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There’s also AI technology that can analyze body language pattern and facial expression during video

interview. This can facilitate recruitment process as the candidate will become more relax and at the same
time, the interviewer can analyze the interview recordings later and this can result in more accurate and
efficient decision making process. In another way, this also eliminate the human bias factors during

The possibility of AI technology studying body language together with facial expressions can help the
respondent alleviate stress during the interview as well as remove any existing biases aspects since the
interviewer can observe the recordings to make precise decisions.

Kulkami and Che (2019) suggested that by embracing modern AI-related tools, the procedure of
pinpointing, recruiting potential applicants, and screening will accelerate, hence being mutually beneficial
for the firm as well as possible interviewees because it will save time

AI is any intelligent agent (e.g., device) that distinguishes between different environments and can take a
course of action(s) to increase the success of achieving predetermined objectives.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology in computer science which creates machines that can work and
react like humans. Or we can say that AI can make machines or computer systems simulate human
intelligence processes.

Technology that helps machinery possess responses similar to humans or mimic human judgments is
considered AI.

AI is any intelligent agent (e.g., device) that distinguishes between different environments and can take a
course of action(s) to increase the success of achieving predetermined objectives

van Esch et al. (2019)

van Esch et al. (2019) illustrated that "AI is any intelligent agent (e.g., device) that distinguishes between
different environments and can take a course of action(s) to increase the success of achieving
predetermined objectives" enormous

our study found that candidates view AI-enabled recruiting systems as trendy (mean = 4.80 on a
7-point Likert-type scale; standard deviation = 1.30). The more candidates viewed AI-enabled
recruiting as trendy, the more likely they were to engage with and complete the recruiting

van Esch and Black showed that with Internet users' tendency to devote more time online, the rapidly
increasing numbers of job interviewees along with the improving competency of AI-enabled device, A.I-
enabled recruitment has shifted from a secondary concern to a vital necessity (p. 729-739).

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