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Technological improvement and

Human civilization. A Curse or Blessing?

“Technology without hatred can be a blessing.

Technology with hatred is always a
-Simon Wiesenthal

The impact of technological improvement on human civilization. Is it a curse that threatens

our very existence, or a blessing that propels us toward a brighter future?
The question of whether technological improvement and human civilization are a curse or a
blessing is subjective and can vary depending on one's perspective. Technology, with its ever-
evolving nature, has been the driving force behind remarkable achievements and
advancements that have shaped our world. It has revolutionized the way we communicate,
access information, and conduct daily activities. From the advent of the internet to
groundbreaking medical discoveries, the impact of technology is undeniable.
On one hand, technology has been a catalyst for economic growth, creating new industries,
generating employment opportunities, and lifting communities out of poverty. It has
empowered individuals with knowledge and educational resources, fostering personal growth
and bridging gaps in education and accessibility. Access to better healthcare, improved
transportation, and increased connectivity have transformed the way we live, work, and
interact with one another.
However, the other side of the coin presents a contrasting viewpoint. Critics argue that the
rapid pace of technological advancement has its dark side. They highlight the potential curse
of technological dependency and its adverse effects on society. The relentless pursuit of
progress has also raised questions about the long-term impact and sustainability of our
technological pursuits.
As we navigate this complex landscape, it is essential to examine the interplay between
technology and human values. How can we strike a balance between the benefits and risks of
technological progress? How can we harness its power while safeguarding our well-being,
privacy, and the environment? These are the questions we must confront as we seek to shape
a future that leverages the blessings while mitigating the curses.
The Blessings:

Health field:
Disease Prevention and Control: Medical technologies, such as vaccines, have
significantly reduced the prevalence of infectious diseases and prevented epidemics

Diagnostic Tools and Imaging: Medical imaging technologies, such as X-rays, computed
tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound, enable accurate and
non-invasive diagnosis of different medical conditions. These tools allow doctors to detect
diseases, injuries, and abnormalities, leading to timely and targeted treatments.

Surgical Advancements: Surgical techniques and technologies have advanced

significantly, allowing for safer, less invasive, and more precise procedures.

Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare: Technology has enabled remote healthcare

services, known as telemedicine or telehealth. Through video consultations, remote
monitoring devices, and digital health platforms, patients can access healthcare services from
the comfort of their homes.

Genome changing: Technologies have gone so far that we can now even change the
genome of humans animals even bacteria also. Editing DNA can bring many changes like
physical traits, like eye colors, and diseases risk, the ability of coping up in a comparatively
opposite environments and this technology can bring a revolutionary change in anthropology
and thus in human civilization.
technology in the medical field is transforming human civilization by improving healthcare
accessibility, advancing medical research, enhancing patient care, and promoting preventive
healthcare practices. These advancements contribute to longer and healthier lives, driving
societal progress and improving the well-being of individuals worldwide.

Watson AI is an artificial intelligence system developed by IBM with 16tb ram and a speed of
reading 500gb file within a second which can response like a human. Watson AI utilizes
natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data
and provide intelligent insights and answers to complex questions. It has applications in
various fields, including healthcare, finance, and customer service, where it can assist
professionals by quickly processing and interpreting information. Watson AI represents a
significant step forward in the development of AI technology and its potential to augment
human intelligence and decision-making capabilities.
This will bring about significant changes, particularly in the fields of medicine and education.
Watson will bring a profound impact on research as well,
Increased Productivity and Efficiency: Technological innovations have significantly enhanced
productivity and efficiency across industries. Automation, robotics, and AI-powered systems
have streamlined manufacturing processes, improved logistics and supply chain management,
and optimized resource allocation, leading to economic growth and higher living standards.
People are now freelancing and working from one part of the globe to another,

transportation and travel: transportation system has been more easy than before. we
can now travel from one place to another place in a short time.
AI is being added in the cars to make them automatic.
Ride-Sharing and On-Demand Transportation: Ride-sharing services like Uber have
revolutionized the transportation system.
GPS: GPS-enabled devices, such as smartphones and in-car navigation systems, provide turn-
by-turn directions, real-time traffic updates, and estimated arrival times. This helps travelers
navigate unfamiliar areas efficiently and avoid traffic congestion.
We have come a long way in this field, starting bare foot we now travel in air in hundreds in
number, making the distance of miles covered in minutes. Saving us valuable time and energy
in the process. The transportation of both products and the producer in a fast and efficient
manner has truly rocketed our civilization.

