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● JJ notices us (does a double take and then addresses camera). After he says “hey-hey,
it’s JJ” the camera moves toward him with a little ‘dip’ in the motion to indicate it’s the
audience’s POV. This is the usual HVSI moment.
● It’s fine that we see Cody and Nina in the BG, but let’s get them offscreen quickly. They
can have a moment of fun/energetic interaction, and then scurry offscreen. We don’t
want to have to animate them through all of JJ’s monologue.
● There is a specific ‘Turtle Scout” gesture. Let’s nail that down.
● At F1150 Bella is pretending to look for bugs in the carpet.
● When JJ gasps as he is reminded that his ladybug light is a bug, we can push that take.
● The timing on the push in is good, we just need to get the little dip and a little more
cushion on the start and stop of the move.
● Need approved Ditty dropped in
● Let’s make sure we maintain excited expressions on the girl’s faces. They can’t wait to
get into the pretend play stuff.
● As always, JJ should ‘draw’ the first PP object. As closely as possible he should outline
the general shape of the antennae. He may have to dip his head forward if his arms are
too short and head too big to reach.
● This camera move will need to be finessed once the animation is fleshed out. It’s
currently feeling very robotic and automated. Needs more cushion on the beginning and
end etc.
● General note to pass along to layout. We’re seeing this quite unappealing mouth pose
for Cece in a lot of layout. Her mouth is incredibly wide and it’s really offputting. We
realize this is just layout, but it must be a default pose for her because it keep coming up.
Can we get a more natural default pose for her mouth?
● The worm can wriggle in a cycle. The kids try to imitate it’s motion (in a kid-authentic way
- silly)
● Bella blends some ballerina twirls into the wiggle action.
● Let’s push MsA back a little so she’s not on the same plane as Amreen. It feels odd that
they’re lined up like this. MsA doesn’t say anything (because $$$) so let’s push her into
the BG and have her paying attention to what’s going on, but perhaps she’s also busy
picking up a couple of stuffies off the ground, glancing over toward Amreen and the kids
as she works.
● We don’t need a double take from JJ here. We’re right in front of him and he’s greeted us
very recently, so he’s aware were there. Everything else is working, we just don’t need to
the double take layout has dropped in here.
● The camera pan to Bella with the push in toward her is the right idea. Just needs a little
finessing once the animation gets locked down (feeling a little clunky currently)
● I don’t think need the camera to pull out off the top of this shot. We can just be in the
wide position right from the start. If we wipe frame with Bella’s hair in the previous shot it
should work fine.
● As always, we love to have the kids hop, skip, jump when the words are sung.
● We can keep Amreen and Bella walking right over the cut to 200 (no need to have them
stop in this shot)
● Amreen just continues walking through frame and Bella walks-to-stop to greet Luke.
● I’m not sure why Luke jumps position here. Bella was directly in front of him in the
previous shot, he just needs to hand it to her (doesn’t need to move). Let’s keep Luke
where he is, so we’re looking at Bella’s back off the top of this shot with Luke placing the
vest on Bella (Luke facing Bella, camera behind Bella facing Luke, and then Bella can
twirl to open herself up to camera and Luke can take a step SL (to his right) to hook us
back in to the current layout.
● We don’t get enough frames of Amreen walking up the steps. Can we have her turning
to walk up the steps as she’s saying the last part of her line “and stay where I can see
you”? She can be turning and starting to walk up the steps, but looking back over her
shoulder at the kids as she does. Have her turn the opposite way (to her right) so that
she’s more open to camera as she turns and not showing us her back so much.
● Both kids should be watching Amreen offscreen here.
● The scale on the bugs when they’re magnified is looking good, but when they’re not
magnified they could be much smaller. We can really push the apparent strength of
magnification on these glasses. Here, the un-magnified bugs could be scaled down to
25% their current size (that’s a guess, could be even smaller - use your judgment).
● Again here. This unmagnified bug could be 75% smaller.

● Reference the boards for Ollie’s general attitude. He’s a determined little guy. He gets
knocked down, but he gets back up immediately. Part of the lesson here is about
resilience and determination so Ollie should never look scared or hurt or defeated.
● Luke start to walk toward the front door, but Bella stops him.
● In the BG, Ollie continues to battle his way back up the drain. He keeps losing his
footing, but he always tries again.
● Keep these bugs moving the FG.
● VERY determined Ollie here.
● Let’s talk about the spider action to make sure we’re all on the same page.

● Ollie gets knocked back, but shakes it off. More determined than ever!
● Bella shelters Ollie from the rain drops
● Let’s make sure we track the anthill. This is the first I’d noticed it in scene so let’s make
sure it’s there if we’d be seeing it in earlier shots.

● It’d be great if the ants could be marching in time to the beat.
● The camera pull back stalls the progress of the ants because it starts later in the shot
and it’s quite extreme. Let’s have that pull back happening right from the first frame of
the shot to smooth things out.
● As always, it’s really nice to have the onscreen characters swaying slightly to the music.
● Please use the American Sign Language reference for the snail sign. Luke is hearing
impared so it’s crucial that we represent the ASL in this episode as accurately as we
● Tricky with a snail but his momentum coming off the leaf should motivate the leaf across
the puddle.
● Let’s hit the “way-way-WAY”s with accompanying pose adjustments.
● Here Luke is twirling the umbrella to get the water off of it. He can just set it on the
ground to the side after he’s folded it (but we’ll have to track for continuity).
● In the BG we see a rain clouds moving away from the sun. The sun should remain in
place and only the cloud moves to reveal more of the sun.
● Ignore the sun in the board on this shot, we established that it is behind the kids, not
directly above the house.
● Big, warm, CCML hug
● We could be a little wider on the initial framing so that after JJ notices us and does his
double take we can get our HVSI moment (push in with ‘dip’).
● JJ can do the ASL sign for snail here (again, important that it’s as accurate as possible)

American Sign Language References




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