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Reflection Journal Entry: Embracing a Learner-Centered Teaching Philosophy Across Last two

Quarters in SCIENCE 10

Quarter 3. Fostering Autonomy and curiosity

Entering the third quarter of the academic year.I find myself fully immersed in the jouney of
embracing a learner-centered teaching philosophy in my science 10 class. The groundwork laid in the
previous quarters is now bearing fruit as students continue to grow in their autonomy and curiosity.
Witnessing their enthusiasm and self direction is both inspiring and humbling. Its evident that they
are no just absorbing information but actively constructing their understanding concepts.
They are excited to have their video on the process of protein synthesis.Through this visual
journey,we’ll dive deep into the world of cells and explore how they construct the buiding blocks of life-
proteins. The students unravel the secrets of transcription and translation, witnessing the dance of RNA and
DNA and how they orchestrate the creation of proteins has define ever aspect of living organisms.

As an educator, ive embraced the role of a facilitator more than ever, I offer guidance, resources, and
support, but I refrain from dictating the path they should take. It’s a delicate balance, allowing them the
freedom to explore while ensuring they stay on track with the curriculum. The diversity of learning styles
and paces within the classroom requires adaptability, but the rewards are evident in the depth of engagement
im witnessing.

Quarter 4. celebrating growth and transformation

As I step into the final quarter of the year, a sense of accomplishment and pride fills the air. The
transformation that has unfolded over the last 2 quarters is fully remarkable. Students have evolved from
passive learners into independent thinkers and active contributors to their learning community.
As a facilitator, my comes from observing their growth. They no longer seek me for all the answers,
instead they approached me as a mentor and sounding board for heir ideas. The traditional assessments have
transformed into projects ha reflect real-worlds applications of scientific principles.

“Ragsak ken rag-omi ti napudno nga agserbi.”

Step into the world of gases with the captivating activity on boles law. The students explore the fascinating
relationship between pressure and volume within a confined space. Through hands-on experiments and interactive
demonstrations, the students witness the direct impact of changing pressure on the volume of gases.

In retrospect, these last two quarters have reaffirmed the power of a learner -centered approach. The
classroom is no longer center around me, the teacher but around the collective curiosity and eagerness to learn.
While challenges and uncertainties were part of the process.

In conclusion, the journey of embracing a learner centered teaching philosophy in science 10 has been a
transformative experience for both me and my students. It’s a reminder that education is not just about delivering
information; its about fostering a lifelong love for learning and nurturing the skills that will serve them beyond he
classroom. As the academic year concludes , I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunity to witness this growth and
excited for the lasting impact this experience will have on their educational journeys.

“Ragsak ken rag-omi ti napudno nga agserbi.”

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