Technical developments in education have the potential to enhance the process of education
and contribute to making individuals and societies more civilized.
A feature of human civilization is record keeping. We can now study in a library of UK or
USA from Bangladesh in just some single clicks of our mouse.
Every students can relate how technological developments are helping us .
Instructors can now make a platform where they can keep their recorded videos and students
can watch the recorded videos and learn different stuffs .
For example , google classrooms which is basically used for educational purpose teachers can
give assignments and students also can submit their assignments there.
There are many free platforms like , YouTube where many contents are
available to learn new things and build skill for free .

Adaptive Learning: Adaptive learning systems use algorithms and artificial intelligence
to personalize the learning experience based on individual student needs. These systems adapt
the content, pace, and difficulty level to optimize learning outcomes.

Research and Innovation: Technological developments in education support research

and innovation in various fields. Online databases, digital libraries, and research tools provide
access to vast resources and facilitate collaboration among researchers and scholars. This
accelerates the generation of knowledge, scientific breakthroughs, and advancements in
various disciplines, driving societal progress and civilization.

The curses:

Dependency: In the story of wall-E it showed the humans who were very much advanced
in technology ,were also obese and living an unhealthy life. They were so depended on the
tech that they lost the healthy lifestyle. Well it’s not an impossible future for us infect the
effect of too much dependency on technology is already visible and also the percentage is
going higher and higher. And this is also ruining the creativity of the youth. They rely solely
on technology for every task to do or every problem to solve. In this way people are losing
their skills and thinking power as they are not putting efforts and nourishing them. About the
transportation people are using vehicles even shortest distance of 5mins. Not doing any
physical tasks even like hoovering the floor all the things are done with machines . It’s just
making people more weak and obese. And by using the tech too much we are making our
planate earth unhabitable. As the earth is becoming polluted. Using too many electronics
means too much heavy and toxic materials which is more pollution. Today we are more
dependent on technology than yesterday and the way the its improving soon enough we will
be the slave of Technology.

Cyber security:
Technological advancements have brought forth numerous benefits, but they also come with
privacy and security risks that must be addressed. The increasing reliance on digital systems
and data collection raises concerns about data breaches, where unauthorized access to
personal information can occur. Additionally, the extensive collection and use of personal
data by technology companies can infringe on privacy and compromise individual autonomy.
Cybersecurity threats, such as malware and phishing attacks, pose risks to data integrity and
service disruption. Identity theft is another consequence of the digital age, as stolen
information can be used for fraudulent purposes.

Hacking humans: In this era humans are hackable animal. Basically to hack an human
we need two things:-
1.Data (Biometric data)
2.Computing power
Not just what are we doing or where are we going data of what’s going on inside mind and
body. And computer power to make sense of all that data. Which was impossible previously
as we didn’t have enough data or computing power to hack humans. Even if we could
monitor an human 24/7 we couldn’t get under skin to know what happening inside human
body. Even the minimum data we could collect we didn’t have the computing power to make
use of those. Hence, its possible now as the merge of revolution in biotech by which we are
able to know more about human body and brain, just like that in infotech which provided
computer power necessary and by putting these together when infotech merges with biotech
we get the ability to create algorithms that understands me more than myself. And these
algorithms not can only predict my choices also can manipulate my desires and basically can
sell me anything whether its an product or politicians. If we can predict and manipulate
choices we can eventually re-engineer or reply cause if you really hack a system you know
the functions then usually you can also re-engineer it or maybe replace it .Cause basically the
problem we will be facing in near future that computers and AI will be able to replace human
in more and more tasks. Like maybe pushing millions of people out of the job markets.

