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Apr 28, 2023

Plagiarism Scan Report

Characters:1440 Words:247
0% 100%
Plagiarized Unique Speak Time:
2 Min

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Content Checked for Plagiarism

Technology has been the greatest advance of humanity during the last
centuries ,wanting to involve something essential ,the social and the natural,
where it seeks to transform it and adapt it to the needs and make the desires
of man more practical, performing any necessary day-to-day activity of the
human being, the world has taken care that for any minimal thing that we
have to do , technology is needed, but here comes a question: if we are so
involved in technology ,what use are we giving it, what control do we have
over it while we use it? Is it for beneficiaries or for the opposite? The purpose
of technology is to transport information, to have accessibility to it in a simple
way, supplanting methods that are no longer used frequently, such as going
to the library, attending meetings or going to people who can provide us with
information about something. Everything in the world is being digitized and
it is doing so quickly with devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions,
tablets; They are being elements of help in fields such as science, biology, also
medicine, engineering, mathematics, economics and it is even seen being
chosen as a new methodology with which support can be provided to
academic education. But you have to take into account what we use them
for, everything starts from how aware we are when we go online, this entails a
necessary responsibility because we can find a totally different world.


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