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Topic: Procedure Text

Read the text below and then answer the questions


Have you ever drives a tractor? Here are the tips. Follow this instructions:

1. Get on the tractor seat. Familiarize yourself with the controller and look for a clutch.
Arrange the bench so that you can easily reach the steering wheel, valve and other
controls with your hands and feet.
2. Use your seat belt whenever you will be around other vehicles.
3. Press the clutch with your left foot. You must ensure the transmission is neutral before
you turn it on
4. Use the brakes with your right foot. Turn the key forward to turn on the tractor engine.
When it's on, lower the valve a little (without turning it off) to heat the engine. If you
immediately drive a tractor after turning it on, chances are that the tractor won't run.
5. To drive, remove the tractor hand brake. Keep pressing the clutch and insert the
transmission into the first gear
6. Lift your legs from the clutch slowly. Just like other manual transmissions, you must
remove the clutch slowly and smoothly.
7. Maintain low speed. Tractors are not made to run quickly, but for their durability and
strength functions.
8. To stop the tractor, fully press the clutch. Move the transmission to neutral and pull the
handbrake. Lower the valve. Turn the key into position to turn off the tractor engine.

1. What is the text above about?

a. How to plug a rice field by the tractor
b. How to be familiar with the tractor
c. How to run a tractor well
d. How to drive a machine
e. How to use a machine well

2. What might cause a tractor won’t run right after turn it on?
a. Immediately drive a tractor
b. Did not heat the engine
c. Move the transmission to neutral
d. Lower the valve
e. Strength function

3. What will happen when we turn the key forward?

a. The tractor will run
b. The tractor will stop
c. The engine will run
d. The engine will on
e. The engine will stop

4. What should we do after the tractor engine transmission is in the first gear?
a. Keep pressing the clutch
b. Lift your legs from the clutch slowly
c. Remove the transmission slowly and smoothly
d. Remove the tractor hand brake
e. Lift your right foot slowly
5. Which one is TRUE according to the text above
a. Tractor is designed to work in length duration
b. Tractor can perform high speed
c. Insert the transmission before you turning it on
d. Fully press the clutch and insert the transmission into the first gear to stop the tractor
e. Use the seat belt before you get on the tractor

6. What are not recommended when you drive a tractor?

a. You must remove the clutch rightly and quickly.
b. Keep low speed
c. Press the clutch with your left foot.
d. Ensure the transmission is neutral before you turn it on
e. Avoid of using your seat belt until you get on the tractor seat

7. ‘You must ensure the transmission is neutral before you turn it on’. The word it in this
sentence is refers to?
a. Tractor
b. Engine
c. Transmission
d. The speed
e. The position

8. The word ‘heat’ in the sentence ‘lower the valve a little (without turning it off) to heat
the engine” (steps 4) has the closest meaning with …..
a. Burn
b. Warm
c. Dry
d. Fire
e. Boil

9. What is the opposite of the word low in the sentence ‘maintain low speed’ (step 7)?
a. Tall
b. High
c. Fast
d. Height
e. Noble

10. Choose the best order of the sentences to make a good paragraph
1. When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other
calculations.  3
2. center the object in the LCD and manage the zoom control until you get the best
view 2
3. Handle the camera and turn on it (1)
4. After that, press shutter all the way down. 5
5. Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go. 4
a. 3-2-4-1-5
b. 3-2-1-5-4
c. 3-1-2 4-5
d. 2-3-1-5- 4
e. 2-3-5-1-4

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