rytov approximation may lose its
advantage over the Born approximation in cases in which
of the scattered field over the (x, y) plane by the Fourier the wavelength is not significantlyshorter than the finest
transform of exp(ikso r)4'(r) over this plane. All the object detail. (In this connection, see Ref. 8).
earlier remarks concerning the inverse-scattering 6. For a discussion of the eikonal approximation, see L.
method continue to apply with the exception that Eq. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill, New
(7) will be valid in certain cases in which the first Born York, 1968), p. 339. The Rytov approximation reduces
approximation, and hence Eq. (3), will break down. to the eikonal approximation in the limit of very short
It is clear that Eq. (7) reduces to Eq. (3) when the wavelengths (see discussions in Ref. 4).
376 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 6, No. 8 / August 1981

7. K. Iwata and R. Nagata, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 14, Suppl. 10. E. Wolf, Opt. Commun. 1, 153 (1969).
14-1, 379 (1975). 11. R. Hosemann and S. H. Baghi, Direct Analysis of Dif-
8. R. K. Mueller, M. Kaveh, and G. Wade, Proc. IEEE 67, fraction of Matter (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1962),
567 (1979). Chap. I, Sec. 6.
9. See Ref. 4. In deriving Eq. (2) the quantity [5n(r)] 2 has 12. See Ref. 5 and also the discussion in K. Gottfried, Quan-
been assumed to be negligible in comparison to An(r). tum Mechanics (Benjamin, New York, 1966), Sec. 13.

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