Job Market: In the 90th and 20th century people also feared machines will take human
places. And it did. Like only 2% of the first world workforce are employed in agriculture,
compared to more than 90% before the industrial revulation.15 to 20% workforce are doing
physical jobs and all others are working in services. The thing is we don’t know if we will
have alternative jobs after the new revulation. Because humans can two types of abilities:-
2.mental and cognitive
In 90th,20th machine competed and outperformed humans in physical abilities. So, humans
chose to work that requires mental and cognitive abilities .1.3million die each year in car
accident because of human errors. As said earlier about AI controlled cars which is beneficial
to that level that the percentage of death by car accident can be reduced close to zero, as the
Ai controlled driver will be errorless comparing to humans . It’s said that in up to 30 years
more of the drivers will lose their jobs so goes to many other fields also.
So, as a result humans have to reinvent themselves again and again in their lifetime with the
pace of technological improvement. Basically inventing himself again and again like a new
person. “Designers of virtual worlds” kind be a job sector but which won’t easy for all classes
people specially not for older citizens.

Health issues: It is known to all that how much contribution technology has in medical
field .It has enhanced our health care in so many ways. Yet our too much dependency on the
tech products made a downfall .In this 21st generation we have so many different types of
health issues regarding technology. Some of them are:-
 Hearing issues
 Digital eyestrain
 Poor posture
 Depression anxiety
 Psychiatric disorders
 Improper child’s development
There are so many to name.Added to that the fakeness on the social media,cyber bullying is
making the young generation so much depressed that a mass number of people being
suicidal.Also having numerous types of mental disorders. The bullying is making people
insecure about their looks, fits, financial conditions even about their existence .Which is
making them more stressed, moreover unhappy and unsatisfied. Which is not only causing
them to have mental health issues but also physical health issues. Issues that were not meant
to be in their bodies.

Self- Exploration:
Practice essential skills: Focus on developing and honing essential skills that foster self-
reliance. This can include skills like cooking, gardening, basic home repairs, first aid, and
navigation without relying solely on GPS. By cultivating these skills, you become less
dependent on technology for everyday tasks. If we don't progress in the same pace as
technology we will fall behind on the race

Prioritize critical thinking and problem-solving: Encourage critical thinking

and problem-solving skills in your daily life. Instead of immediately turning to technology for
answers or solutions, challenge yourself to think critically and find creative solutions
independently. Embrace trial and error as a learning process and seek out alternative
perspectives before relying solely on technology.

Foster self-discipline: Cultivate self-discipline to resist the urge of constant connectivity

and instant gratification. Practice delayed gratification by consciously delaying or limiting
your use of technology, especially for non-essential activities. This helps build patience and
resilience, allowing you to become less reliant on immediate access to information or

Seek alternative solutions: Instead of defaulting to technology for every task or problem,
explore alternative solutions that promote self-reliance. This might involve using traditional
tools, manual methods, or seeking guidance from experts or mentors who possess specialized
knowledge in certain areas

The pace of tech and human: One way to minimize the negative effect we should
understand the ability of a technology and use it wisely and safely. The pace of the
improvement of tech is so fast that we should be more innovative and careful. Cause If we
don't progress in the same pace as technology we will fall behind on the race

Safety check: The safety check of any tech product should be more emphasized. Just
like a drug manufactured by a company needs several safety check to ensure if its harmless
for humans or not ,a technological product should go through safety checks and guarantees
the safety of users of all ages .
Technological development and human civilizations is working parallelly. The evolution of
tech has glorified our lives. As now today we can do things that were impossible till
yesterday and we will be doing things tomorrow that are impossible today. Yet this spell also
can turned into a curse. Too much reliability , lacking of knowledge and soul filled with
hatred can make a good thing into bad. We have to make sure, we the homo sapiens are the
one using this advanced technology, not technology using us. Then we can be ambitious
about the technology will pave the way to the future rather than being the obstacle on our

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